
To study the seal book, you must also understand the qin edict copyright inscription

In 221 BC, Qin Shi Huang unified the Six Kingdoms, and after ending the chaotic political situation of the Warring States period, a series of reform measures were taken in order to consolidate centralized rule and develop the economy.

Unifying weights and measures was an important reform of his.

He promulgated the weights and measures system of the Qin state in the form of the supreme decree at that time, the "Edict", and abolished the weights and measures systems of other countries.

To study the seal book, you must also understand the qin edict copyright inscription

This edict is either directly carved on the power and quantity (the right is the scale hammer, the amount is the rise and the bucket), or directly cast on the power, the quantity, and more often made into a thin "edict" issued and used everywhere, which is the "Qin Zhao Version".

To study the seal book, you must also understand the qin edict copyright inscription

Legend has it that the Qin Zhao was originally written by Li Si, but imagine the countless amounts of power in the whole country, and the inscription on it certainly cannot come from the hand of one person.

In addition, the officials' awareness of the subordinates is by no means as respectful as that of the Heavenly Son, so in contrast to the "Taishan Stone Carvings", although there are also serious and neat inscriptions in the Qin Zhao inscriptions, most of them are vertical and horizontal, the font sizes are different, and the staggering is vivid and natural.

More spontaneous, out of the hands of migrant workers, or lack of brushes and fewer paintings, or arbitrary simplification, although it is not legal, but give people a naïve, childish beauty.

To study the seal book, you must also understand the qin edict copyright inscription
To study the seal book, you must also understand the qin edict copyright inscription

The copying of seal books has been in a state of silence for a long time after the Qin and Han Dynasties.

Until the rise of epigraphy at the end of the Qing Dynasty, a large number of seal and calligraphers appeared.

Among them, Wu Changshuo, Huang Mufu, Zhu Baixing and other calligraphers have all dabbled in the Qin Zhao Version.

The various families have different understandings of the "Qin Zhao Version", and the aesthetics are different, and finally they show different faces.

To study the seal book, you must also understand the qin edict copyright inscription

In the creation of seal books and seal engravings, Wu Changshuo, Huang Mufu, Qi Baishi, Zhu Fujie, Sha Menghai, Sha Manweng, Qian Junzao, etc. have introduced the "Qin Zhao Version" into the creation of seal engraving, and many have excellent performances.

To study the seal book, you must also understand the qin edict copyright inscription

Wu Changshuo seal book seven words couplet

Wu Changshuo said: "Qin Zhao, Quan Quan, with a dangerous pen, full of strange qi, the Han people's cut jade seal is born in Si." ”

Qi Baishi said: "In the end, Qin Quan was happy, vertical and horizontal, one natural, and another great change." The seal of Yu is more natural from Qin Quan. ”

To study the seal book, you must also understand the qin edict copyright inscription

Qi Baishi seal book works

Guan Qi Baishi Seal Book, which takes a lot of methods in the "Qin Zhao Edition", the freehand spirit of "vertically and horizontally distorting the noble innocence" is not only his evaluation of the edict book, but also his personal style of opening up and closing the seal book.

Qi Baishi did not copy it, but changed according to its way and style.

Li Gangtian once said: "The shape of Bai Shi Weng's seal method lies in the Han seal, and its changes and spiritual performance lie in the "Qin Zhao Version" of the quan quan seal, showing innocence, naturalness, and true color without false modification. ”

To study the seal book, you must also understand the qin edict copyright inscription

Sha Menghai's "Seal Book of Peaceful Struggle Straight", Zhejiang Provincial Museum Collection

Mr. Sha Menghai combined the thinness of the Qin Zhao's copyright with the Qingmu steadiness of the Ming and Qing Indians, forming the characteristics of Chun hou and Qi, and creating an unprecedented style in the history of Printing.

In the contemporary book world, the Fusion of the Qin Quan Zhi Zhao Edition, the Han Brick, the Zhong Ding JinWen, etc., takes its wanton and arbitrary attitude, and creates a vast and atmospheric freehand style of writing.

To study the seal book, you must also understand the qin edict copyright inscription

Mr. Shi Kai and Zeng Xiang have a lot of understanding of the "Qin Zhao Version", Mr. Shi Kai is based on the Han Miao Seal and integrates the "Qin Zhao Version" and han Jinwen, the strokes are clumsy and concise, the glyphs are correct and sideways, and the style of his own calligraphy language is becoming more and more intense.

Mr. Wang Youyi integrated the pen used by the Sanshi pan with the "Qin Zhao Edition" and integrated the characteristics of the Shan Dynasty into his seal book creation. The style of its seal carving is organically integrated with the taste of gold and stone, which is high and ancient without losing its meaning.

To study the seal book, you must also understand the qin edict copyright inscription

For the creation of modern seals and freehand seals, how to boldly deconstruct and subvert the art form of Gong Ping and Dignity, break conventional thinking, and not violate the charm of the ancients, the Qin Zhao Edition provides a good reference example.

To study the seal book, you must also understand the qin edict copyright inscription

However, when practicing, you should pay attention to:

The meaning of the technique. Reading ancient classics is the foundation, and technical training is the key.

It is necessary to continuously improve the writing technique, write properly and in place. Seemingly simple changes require the writer to have a good training to express them accurately.

To study the seal book, you must also understand the qin edict copyright inscription

The intention of the heart. "The book is the heart painting", the writer should return to the natural writing state of the ancients, rather than simply tracing and sketching, natural and true, abandoning the utilitarian heart, and pursuing the ups and downs of change with the ordinary mind.

The meaning of the pen, that is, Mr. Qi Gong's cloud, is to "see the pen through the blade".

To study the seal book, you must also understand the qin edict copyright inscription

The Qin Zhao version is a golden stone script, and many of the originals and rubbings seen today are the result of casting and weathering and corrosion, and it is very difficult to understand the ancients' penmanship.

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