
The fetus is not the bigger and healthier the baby, and the expectant mother should understand these contents in advance

There are many expectant mothers or the older generation in the family who think that the heavier the baby is born, the better, which means that there is a blessing.

But the fetus does not mean that the heavier it is, the bigger it is, the better.

There is a professional word called "giant child" here, and if you analyze it from a medical point of view, the health risk of "giant child" is even greater.

The fetus is not the bigger and healthier the baby, and the expectant mother should understand these contents in advance

Hello everyone! I'm a Guide to Expectant Mothers: Nannan.

Focus on in-depth good articles, multi-angle analysis, escort for expectant mothers.

Today, let me talk to you about "huge children".

Generally, if the newborn baby weighs ≥ 4Kg, it is called a giant baby.

The fetus is not the bigger and healthier the baby, and the expectant mother should understand these contents in advance

Potential risks for macrosomia

For the intended mother, on the one hand, the giant child will lead to the expectant mother's difficult delivery, and on the other hand, it will also lead to the increased risk of postpartum bleeding for the expectant mother.

For the baby itself, macrosomia will also bring hidden dangers to the health of the baby itself, and it will be more likely to have complications of hypoglycemia and erythrocytosis when it is just born.

The fetus is not the bigger and healthier the baby, and the expectant mother should understand these contents in advance

As you grow up, you will be more likely to gain weight, and the chance of suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, high blood lipids and other conditions will be higher than that of ordinary people.

The fetus is not the bigger and healthier the baby, and the expectant mother should understand these contents in advance

So, can expectant mothers judge whether their fetus is too large during pregnancy?

It can be judged from 2 aspects.

1. Judged by estimating the weight of the fetal baby;

2. Judged by assessing the size of the pelvic cavity of the expectant mother and the shape of the expectant mother.

Because if the mother-to-be is relatively petite, then the fetus is likely to be lighter; if the expectant mother is taller, then the fetus may be heavier.

The fetus is not the bigger and healthier the baby, and the expectant mother should understand these contents in advance

Why macrosomia occurs

On the one hand, the birth of macrosomia is genetically affected, because the body size is hereditary, and if the father-to-be mother-to-be is overweight, the probability of giving birth to a macrosomia will be relatively high.

On the other hand, expectant mothers make up too much during pregnancy, resulting in overnutrition during pregnancy, and it is easier to give birth to macrosomia.

The fetus is not the bigger and healthier the baby, and the expectant mother should understand these contents in advance

Seeing this, I think everyone must ask how to avoid their own fetal babies from growing too large?

Avoid the "macroscopic" approach

First of all, if the expectant mother learns that the fetus is too large, then first see if it is caused by gestational diabetes, if so, the expectant mother must strictly control her blood sugar.

Secondly, if the expectant mother only eats too well during pregnancy and causes the fetus to grow too fast and too large, then it is necessary to strictly control the diet and achieve a balanced diet.

The fetus is not the bigger and healthier the baby, and the expectant mother should understand these contents in advance

Nannan also sent a lot of pregnancy diet strategies in the early stage, if you don't know, you can also click on the avatar to see more articles!

Finally, it is to do a good job of weight management during pregnancy, the weight management of expectant mothers during pregnancy mentioned here is very exquisite, and everyone can not simply think that as long as you do not increase your weight, it is definitely not OK.

For more information, check out the next issue.

The fetus is not the bigger and healthier the baby, and the expectant mother should understand these contents in advance

Here is a guide for expectant mothers

Designed for you who are trying to conceive, you who are pregnant, and you who have just become a new mother!

Pay attention to me, the first time when the mother is no longer confused.

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The fetus is not the bigger and healthier the baby, and the expectant mother should understand these contents in advance

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