
Children "chicken fly dog jump" as soon as they live at home? Parents calm, 4 tricks to teach you "motherly kindness and filial piety"

Children "chicken fly dog jump" as soon as they live at home? Parents calm, 4 tricks to teach you "motherly kindness and filial piety"

Because of the epidemic, the "divine beasts" who have started school have to learn online at home, and there is a lot of "intimate" contact time between children and parents.

However, during this period, many parents do not trust their children's learning, worry about their children deserting in class, secretly playing games, walking around the children every three or five minutes, checking the children's learning status at every turn, sometimes it is difficult to control their emotions, can't help but nag again, and the good parent-child companionship has become antagonistic and confrontational.

Dear parents, calm down!

First of all, parents should make it clear that the real meaning of discipline is actually guidance, which is to respect the child's personal dignity. But over-directing is control. If the child is overcontrolled, there are two attitudes toward things, one is inappropriate, and the other is rebellion. Therefore, parents should pay attention to the balance between control and guidance, and respect and protect the personal dignity of their children. In order to create a good family atmosphere and reduce the small friction between parents and children, parents may wish to try the following suggestions.

Adjust your state and maintain emotional stability

In the face of the changes brought to life by the sudden epidemic, everyone will have a certain degree of emotional fluctuations, which is a normal reaction. But the emotions between parents and children will interact, as parents, we must avoid passing on "bad emotions" to children, so as not to aggravate children's anxiety and panic.

Children "chicken fly dog jump" as soon as they live at home? Parents calm, 4 tricks to teach you "motherly kindness and filial piety"

In the process of accompanying their children at home, parents first need to enhance their awareness and discover their own emotional fluctuations in time; second, take the initiative to reflect, distinguish the source of emotions, and think that "bad emotions" are really caused by some of the child's actions, or the backlog of "negative energy" in work and life; again, we must learn to vent reasonably, take the initiative to regulate emotions, and after discovering their emotional fluctuations, they can choose to leave temporarily, and then communicate with the child after the mood calms down; finally, if the child is hurt because of negative emotions, apologize in time. On the one hand, it can increase their trust in the child's heart, and on the other hand, it can also set the best example for the child.

Use empathy to understand your child's feelings

Learning at home, parents must first understand the child's difficulty, when the child encounters difficulties, or has a sense of boredom, parents should not immediately accuse: "How do you not study well" "Just know to play, concentrate!" "Words like this can easily exacerbate contradictions. During the stay at home, parents should actively listen to their children's needs, understand their children's ideas, and better spend special periods.

Children "chicken fly dog jump" as soon as they live at home? Parents calm, 4 tricks to teach you "motherly kindness and filial piety"

In the face of some bad performances or emotions of children, parents need to use empathy, express children's behavior without judgment, empathize with the child's state, assist the child's learning with empathy, and stand in the child's position to understand the child's behavior, in order to achieve the purpose of effective communication.

Lead by example

Children learn at home, disrupting the original life plan and rhythm, parents may wish to grasp this parent-child time, mutual respect, mutual understanding, jointly formulate a learning and life plan, help children combine work and leisure, and maintain a regular work and rest time. At the same time, parents need to "make three chapters of the law" with their children, in addition to the use of electronic products during online classes, other times need to be clearly used by both parties to avoid children's addiction to the Internet due to online learning, damaging physical and mental health.

Children "chicken fly dog jump" as soon as they live at home? Parents calm, 4 tricks to teach you "motherly kindness and filial piety"

Learning at home gives parents more time to spend with their children, and that's when parents become their best teachers. As a parent, you should lead by example, live regularly, coordinate rest time, and arrange leisure activities. In terms of housework and sports, parents should also positively guide their children to learn to arrange their own time and become more self-disciplined and responsible people with their children.

Encourage more and respect more, praise in a timely manner

The process from "other discipline to self-discipline" requires the identification, acceptance, and eventual internalization of rules. If the child is always forced to be ordered and forced to execute, then a sense of self-worth cannot be formed. When encountering problems, first encourage children to find ways to solve problems and cope with challenges, and when they cannot solve them, parents will participate in them and discuss countermeasures together.

Children "chicken fly dog jump" as soon as they live at home? Parents calm, 4 tricks to teach you "motherly kindness and filial piety"

In the process of accompanying children to learn, we should encourage more, blame less, give children respect, understanding and trust, see the advantages of children, more consultation and encouragement, less nagging and complaining, and take this opportunity to enhance parent-child feelings. When the child does a good job, praise the details in time, such as serious online classes, going to bed early and getting up early, clear and tidy notes, helping the family to do housework, and so on.

【Finishing】Li Han

Some of the content is integrated from the network

【Author】 Li Han

Educate the Wanjia

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