
In this life, it is especially important to do these three things!

In this life, it is especially important to do these three things!

Text/An Dongyue


The road of life is winding and twisting, and there is no end in sight.

Walking on this long road of life, there will always be all kinds of people and things, and there will always be all kinds of bitterness and sorrow.

Each of us, we all hope that we are the luckiest, that everything will go well, that we will live an ideal life, and that we will live an ideal self. However, real life often backfires.

Have you ever been particularly confused? Can't see the future, can't find the direction, and everything in front of you makes you feel disappointed. I want to change the status quo, but I can't start, I am anxious, tired, physically and mentally exhausted...

Confused, falling into a trough, often difficult to extricate themselves, always hope that someone can pull themselves, but the world is cold, when you are cornered, how many people can reach out to you to help?

The painter Xu Beihong said: "A person who has reached the point of exhaustion of mountains and rivers, and can extricate himself, is not a coward." ”

Yes, only by getting out of the predicament on their own strength is the real strong.

The strong cross themselves, and the saints cross the people. We can not ask ourselves to be holy, but we must strive to be strong.

When people live for a lifetime, they should have requirements for themselves. There are requirements in order to live out the true self.

Personally, I think it is particularly important for people to live a lifetime and do the following three things.

In this life, it is especially important to do these three things!

01. Know yourself

Nietzsche said: "The distance between each man and himself is the farthest." ”

This means that it is difficult for people to know themselves clearly.

The reason is not difficult to understand, everyone is accustomed to self-centered, facing themselves, can not be absolutely objective.

Moreover, self-esteem is extremely strong, and it is difficult to accept their shortcomings and deficiencies. Therefore, most of the time they are not aware of their own problems, or even if they are, they pretend to be indifferent.

If a person cannot clearly understand himself, he will not find the path that is truly suitable for himself, and he will not be able to become a better self.

Of course, knowing yourself is not only about accepting your own shortcomings, but also about knowing your strengths.

Knowing yourself is to understand yourself in all directions, and accept the most authentic self, build on your strengths and avoid your weaknesses, do what suits you, and do what you are good at. Don't be too entangled for your shortcomings and shortcomings, after all, Gold is not barefoot, and no one is perfect. Don't be proud and complacent about your strengths, after all, there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside.

Only when a person can recognize himself clearly can he see the way ahead and have a paradise that truly belongs to him.

In this life, it is especially important to do these three things!

02. Strengthen yourself

"Deer in the mountains, do not know where to go, all are bitter, only self-ferry."

Ever, did you also have dependent thoughts on certain people? Such as parents, siblings, friends, other half.

But then you slowly discover that no one can make themselves dependent for a lifetime. When your parents are old, they need to rely on you; brothers and sisters have their own families, the burden on their shoulders is very heavy, and no one can rely on anyone; friends, not to mention, most of them are just bored with each other. Even the other half may not be reliable, and it is rare to be able to do it without dragging each other down.

In this world, the person who can really rely on it for a lifetime is himself. Therefore, you must constantly strengthen yourself.

Strengthening yourself is divided into two aspects. The first is to enhance their economic ability, and the second is to enhance their bearing capacity.

The stronger the economic ability, the more confident people will be, and they will not be wronged anywhere; the stronger the ability to bear, the firmer the will, and they are not afraid of any setbacks and blows.

Strong yourself, do not rely on anyone, economic independence, spiritual independence, and are not afraid of anyone leaving themselves.

Strengthening yourself is not only for the sake of having confidence in yourself, but also for the people you care about. For example, parents are strong, children also have confidence, do not have inferiority, are not afraid of things.

Only when a person is strong can he become his own dependence and shield the people he cares about.

In this life, it is especially important to do these three things!

03. Be kind to yourself

To know yourself is to become a better version of yourself.

To strengthen yourself is to be independent, to give yourself a sense of security, and to give people who care about a sense of security.

Doing the above two points is already good, but it is not enough. People must know how to be kind to themselves.

To be kind to yourself is to love yourself.

Many people have a misunderstanding of being kind to themselves and loving themselves, treating selfishness as treating themselves well and loving themselves, and basing happiness on the pain of others.

Truly treating yourself and loving yourself is mainly manifested in not inferiority, not masochistic, not self-denial, not sinking in pain, knowing how to cherish yourself, pleasing yourself, insisting on your own personality, and living your own wonderful.

People who are too gentle and kind always think about others, take care of this, take care of that, but forget to take care of themselves. If you don't care about yourself, treat yourself well, and love yourself, who will take care of you, treat you well, and love you?

Only when a person knows how to love himself can he love others better, and at the same time, it is easier to get the love of others.

In this life, it is especially important to do these three things!


In this life, it is particularly important to know oneself, strengthen oneself, and treat oneself well.

After all, you are the protagonist of your own life.

Only by fully understanding yourself can you aspire to find the right aspect of life.

Only by constantly strengthening yourself can you be independent and become your eternal dependence.

Only by knowing how to treat yourself well can you be truly happy, physically and mentally happy, and life is full of sunshine.

May you be able to do these three things, live out your self, and have the life you want.


Author: An Dongyue, a freelance writer, with warm brushstrokes, writes heartfelt words, and is willing to meet you in the deepest red dust. Welcome to follow.

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