
Inhuman: September's parents are usually fox-faced, but there are exceptions, September's father's face is super handsome


In the comic "Inhuman", September's dad keeps a fox face for the following reasons:

Identity: As a vixen, the fox face is probably his most natural and primitive form, which helps him stay connected to other vixens and is also a sign of his identity.

Inhuman: September's parents are usually fox-faced, but there are exceptions, September's father's face is super handsome

Cultural traditions: In many traditional cultures, vixens are mystical creatures with supernatural abilities. September Daddy's fox face may be a respect and continuation of this cultural tradition.

Personal habits: September Dad may be used to living in the form of a fox face, which is probably the most comfortable and comfortable state for him.

Concealment abilities: Vixens are often associated with change and deception, and keeping a fox face may be an attempt to hide their true abilities and avoid attracting unwanted attention.

Inhuman: September's parents are usually fox-faced, but there are exceptions, September's father's face is super handsome

Acclimatization: In modern urban life, maintaining a fox face may be a way to adapt to the environment, so that he can communicate with other youkai or gods more easily, while not appearing too obtrusive in human society.

Family roles: As a member of the family, September Dad may feel that maintaining a fox face helps maintain family traditions and unity.

Humorous effect: In the comics, Daddy September's fox face may also be a humorous element to add fun and intimacy to the story.

Emotional expression: The fox face may also be a way for September Dad to express his emotions, through different fox expressions to convey his emotions and feelings.

Inhuman: September's parents are usually fox-faced, but there are exceptions, September's father's face is super handsome

Character setting: Finally, maintaining a fox face may also be an artistic setting made by the author to create the uniqueness of the character, which helps the character stand out from the crowd.

"Inhuman" not only enriches the background and personality of the characters, but also adds unique color and charm to the story through the setting of September Dad keeping a fox face.

However, this does not mean that Daddy September will not conjure up faces, on the contrary, he is still very good at this area. In some cases, Daddy September will change his face to suit different social situations or to make Daddy September's mom happy.

Inhuman: September's parents are usually fox-faced, but there are exceptions, September's father's face is super handsome

For example, when Daddy September makes Septua's mom angry, he will turn into a human face and stand outside the door waiting for the opportunity, coaxing Septua's mom to dissipate her anger with his mature charm. Daddy September's face is described as having a mature charm, especially the side face, which gives the impression of a handsome uncle, which makes September's mother quickly deflated.

In addition, Daddy September will also use his ability to change his face to get convenience when shopping for vegetables in the vegetable market. When the landlady selling tomatoes is indifferent to Daddy September's counteroffer, he will turn back into a fox face and make the landlady feel happy with his milky pleading to get a discount.

These episodes show the witty and fickle side of Daddy September, while also showcasing the fun interactions he has with Mom September. Through these humorous stories, the author brings readers a light-hearted reading experience and deepens their understanding and love for the character of September Dad.

Inhuman: September's parents are usually fox-faced, but there are exceptions, September's father's face is super handsome

In the "Inhuman" comic, September's father has the magical ability to change people's faces. This ability is used to coax September's mother in certain situations, adding to the humor and interest of the story. The following is the detailed plot about September's dad turning into a human face to coax September's mom:

Inhuman: September's parents are usually fox-faced, but there are exceptions, September's father's face is super handsome

Face Change: September Dad is able to change his face, and this ability is shown several times in the comics. He can change different expressions and faces according to his needs to adapt to different social situations.

Coaxing Mom: When September's mom is angry or upset, September's dad will use his ability to change to coax her. He may change into a mature, attractive look to attract the attention of September's mother and make her feel better.

Inhuman: September's parents are usually fox-faced, but there are exceptions, September's father's face is super handsome

Emotional expression: By changing the face, September Dad can express his emotions more directly and effectively. He may use gentle glances and expressions to convey apologies, or smiles to ease tensions.

Humorous interactions: This ability of September Dad also often leads to some humorous interactions. For example, he may surprise her by suddenly changing his face in front of his mom in September, or make her laugh in this way.

Inhuman: September's parents are usually fox-faced, but there are exceptions, September's father's face is super handsome

Family Harmony: This behavior of Daddy September also reflects the importance he attaches to family harmony. He is willing to use his ability to make his mother happy, which shows his love for his family and wife.

Character characteristics: This ability of September Dad also further enriches his character characteristics. He is not only a fox with superpowers, but also a good husband who is good at dealing with family relationships and emotional issues.


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