
"Spring sleep is not aware", spring sleep is coming, how should liver disease patients cope?

Spring sleepiness is caused by the gradual warming of spring temperatures, the body's sweat glands and blood vessels from the state of contraction in winter to relaxation, and the peripheral blood circulation gradually exuberant, resulting in a corresponding decrease in blood supply to the brain and lack of oxygen.

This is a normal response of the human body to natural changes. As the body gradually adapts to the climate, it will naturally ease.

"Spring sleep is not aware", spring sleep is coming, how should liver disease patients cope?

Chinese medicine believes that the main causes of spring sleepiness are as follows:

1. Insufficient yang qi rise.

"Su Qing" "Spring and March, this is said to be chen, heaven and earth are born, and all things are proud." If the winter does not avoid the cold and warm, the mind is adducted, and the yang qi is not taken care of, which will lead to insufficient yang qi rise in the spring, and the yang qi that rises to the head and face will be insufficient, and people will yawn continuously.

2. Liver drainage is not enough.

Spring wood, through the liver, the main drainage. If the liver qi is depressed and the qi machine is not smooth, it will affect the normal rise of yang qi, which will cause spring sleepiness.

3. Spleen deficiency and wet weight.

Excessive liver qi, injury to the spleen, or spleen and stomach deficiency, the spleen is out of luck, the human body is trapped by moisture, resulting in abnormal transport, the sun does not rise, resulting in spring sleepiness, but also may be accompanied by fatigue, loss of appetite or diarrhea and other symptoms.

"Spring sleep is not aware", spring sleep is coming, how should liver disease patients cope?

How should people with liver disease cope with spring sleepiness?

1. Reasonable diet structure, appropriate tea drinking

Chinese medicine believes that spring is the season dominated by liver qi, the liver qi is exuberant, the liver wins the spleen, the spleen is out of luck, and the water is wet and stopped. Coupled with the rainy spring, the external humidity is easy to hinder the spleen and yang, causing the poor operation of qi and blood, and the meridians are not clear; due to the wet and heavy turbidity and stickiness, the human body is prone to fatigue and drowsiness. Therefore, healthy spleen and dampness can effectively relieve spring sleepiness. Foods such as yam, coix seed, red adzuki bean and other foods are all good products for strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness.

In the spring, you should also eat more green "fragrant" vegetables to subsidize the yang, such as toon, coriander, chives, leeks, etc. Leeks, also known as "the first vegetables in early spring", have a sweet and warm taste, have the effect of warming the air and nourishing the yang, and are especially suitable for those with spleen and stomach deficiency. Toon is rich in plant protein, which helps to improve the excitability of the nervous system and enhance the body's stress capacity, and eating it often can eliminate spring sleepiness and enhance energy.

Pay attention to the light diet, consume enough high-quality protein, maintain nutritional balance, avoid excessive intake of raw, cold, greasy and spicy foods, and eat more foods rich in vitamin B and fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Drinking green tea or flower tea can not only make people refreshed, but also promote blood circulation and reduce drowsiness to a certain extent.

"Spring sleep is not aware", spring sleep is coming, how should liver disease patients cope?

2. Exercise appropriately to strengthen the body

"Moving is to nourish the yang", the yang qi rises in the spring, the yang takes the initiative and the yin is quiet, the yang is sufficient, the body is active, and the sleepiness is self-eliminating. Exercise is conducive to the operation of qi and blood, but also allows the muscles of the limbs to be stretched, helps cells and tissues to get sufficient oxygen supply, makes the brain more awake, and then alleviates the "spring sleepiness".

The best outdoor activities in the spring are green outings and kite flying, especially running, matching and controlling when flying kites, which can promote the coordination of the limbs, brain and eyes of the body. When the kite flies high, the eyes look far away, and the muscles of the eyes are adjusted, which can not only eliminate fatigue, but also openly nourish the liver.

Moderate physical exercise can not only improve immunity, keep the body alive, speed up the speed of metabolism, but also increase the stimulation of vision and smell, and achieve the effect of refreshing the brain.

"Spring sleep is not aware", spring sleep is coming, how should liver disease patients cope?

3. Regular work and rest, adequate sleep

In the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, it is said: "A person who lies in blood returns to the liver, whose eyes are exposed to blood and can see, whose feet are able to walk with blood, whose palms can be held by blood, and who can take pictures by blood." ”

Li Yuyue, a physician in the Qing Dynasty, said: "The key to health care should be to sleep first." Sleep can be refined, sleep can nourish qi, sleep can strengthen the spleen and stomach, sleep can strengthen bones and muscles. ”

Adequate sleep is very important for human health, and enough sleep at night is also conducive to resisting the fatigue caused by "spring sleepiness" during the day; in addition, to ensure good sleep, it is also necessary to "do not think after sleeping".

It is recommended to reduce the frequency and time of use of electronic products before going to bed, and try not to stay up late or turn day and night upside down;

Go to bed early and get up early, overcome negative and lazy thoughts and emotions;

A proper nap in the afternoon and the closure of the eyes can make the body get effective adjustment and relieve fatigue.

People who have difficulty falling asleep can try to do a foot massage or soak their feet in hot water before going to bed, or they can listen to soothing light music and dim the room lights before falling asleep to create a comfortable sleeping environment for themselves.

"Spring sleep is not aware", spring sleep is coming, how should liver disease patients cope?

4. Open the window for ventilation

In the spring, the window ventilation is selected during the best period of sunshine (10 a.m. to 1 p.m.) to keep the air in the house fresh and flowing, which can significantly reduce the number of microorganisms in the room. The often open window can also adjust the temperature and humidity in the room, making people feel more comfortable and awake.

It is necessary to pay attention to changing the habit of closing the window and closing the house in winter and maintaining the fresh circulation of the living room air, otherwise the indoor oxygen content is reduced, which will promote the occurrence of "spring sleepiness". Arrange some lively decorations, such as some green plants. Keep the living and working environment clean and bright.

5. Stretch your waist

By lifting the elbow of the arm upward to the chest of the self-exercise, the chest cavity of the human body can produce appropriate squeezing of the heart and lungs, which is conducive to the full movement of the heart and makes more oxygen supply to various tissues and organs. At the same time, due to the activity of the upper limbs and upper body, more oxygenated blood can be supplied to the brain, which helps to relieve fatigue and make people feel awake and comfortable.

"Spring sleep is not aware", spring sleep is coming, how should liver disease patients cope?

6. Acupressure point massage

Spring massage health care to the bile meridian is the mainstay, because the liver and gallbladder phase table, the liver meridian is yin, the bile meridian is yang, take the "meaning of generating yang qi", so take the bile meridian as the mainstay, from the bottom up, follow the massage, to achieve the role of liver thinning. Deliberate on the liver and gallbladder meridians, kneading Taixi and Kunlun points, will help the liver qi to rise and relieve fatigue. Massage Foot Sanli, Fenglong Acupoint and other spleen-weakening wet points.

7. Do scalp exercises

Doing it once a day before getting up early and going to bed late can make you energetic and quick-thinking, which is a simple and effective way to eliminate brain fatigue and drowsiness.

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