
Family education is the most critical part [Warm Sun Family Education]

The word "education" brings us an infinite extension...

Family education is the most critical part [Warm Sun Family Education]

Everyone from birth to adulthood, from early education to compulsory education, to continuing education, and even to the elderly education, the word education seems to accompany us all the time.

Today we mainly talk about the student period, what kind of impact will a good education have on children

The most critical stage affecting a child's lifelong education is family education

We all know that parents are the first teachers of children, from the infancy, children follow their parents to start learning to speak, from the beginning of knowing the drawing card, parents for the child's education has begun to subtly. So from the family to the first threshold of external education, that is, kindergarten, many parents feel that kindergarten is meaningless, can not learn anything, then what can kindergarten bring to our children? What children can learn in kindergarten:

1. Peer cooperation 2. Collective Rules 3. Habit formation

The above is the first time that external education has helped children, children should start from an early age, and it is precisely the kindergarten that can best make children grow up.

Family education is the most critical part [Warm Sun Family Education]

When we talk about what parents should do at home, many parents mention this topic is very painful, one does not recognize the teaching methods of the parents of the previous generation, and the second is that they are parents for the first time, and they do not have the appropriate discipline methods, so they can only grope and learn from the parents around them.

Studies have shown that parents cultivate their children's habits from an early age better than in the school environment, that is to say, parents communicate with their children every day, teach well, and link with their children's future development.

So what is a good family education guide? Xiaobian summarized the following points:

Family education is the most critical part [Warm Sun Family Education]

1. Be friends with your children

Many parents are not unwilling to be friends with their children, but do not know how to be friends with their children, according to the National Adolescent Mental Health Association survey, "teachers" "executives" and other parent background families, just children are very rebellious, because the child has been living in a state of compulsory orders, parents have been posing a high attitude, the state at work to bring home, this is the wrong way of behavior, we should read the child's heart, in different scenes with different identities to communicate with the child

2. Pay attention to children's interests

Good parents will definitely help their children cultivate hobbies that suit him, and support and encourage their children, which will make them feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in the process, and they will be more engaged. Be sure not to deny the child's interest, interest is the best teacher, even if the parents inadvertently deny, will also ruin the child's interest in this matter.

3. Change the tone and attitude of speech

Speaking of which, many parents will ask, my temper and personality are like this, there is no way to change, at this time we should think, if your parents are like this to you, will you still obey? Whether it's adolescence or adulthood, communication is always the best solution. I have heard a case where the mother will only ask the child every day, when it is time for dinner, have you finished your homework? What is the child's heart, is that every time my mother asks me this question, she is questioning how slow my homework is, then I simply don't write it, or I am just indiscriminate. A casual word can affect a lot of changes in children's things, so remember that tone and attitude are very important.

Family education is the most critical part [Warm Sun Family Education]

4, children are not good or bad

We all say that other people's children are the best, as parents, we should not affirm other people's children and deny their own children, we should use the right way to say, for example: you look xxx, although the results of this test are very good, got a high score, but listen to his mother said, he is seriously going to the homework content every night, the result of this exam is an affirmation of his process. Then we must not be worse than others, right? Go, Mom takes you to eat what you want, and we prepare for the next time. Above, in fact, the state of the child is determined by the parents.

Writing here today, we hope that every child can have a healthy psychological state, but also wish every family full of love, let us work together for it, change the child from their own!

Warm sun education, let the family have love, let love accompany

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