
Crazy! A full 14 first rounds, 1 for 6, and an empty glove white wolf, Anji is such an old fox

author:Caddy Mowgli

This season's Jazz can be said to have completely rebuilt, under a series of operations by Angie, they have achieved a 31-51 record this season, ranking 12th in the West, obviously, this situation is not what Angie wants, so they started to live again.

Crazy! A full 14 first rounds, 1 for 6, and an empty glove white wolf, Anji is such an old fox

According to a Jazz reporter, the Jazz are currently interested in trading Markkanen, but the price could be high, and with Angie's arrangement, they hope to trade him for four or five first-round picks, plus an All-Star-caliber player.

Good guy, Anji is worthy of being the old fox in the NBA team administrator, this operation is to hollow out the opponent's family, just with Markkanen can exchange 1 for 6? What do you think?

Crazy! A full 14 first rounds, 1 for 6, and an empty glove white wolf, Anji is such an old fox

Since Anji became the Jazz, he has been aggressively operating the future of the team, and his vigorous and resolute approach is indeed admirable, under his operation, the Jazz have traded the team's two core Mitchell and France's Wu Yanzu in exchange for a large number of first-round picks and instant combat power.

Back in 2022, the Jazz sent Gobert to the Timberwolves in exchange for Beasley, Beverley, Vanderbilt, Kessler, Bormaro, 4 first-round picks and 26 first-round swaps.

Crazy! A full 14 first rounds, 1 for 6, and an empty glove white wolf, Anji is such an old fox

I thought that would be it, but I didn't expect the Jazz to reappear in the follow-up operation, and they sent Mitchell to Cleveland in exchange for Sexton, Markkanen, Abaki (14th pick in the first round in 2022), 3 first-round picks and 2 first-round pick swaps.

2 for 18, two transactions made the Jazz a lot of money.

Among the players who came back, Markkanen's performance made Angie laugh out loud when he slept.

Crazy! A full 14 first rounds, 1 for 6, and an empty glove white wolf, Anji is such an old fox

Markkanen played in 66 games for the team last season, averaging 25.6 points, 8.6 rebounds and 1.9 assists per game while shooting 49.9%/39.1%/87.5% from three, making him the most improved player.

He played in 55 games this season, averaging 23.2 points, 8.2 rebounds and 2 assists per game while shooting 48%/39.9%/89.9% from three. Compared to last season, the numbers are down slightly.

Crazy! A full 14 first rounds, 1 for 6, and an empty glove white wolf, Anji is such an old fox

Markkanen, who has been so good, has been asked, why would the team trade him?

There are two main points, the first is age, Markkanen is 27 years old this year, as the core of the team, a little older, the Jazz need a young All-Star.

Crazy! A full 14 first rounds, 1 for 6, and an empty glove white wolf, Anji is such an old fox

Since entering the league in 2017, Markkanen has only been selected as an All-Star once in seven years, and has played 0 playoff games.

The second is the injury problem, so far in his career, Markkanen has never played more than 70 games, only three years more than 60 games, last season due to a shoulder injury, only 55 games played before the season was reimbursed.

Crazy! A full 14 first rounds, 1 for 6, and an empty glove white wolf, Anji is such an old fox

Markkanen's contract expires in the summer of 2025 and his final year's salary is $18.04 million.

Since the core of the team is not suitable, then sell them all.

Crazy! A full 14 first rounds, 1 for 6, and an empty glove white wolf, Anji is such an old fox

In the next 4 years, the Jazz have 14 first-round picks, and the operation space is very large.

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