
The C6 driver's license is coming soon, allowing you to drive small car trains

IT Home News on March 26, according to CCTV Financial Report, the new version of the "Regulations on the Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Driving Licenses" that will be officially implemented on April 1 this year has added a quasi-driving type "light traction trailer".

The C6 driver's license is coming soon, allowing you to drive small car trains

If you have a C1, C2 driver's license for a minibus and meet the age requirements, you can drive a small car train by applying for a C6 driver's license and driving training.

The C6 driver's license is coming soon, allowing you to drive small car trains

As soon as the new regulations came out, it also led to a wave of RV-related consumption. The reporter visited a number of driving schools and found that the number of students who signed up for the experience recently increased a lot. It is understood that the current cost of C6 driving training ranges from 3,000 yuan to 8,000 yuan, and the main test content is the pile test of subject two, curved driving and right angle turning, as well as subject three and safe and civilized driving knowledge. Seeing the strong market demand, many driving schools have also begun to actively layout this business.

The new version of the "Regulations on the Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Driving Licenses", which was officially implemented on April 1, not only brought fire to the C6 driving license training in driving schools, but also brought some new opportunities to the sales of the caravan market. A reporter from a caravan trading market in Beijing saw that some caravan enthusiasts were buying vehicles. Sales staff told reporters that the quasi-driving type "light tractor trailer" added in the new regulations mainly refers to trailer-mounted caravans. Recently, the number of consumers who have consulted this model has increased significantly, but most of them have not yet placed an order to buy, and most of them are still waiting. Unlike individual consumers, many driving schools have resolutely placed orders and purchased C6 driver's license test cars. According to the data, there are currently more than 7,000 caravan-related enterprises in the mainland, and from 2017 to 2021, the average growth rate of new enterprise registration in 5 years is as high as 28.1%.

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