
Your greatest virtue is to forgive your parents for their imperfections

Your greatest virtue is to forgive your parents for their imperfections

If one day, you find that your parents love to eat rotten cooked dishes;

If one day, you find that parents like to eat porridge;

If one day, you find that they are slow to cross the street;

If one day, you find that some of the habits of the old father and mother are no longer habits, just like when they no longer want to take a bath every day;

If one day, you find that they are always coughing during meal time, don't mistake them for a cold or a cold, (that is the phenomenon of aging swallowing nerves);

If one day, you find that they no longer love to go out...

Your greatest virtue is to forgive your parents for their imperfections


The encounter between parents and children in this life is used to love each other, not to hate and kill each other, and the greatest virtue of people is to forgive their parents' imperfections.

Even if he is weak, even if he is usually unremarkable. For the sake of children, they will also be in the name of a father, or mother, tit-for-tat with life. Children are their blood, their flesh, the cares that melt into their bones. The child is their second reincarnation. It was a grand and affectionate encounter.

The grace of birth and nourishment is always greater than the revenge of a slap. Tolerating the small faults of parents and forgiving them for their imperfections is the most basic virtue of human beings.

Where there is poetry and far away, all our good days and auspicious times are just stepping on the shoulders of our parents.

People you think should be good to you, thousands of good, wrong once you are disappointed. You think you should be bad to you, a thousand mistakes, good once you are grateful to Dade.

Your greatest virtue is to forgive your parents for their imperfections


We always believe that parents are not perfect. But they don't know that they have been whispering to the world.

Time has made my parents wrinkle a lot, but I remember more than whose youth they spent...

Parents choose to fall down in order to make you stand up, then they will not choose to stand.

In this world, how many years are quiet, there are many cold and warm self-knowledge. Behind every person who perseveres, there is a soul that clenches its teeth.

You live a carefree life, but your parents help you carry it.

Your greatest virtue is to forgive your parents for their imperfections


May you understand the suffering of your parents, and may you understand the difficulties of your parents. The ultimate mission of being a child is to accept that parents are just ordinary people and slowly understand their difficulties. Thank you for being my parents.

Every day you can meet your parents, eat a bite of your family meal, and chat with them, your heart will be particularly relaxed and comfortable, and you will feel that you have something to rely on in this world. A harmonious parent-child relationship is an important guarantee for people's inner peace.

In the past, I only knew that companionship in love was the longest confession of affection, but I didn't know that when my parents were old, companionship was the most intimate warmth for them.

When your parents are old, please remember to love them as they love you. Please be kind to your parents, don't do things that will make you regret, and don't wait until they are gone to know how to cherish.

May the parents of the world live a long and healthy life!

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