
Today's Lixia | keep these six moves in mind and make a good start for the summer!

The Almanac Yun: "Dou refers to the southeast, Wei is Lixia, and all things have grown up here, so the name Lixia is also." "Spring ends and summer begins, so we call "lixia" "spring day".

"The Seventy-Two Waiting Solutions of the Moon Order": "Standing, building the beginning, summer, false also, things up to this time are false big also." Therefore, "Lixia" has two meanings: one is the concept of season, which means that summer will enter from now on. The second is the concept of phenology, which means that after the germination stage of spring, everything enters the next stage of rapid growth, showing the scene of "green trees are thick and shady in summer, and the roof is reflected into the pond".

The summer wood has become yin, and the public gate is constant and quiet.

——(Tang) An excerpt from Wei Yingwu's "Li Xia Ri Remembers the Brothers of the Beijing Master"

The willows are first dense, and the curtains are still faint.

——(Song) Excerpt from Lu You's "Li Xia"

Today's Lixia | keep these six moves in mind and make a good start for the summer!






◇ A wait for the grasshopper to sing

◇ Second earthworm out

◇Three Waiting Kings Gua Sheng

The medicine of the motherland believes that the five elements of summer belong to fire, corresponding to the heart in the five internal organs of the human body. Therefore, after the establishment of summer, people should conform to the changes in the sky, focus on the heart, and learn to cultivate the "heart".


Wear and take off in a degree, timely increase or decrease

In the summer, the temperature begins to rise, the human body's yang qi floats above the table, the body is discharged, and the resistance is reduced. And many companies, shopping malls have turned on the air conditioning, the temperature is very low, at this time wearing and undressing is very exquisite.

Outdoor scorching sun, indoor cool breeze gusts, do not sweat after the wind, sweat after wearing wet clothes, cold drink cold, etc., especially patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Because of the looseness of the skin after sweating, the relaxation of pores, the evil of wind and cold and wetness is easy to take advantage of the void, harming the yang qi of the human body, and trapping the skin and experiencing symptoms such as headache, body pain, skin soreness and numbness, joint pain and so on.

The elderly and the weak have a poor tolerance to cold and heat, and should pay more attention to timely increase or decrease clothing. Therefore, when entering the air-conditioned room, you should add clothes in time, dry them immediately after sweating wet clothes, and change into dry clothes.


Move to nourish the shape, and stop at the right time

"Summer qi and heart qi communicate" and "sweat is the liquid of the heart", therefore, summer health should focus on nourishing the heart, and should not sweat excessively. The intensity of exercise should be moderate, not too intense, in order to prevent too much wear and tear and sweating and sunburn. You can choose tai chi, baduanjin, jogging or swimming, and drink warm water appropriately after exercise to replenish body fluids.

Outdoor exercise is advisable when the sun has just risen in the morning or when the sun is about to set at dusk, when the sun is not too strong and the temperature is not very high. Of course, you can also choose to exercise indoors at a suitable temperature.


Suffering and nourishing the heart vary from person to person

Summer is hot in the summer, the five viscera belong to the heart, and in summer it is easy to be upset and irritable, and the mouth and tongue are sore, which is what the people often say "on fire". The medicine of the motherland believes that bitter taste into the heart, bitter food can be relieved, hot, reduce the heart fire, so may wish to eat more bitter food to nourish the heart.

However, most of the bitter foods are cold, and people with sparse stools, long urine, cold tolerance, pale face, lack of yang qi or spleen and stomach deficiency should not be eaten often.


Increase acid and reduce bitterness, take care of the spleen and yang

In the summer season, the yang qi gradually grows and the yin qi gradually weakens. Relative to the human organs, the liver qi is gradually weakened, the heart qi is gradually stronger, at this time to increase acid and reduce pain, take care of the spleen and yang.

Nowadays, many young people are greedy for cold things, often causing cold evil to go straight to the spleen and stomach, damage the spleen and yang, and have abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, sluggishness and other symptoms. Spring and summer to raise the sun, cold ice things should be eaten with caution. Food taken out of the refrigerator should be eaten at room temperature for a while, and it should not be eaten too much at a time. It is advisable to eat more spleen and dehumidification products, such as yam, lentils, orange peel, corn whiskers, poria and so on.


Go to bed late and get up early, take a good nap

After the establishment of summer, the long days and short nights are more pronounced. At this time, to comply with the changes of yangsheng and yin deficiency, sleep should be "late to sleep and get up early" to accept the clear qi of heaven and earth.

In order to prevent lack of sleep, be sure to "take a nap in the summer" and increase the lunch break to ensure a full mental state and sufficient physical strength. The lunch break should not be too long, and it is generally recommended to take 30 to 60 minutes.


Rest and abstain from anger to reassure God

The medicine of the motherland believes that "the heart is the main god, for the use of the gods", that is to say, people's spiritual and emotional activities are controlled by the heart. After the summer, the temperature rises, and people are very prone to excessive fire, irritability, emotional anxiety and so on. In particular, the elderly are affected by emotional fluctuations, climate, temperature factors, etc., and are prone to induce myocardial infarction, stroke, arrhythmias, etc.

Therefore, when the summer comes, it is necessary to calm the body and mind, avoid haste and anger, smile often, and be emotionally happy to reduce the fire of the heart. It is recommended to listen to music and practice calligraphy often, so as to keep your heart quiet and feel comfortable.

Author | Hu Shiyun, chief physician of the Department of Cardiology, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Audit | Expert of the National Health Science Popularization Expert Database

He Qingyong, chief physician of the Department of Cardiology, Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

Video | Zhongshan Hospital of Zhejiang Province

Planning | Tan Jia Wang Ning

Edit | Wang Ning

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