
Do new energy vehicles really save money? Car owners post additional costs, and the gap is huge after 3 years

Whether new energy vehicles can save money is a controversial topic, some people think that new energy vehicles only charge and do not burn oil, the more expensive the oil price, the lower the breeding cost of new energy vehicles. Some people also think that new energy vehicles are only low in fuel costs, and the overall cost of car maintenance is not cheaper than fuel vehicles.

Do new energy vehicles really save money? Car owners post additional costs, and the gap is huge after 3 years

From the perspective of fuel cost alone, driving 15,000 kilometers a year, new energy vehicles can save about 10,000 yuan compared with fuel vehicles. However, new energy vehicles are expensive in several major additional costs, so let's talk about it.

First, the price is expensive.

New energy vehicles have strong power, high degree of intelligence and rich configuration, which can bring a better car experience for car owners, but the starting price of new energy vehicles is not cheap. Most of the household scooter fuel vehicles on the market start at around 100,000 to 150,000, and the starting price of Toyota Corolla and Volkswagen Langyi does not exceed 130,000.

Do new energy vehicles really save money? Car owners post additional costs, and the gap is huge after 3 years

In the field of new energy vehicles, there are also cheap cars, Wuling Hongguang Miniev, Baojun e300 are priced at less than 100,000, but the space is limited, the configuration is not high, and the safety is poor. The price of medium new energy vehicles is mostly above 250,000, which is more expensive than that of medium-level fuel vehicles of about 200,000.

Do new energy vehicles really save money? Car owners post additional costs, and the gap is huge after 3 years

Second, the cost of car maintenance is high.

The high cost of car maintenance for new energy vehicles is not reflected in the oil price, but in maintenance fees, battery replacement fees, insurance premiums and many other aspects. A car owner in Beijing bought a Tesla Model y, and the insurance premium for the first year of the car was 12,000 yuan, and the insurance premium rose to 18,000 yuan in the second year, and the insurance cost of the same price of fuel vehicles was between 6,000 and 8,000 yuan.

Do new energy vehicles really save money? Car owners post additional costs, and the gap is huge after 3 years

The insurance cost of new energy vehicles is more expensive because the car is difficult to repair when it is broken, and the cost of spare parts is high. Although the owner of the car buys a new energy vehicle, although he saves a part of the money for refueling, he spends thousands of yuan more on insurance costs, and the wool is always out of the sheep.

The cost of new energy vehicle maintenance is not cheap, Tesla Edamame three to do a small maintenance of the cost of up to 1700 yuan or so, to do a large maintenance price of close to 3000 yuan. Tesla Model 3 version is different, the maintenance cost and maintenance cycle are not the same, the official only provides a 4-year or 80,000-kilometer warranty.

Do new energy vehicles really save money? Car owners post additional costs, and the gap is huge after 3 years

Third, the difference in retention rate.

Most car owners do not intend to drive until they are scrapped after buying a car, but sell it after a few years of driving. The three-year retention rate of fuel vehicles is between 45% and 65%, toyota's retention rate is slightly higher, and the camry's retention rate after three years is close to 60%.

The retention rate of new energy vehicles is very low, and the retention rate of domestic brands after three years is less than 40%. The low retention rate of new energy vehicles is because the battery life of the vehicle is reduced after three years of use, and it is necessary to replace the battery at its own expense, if the manufacturer does not give the battery warranty, the car owner spends tens of thousands of yuan to replace the battery.

Do new energy vehicles really save money? Car owners post additional costs, and the gap is huge after 3 years

Editor's Comments:

Some people conclude through oil prices that the cost of new energy vehicles is low, which is irrational. When new energy vehicles started, they were tens of thousands more expensive than fuel vehicles of the same level, the cost of car maintenance was higher, and the retention rate when selling cars was low, and from the above three aspects, new energy vehicles did not save money at all.

All in all, new energy vehicles save fuel and do not save money, and car owners face a series of problems after purchasing new energy vehicles. What should I do if the charging pile is too round? Rent a car or buy a space? What should I do if I can't run long distances? I hope that you will consider the above issues clearly before buying new energy vehicles.

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