
Ruined three views, empty gloves white wolf, didn't spend a penny to get a parking space for nothing.

author:A trifle of three catties
Ruined three views, empty gloves white wolf, didn't spend a penny to get a parking space for nothing.

In the past two days, I was in a hurry, and I wanted to buy a parking space in the underground garage of the community, but the property company said that it would not sell anything.

And he rejected me with righteous words, either because there was no parking space, or because he couldn't sell it!

First of all, let's talk about why I am so desperate to buy a parking space, because my family bought a new energy vehicle at the end of last year.

I really don't know if I don't open it, it's so fragrant when I open it! My original little broken car costs 300 yuan to fill up a tank of gas.

I go back and forth every day, and go out for a run on weekends. You have to refill twice a month, and it costs six or seven hundred dollars.

The new car is a BYD SUV, which is a full lap larger than the original car. It is large and comfortable to sit on.

And the one I bought is pure electric, and I can run 500 kilometers when fully charged at 70 degrees!

Ruined three views, empty gloves white wolf, didn't spend a penny to get a parking space for nothing.

Now household electricity costs 5 cents a kilowatt-hour, and 70 kilowatt-hours of electricity is 35 yuan. 35 yuan can run 500 kilometers, what kind of concept is this!

The average 1 kilometer is less than a dime, and not long after driving the new energy car, I sold the original fuel car.

But the tram also has the trouble of charging the car. BYD's new energy vehicles are purchased and sent to charging piles.

However, the charging pile must be installed in their own parking space, they are responsible for the installation, report to the property company, and then find the power supply bureau to install a new meter.

But here's the problem, first of all, you have to have a parking space, and I haven't bought a parking space.

Ruined three views, empty gloves white wolf, didn't spend a penny to get a parking space for nothing.

The underground parking garage in our community has always been able to be parked casually, without spending money to buy, let alone paying for the lease, so I have never bought a parking space.

But now, there is no way to install charging piles without parking spaces. There is no way to install a charging pile in the community, so I can only go to the charging pile outside to charge.

The cost of charging outside is really not low, and the electricity bill plus the service fee is more than a dollar per kilowatt-hour.

What used to be done for more than 30 yuan now costs 70 or 80 yuan!

And the charging pile is generally in the parking lot, and you have to pay the parking fee after charging.

After paying the parking fee, it costs more than 90 yuan to charge it once! It is three times more expensive than community electricity, and it is more troublesome to find charging piles everywhere.

Ruined three views, empty gloves white wolf, didn't spend a penny to get a parking space for nothing.

The closest to the complex is the charging pile in the park parking lot opposite. Usually we park our car in the park and charge it first, and then go to drive the next day.

It's okay usually, but if you encounter windy, snowy and rainy weather, it will be very troublesome.

After thinking about it, I still have to buy a parking space in the community, which is downstairs in my own house, and it is convenient to charge it.

So I went to the property of the community to inquire about buying a parking space, but the property immediately rejected me decisively.

"Now the underground parking spaces in the community are not for sale and cannot be sold!" , the property said decisively.

"What? If you can't sell it, why can't you sell it? I wondered, "Didn't you sell it before?" ”

Ruined three views, empty gloves white wolf, didn't spend a penny to get a parking space for nothing.

"Now the underground parking garage belongs to the civil air defense project, all of which are managed by the urban investment company, and cannot be leased, let alone bought and sold!" He said.

I see, I remember as if someone had told me that once the underground parking garage of the community was listed as a civil air defense project.

It is a military project invested by the government, and it is not allowed to be bought and leased in case of emergency.

"What about the parking spaces that have been sold before?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know much about this, it's now under the management of the urban investment company," replied the property.

"But I need to install a charging pile now, and people don't install it if there is no parking space!" I'm starting to get anxious.

Ruined three views, empty gloves white wolf, didn't spend a penny to get a parking space for nothing.

"Then I can't help this, otherwise you should contact Chengtou directly!" , said the property.

Hey, he's going to kick the ball, I'm going to talk to the city investment company myself, and the city investment company knows who I am?

It is reported that the garages in many of our communities are entrusted to the management of Chengtou. There are so many garages, so many owners, he can manage it, how can he take care of me!

It's troublesome, charging every day, it's really sad!

Yesterday, I went downstairs and ran into the eldest sister on the 2nd floor, and I couldn't help but complain about it, but what she said directly shocked my jaw!

"Hey, now the underground parking garage is very messy, don't you see, the property is dirty and won't be cleaned!" , the eldest sister complained.

"Yes, the property said that the underground garage is under the management of Chengtou and does not belong to them, so it will not be cleaned!" I pouted.

Ruined three views, empty gloves white wolf, didn't spend a penny to get a parking space for nothing.

"That's not what we said, that's not what we said when we bought a parking space!" , the eldest sister was a little angry.

"Ah, you've bought a parking space!" , I looked envious.

"Bought it! Now it's a big deal! The eldest sister sighed.

"What's going on?" My curiosity was piqued all at once.

"Now that the garage is gone, it's okay. Many people simply get a sign, write their license plate number, and hang it on the parking space! The eldest sister snorted angrily

"Then pretend that you have already bought a parking space, and occupy a parking space for nothing without spending a penny!" , the eldest sister said indignantly

Ruined three views, empty gloves white wolf, didn't spend a penny to get a parking space for nothing.

"Ah, it can be like this!" My jaw dropped.

"Don't you see, there are more and more signs hanging in the garage now. There are all kinds of brands, but they are not real at first glance! ", said the eldest sister.

No wonder now I can't find a parking space every time I enter the garage, I wondered at the time, didn't I say that I don't sell or rent, why do I hang more and more brands?

I see, it turned out that someone secretly made a sign and hung it up, pretending to buy a parking space for himself!

These days, he is really thick-skinned and eats a piece of meat, and he is a white wolf with no face and no skin and empty gloves!

I couldn't find a parking space in the garage that day, so I parked directly on a listed parking space and left my phone number.

Ruined three views, empty gloves white wolf, didn't spend a penny to get a parking space for nothing.

If someone comes to me and says that I have taken a parking space for him, I have to ask him about the procedures for buying a parking space.

If you can't take it out, then you're welcome, I don't care where I like to stop!

After parking the car, I went around the underground garage, and found that although many cars were parked casually, it didn't matter whether there was a license plate on it or not, whether it was a private parking space.

I guess this kind of stealing parking spaces has probably been seen through by everyone, and now everyone can park wherever they like.

No one really dared to shout and let people move the car. Everyone is a neighbor, and if you take it seriously, it will be ugly. Don't play with such a little cleverness, there's no point!

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