
Bian Yufang: Establish a good parent-child relationship

The best education is to teach by example. The basis of family education is to establish a good parent-child relationship, and establishing a good parent-child relationship is not only an important part of family education, but also a key protective factor in the process of children's growth. A good parent-child relationship directly affects a child's physical health, attitudes, behaviors, values and future achievements.

On March 19th, Haidian Parent School specially invited Professor and Doctoral Supervisor Bian Yufang of Beijing Normal University to give the eighth lecture of the Family Education Lecture Hall, the theme of which was "Establishing a Good Parent-Child Relationship".

Bian Yufang: Establish a good parent-child relationship

The event was jointly organized by Haidian Academy of Education, North Taipingzhuang School District Management Center and Renmin University Affiliated Middle School Branch, and presided over by Song Guanya, vice president of Haidian Academy of Education.

Bian Yufang: Establish a good parent-child relationship

Expert introduction

Bian Yufang

Bian Yufang: Establish a good parent-child relationship

Director of the Academic Committee of the Collaborative Innovation Center for Monitoring the Quality of Basic Education in China, Director of the Institute of Mental Health and Education, director of the Research Center for Children's Family Education, Director of the Research Center for Children's Family Education, Core Expert of the Basic Education Quality Monitoring Center of the Ministry of Education, Member of the Expert Steering Committee for Mental Health Education in Primary and Secondary Schools, Member of the Family Education Professional Committee of the Basic Education Teaching Steering Committee, And Expert of the Children's Work Think Tank of the Office of the Working Committee on Women and Children of the State Council.

Focusing on the specific content of the "Family Education Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China" implemented on January 1, 2022, Bian Yufang helps parents realize that parents should often pay attention to the psychological changes of children in family education, remind parents to communicate with their children, timely discover the confusion encountered by children in the process of growing up, and be the guide on the road to children's growth through dredging guidance.

Bian Yufang: Establish a good parent-child relationship

In family education, parents want their children to become trustworthy, responsible and loving people, first of all, to set an example, parents should lead by example, become a role model for children to imitate, so as to enhance the feelings between themselves and their children.

In family education, parents should respect their children's ideas, trust their children, encourage their children to do what they are willing to do, and let children gain a sense of accomplishment on their own. Parents should not force their children to do things they do not like, which not only cannot make the parent-child relationship better, but also may stimulate the child's rebellious psychology and trigger family conflicts.

A person's basic attitude, behavior pattern, and personality structure have already laid the foundation in the process of parent-child interaction in infancy, and then gradually formed an independent personality through important stages of physical and mental development such as childhood and adolescence.

The establishment of a good parent-child relationship is the premise of family education and the result of family education. To establish a good parent-child relationship, the most fundamental task of parents is to read children and raise children scientifically. Understand the child's growth rules, respect the child's thoughts and thoughts, accompany the child to grow up slowly, and help them grow up healthily according to the child's own needs.

According to the data of the eighth lesson broadcast platform of Haidian Parent School, as of 17:00 on March 22, nearly 75,000 parents participated in the course.

The lecture benefited parents a lot, and everyone wrote down their experience of listening to the class and learning.

Bian Yufang: Establish a good parent-child relationship
Bian Yufang: Establish a good parent-child relationship
Bian Yufang: Establish a good parent-child relationship

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Renmin University Affiliated High School

Wang Yifei's parents

After listening to Teacher Bian Yufang's special lecture, the one I felt most deeply was about "parental anxiety stems from not understanding the growth rules of children". This is a powerful point of view, where the subjective initiative of the self can be felt. In terms of establishing a good parent-child relationship, parents can learn, change, and grow. Teacher Bian Yufang also gave practical methodologies: high-quality companionship, effective communication, setting an example, discovering children and supporting children. Teacher Bian's interpretation of the key contents of the Family Education Promotion Law made me further clarify the direction of family education and understand that establishing a good parent-child relationship is the premise foundation of family education. In the future, I want to grow up with my children in practice!

Jiaotong University Attached High School

Du Zhiyi parents

A good parent-child relationship is very important, which is conducive to the child's emotional stability, gives the child a sense of security, promotes the child's interaction with others and establishes good interpersonal relationships, and can also shape the child's personality, which is conducive to improving the child's concentration. Establishing a good parent-child relationship is conducive to the formation of affinity and plays a very important role in the long-term development of children's lives. Different times, different environments, we establish a good parent-child relationship at the same time to give children a sense of rules, respect children but there must be requirements, words and deeds to teach filial piety to parents, we are now a child's demonstration, I hope he grows up to become a better look than us.

Jiaotong University Affiliated High School No. 2 Branch

Li Ziming's parents

Educating children is no longer as simple as solving material life, and spiritual communication is particularly important. The growth of children at every stage is not only the growth of children, but also the rapid growth of parents. Haidian District Family Education Lecture Hall provides a good learning platform for us parents, teaching us how to face adolescent children, how to understand their psychological changes, how to form a good parent-child relationship in family education; tell parents that a good family atmosphere plays a vital role in children's learning, in the usual learning and life, to do a good job of positive interaction with children, both the child's teacher, but also the child's friend.

Qinghe Middle School

Deng Ziqi's parents

I was inspired by the family education lecture "Establishing a Good Parent-Child Relationship" taught by Mr. Bian Yufang. As a parent of a junior high school student, in the face of the difficulties of adolescent children encountering classmate relationships and academic pressure, how can parents understand their children and help him grow and progress? Building a good parent-child relationship is key. The times are progressing, parents need to learn to grow, understand the external environment, understand the growth rules of children, understand scientific education methods, so as to truly help and support children.

College Road Elementary School

Joe is a good parent

Listening to Teacher Bian Yufang's lecture, I understood that a good parent-child relationship is an important foundation for children's growth. In family education, only when children feel loved and respected can they become confident. Only when children have a positive and optimistic understanding of others and the surrounding environment, and are willing to interact with their parents and others outside of their parents, can they establish good interpersonal relationships. Home is always a warm harbor for children, and parents should often accompany their children, which is very important for the development of children's abilities in all aspects.

Spark Elementary School

Ma Jinlu parents

I was fortunate to listen to the lectures of teacher Bian Yufang, I have a correct understanding of the "double reduction" policy, the essence of family education is to build people with virtue, establish a good parent-child relationship, and make children grow up healthily. The family is not a training class, parents should care about their children's mental health, have emotional and loving investment, do not underestimate the emotions expressed by children, we must understand children's emotions and accept children's emotions. When communicating with children, actively listen, explain the requirements, and accompany the child's growth.

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Wang Ruogu's parents

Teacher Bian Yufang's lecture was very close to the current situation of me and my children, and through the lectures of experts, I also reflected. Indeed, as experts say, a good parent-child relationship is an important part of the child's growth, and sometimes the excessive anxiety of parents is often the constraint and distrust of the child's growth. Effective family education requires the personal companionship of our parents, joint participation, word and deed, and penetrates into every word and deed in life. The Haidian Parents School Family Education Lecture Hall is of great significance for parents to guide their children's growth, learning and education.

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Lu Zihan parents

Through learning the content of Mr. Bian Yufang's lectures, I have benefited a lot. Under the implementation of the Family Education Promotion Law and the "double reduction" policy, how to reduce the burden on children and how to carry out family education are issues that we are very concerned about. Teacher Bian interpreted the problems of contemporary education to parents from many aspects, such as the importance of family education and the parent-child relationship between parents and children, and provided many educational methods for anxious parents. Parents should also change the traditional concept of score-only education, pay attention to the overall development of children, care about children's psychological problems, encourage and support children, stimulate children's inner motivation, and become the talents needed by the country.

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Yao Zunxi's parents

Listening to the lectures of teacher Bian Yufang made me suddenly enlightened. As a mother of two children, under the "double reduction" policy, she is full of anxiety and confusion about her children's education, a little overwhelmed, and repeatedly falls into dazedness and helplessness. Through learning the course "Establishing a Good Parent-Child Relationship", I understood that the child belongs to himself, and parents should grow up with the growth of their children, take the initiative to establish a loving parent-child relationship, and create a harmonious and warm family atmosphere.

Wei Kai Kindergarten

Liu Yize parents

On the road of education, parents are constantly groping forward, listening to the lectures of teacher Bian, which makes me reflect and give me more ideas and methods of education. Teacher Bian gave an example that I remember deeply, she said that there are stupid birds that fly first, and there is also a kind of bird that does not fly by itself, lays an egg and hatches into a bird, and does whatever it takes to let the birds fly, which is really a profound meaning. As parents, we cannot force our unfulfilled ideals and ambitions on our children, we must respect their abilities and aspirations, accompany him to grow up, and become a social citizen with physical and mental health.

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