
People do nucleic acid, cars should be disinfected! During the "home" period of the car, please put away this "maintenance list"!

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Due to the opening of the "home" mode of epidemic prevention and control, many car users in Shanghai and other places have recently issued a sigh of "when I last drove out".

People's endurance depends on food, and car battery life depends on electricity. Experts from a number of car companies and related institutions, including listed companies of new energy vehicles, told the Shanghai Securities News reporter a few days ago that for a long period of isolation, we must pay attention to vehicle maintenance, remind car users to carry out car maintenance in accordance with the "list" during the epidemic period, pay attention to prevent accidents, and be responsible for their own and others' safety.

The battery power of the electric vehicle is maintained at about 80%.

"It is recommended that the power battery power be maintained at about 80% before the electric vehicle is parked." According to the relevant person of Weima Automobile, the electric vehicle should not be parked in a low-lying area to avoid flooding on rainy days, nor should it be parked under a tree or in a place where the risk of falling objects at high altitude is prevented from being eroded or damaged by external objects; when the vehicle is parked, confirm that the handbrake has been pulled up, the window skylight has been closed, and the door has been locked.

Vehicles are parked for a long time every 3 days, and conditional electric vehicles can remotely ventilate the windows and open air conditioners to ventilate the inside of the car.

Weilai auto technicians said that users need to pay attention to the remaining power of the power battery, it is recommended that conditional users charge the vehicle when the electric vehicle power is less than 10%; the ideal car to take the extender electric vehicle technical route pointed out that pure electric vehicles and extended range electric vehicles, in order to maintain vehicle communication, will consume the power of the small battery, pure electric vehicles and extended range electric vehicles The large battery will charge the small battery, but if the parking time is relatively long, it is still recommended to start the vehicle regularly SAIC Group technicians also introduced that many electric vehicles are now equipped with a car machine system, even if the electric vehicle is stopped, the background is also working, signaling, 12V small batteries will be more expensive, users need to pay attention to prevent power loss nest.

For fuel vehicles, Tuhu car technicians suggest that during a longer period of time at home, fuel vehicle users are also best to remove the negative terminal post of the fuel vehicle battery, let the whole car power off, and then lock the door with a mechanical key. When you need to use the car, put the power cord back and set the clock, audio, etc. In addition, it should be noted that the vehicle fluid has a shelf life, and pay attention to the inspection of the whole vehicle oil, including engine oil, brake oil, steering power oil, etc. Once the oil shelf life has passed, the vehicle still has a safety hazard.

In addition, when the fuel vehicle is parked and sleeping for a long time, it will also consume the power of the battery, and even the phenomenon of power loss, not only the difficulty of starting the vehicle or even the inability to start, but also reduce the service life of the battery. Therefore, when the vehicle is turned off, you need to remember to turn off all electrical appliances, such as air conditioners, headlights, etc. If the parking time is long, you can start the vehicle regularly once in about 5-7 days, do not need to drive, keep the engine speed above 1200 rpm for at least 10 minutes in situ, and automatically charge the battery to keep the battery fully charged.

People do nucleic acid, cars should be disinfected! During the "home" period of the car, please put away this "maintenance list"!

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People do nucleic acid, cars to disinfect

Professor Pu Weida, an expert in the automotive industry, said that during the epidemic period, not only people should do a good job of protection, if necessary, nucleic acid testing, vehicles should also do a good job of disinfection and sterilization. It is recommended to carry a disposable disinfectant tissue with you, clean and disinfect your hands before getting on the car, wipe the 4 door handles, trunk switches, and car keys to reduce the possibility of artificially bringing the virus into the car.

After entering the car, it is also recommended to use disposable wipes or use 84 disinfectant, hand sanitizer, disinfectant foam, etc. according to the operation requirements, and use 75 degrees alcohol with caution. Focus on wiping down high-touch parts such as seats and seat belts, steering wheels, gear handles, one-touch start, center control, dashboards and screens, handles and handbrakes.

Pu Weida pointed out that after wiping, the door should be opened, ventilated for a period of time, eliminate the residual odor of disinfectant, reduce the alcohol concentration to ensure safety, and prevent the excessive concentration of alcohol in the car cabin from causing combustion. In addition, 75 degree alcohol liquid should not be stored in the car, because the temperature increase is easy to cause problems such as bursting, leakage, ignition and so on.

Pu Weida also suggested that in crowded areas, turning on the internal circulation of vehicle air conditioners can prevent external polluted air intrusion. However, the filtration accuracy of vehicles with pollen filtration function cannot meet the requirements of filtering viruses, and the size of pollen and dust is much larger than the size of the virus, and it is recommended that masks should also be worn when driving. In addition, the air filter is like a car's "mask", in general, the air filter replacement cycle is 10,000 kilometers, if it has not been replaced for a long time, you need to consider replacing. If it is not replaced for a long time, the air filter element adsorbs a large amount of dust, bacteria and viruses, and it is difficult to achieve the effect of filtration cleaning.

People do nucleic acid, cars should be disinfected! During the "home" period of the car, please put away this "maintenance list"!

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Editor: Yao Jiong Proofreader: Sun Jiehua Photo Editor: Zhao Yanyi

Producer: Zhang Wei Editor:Zhang Xiaoguang Meng Mei

Producer: Pu Hongyi Issued: Pan Linqing

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