
Concubine Ji, who laughed like a fox: Her husband was indifferent, and her 3 children didn't let her worry

author:Ma Tuan tells stories
Concubine Ji, who laughed like a fox: Her husband was indifferent, and her 3 children didn't let her worry

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Text: Ma Tuan tells a story

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Among the Japanese imperial family, Princess Kiko is known for her unique charm and elegant temperament. However, this fox-smiling woman faces many challenges in her family life. Her husband was cold and unforgiving, and her three children also made her feel uncomfortable. This article will delve into Princess Kiko's family life and uncover another side of the royal family.

Concubine Ji, who laughed like a fox: Her husband was indifferent, and her 3 children didn't let her worry

1. Concubine Ji's husband: the cold and ruthless crown prince

Princess Kiko's husband is the crown prince of Japan, and although the two of them are in the imperial family, it is difficult for them to enjoy the warmth and sweetness of ordinary people. The crown prince has an indifferent personality, and his care and support for Concubine Ki are limited. In public, although they maintain the etiquette of husband and wife, they rarely communicate in private. Princess Kiko often took care of family affairs alone, while the crown prince rarely participated. This indifferent attitude made Concubine Ki feel lonely and helpless.

Concubine Ji, who laughed like a fox: Her husband was indifferent, and her 3 children didn't let her worry

2. Princess Mako, the eldest daughter: The persistent pursuit of love worries her mother

Princess Mako is the eldest daughter of Princess Kiko, she is naturally beautiful and smart. However, her persistent pursuit of love worries her mother. Princess Mako and Kei Komuro's relationship caused a sensation for a while, but the relationship between the two was not favored by the outside world. Kei Komuro's family background and character problems greatly reduced Princess Kiko's impression of him. She was worried that her daughter would sacrifice her happiness and future for love, so she repeatedly dissuaded and reminded her daughter to consider carefully. However, Princess Mako turned a deaf ear to her mother's words and insisted on her choice. This made Concubine Ji feel helpless and distressed.

Concubine Ji, who laughed like a fox: Her husband was indifferent, and her 3 children didn't let her worry

3. Princess Jiazi, the second daughter: rebellious and untamable, let her mother worry

Unlike Princess Mako, Princess Yoshiko is more rebellious and untamable. She is not bound by the rules of the royal family and pursues freedom and individuality. She often travels and participates in various activities on her own, and rarely consults and communicates with her mother. Princess Yoshiko's rebellious behavior worries and unsettles Princess Kiko, who fears that her daughter will go down the wrong path and lose the dignity and glory of the royal family. Concubine Kiko tried to communicate with her daughter many times, but it didn't work well. She can only silently pray that her daughter can get back on track as soon as possible and live a happy life.

Concubine Ji, who laughed like a fox: Her husband was indifferent, and her 3 children didn't let her worry

Fourth, the youngest son, Prince Yuhito: shouldering a heavy responsibility and huge pressure

Prince Hirohito is the youngest son of Princess Kiko, who is one of the important members of the Japanese imperial family. As the future star of the imperial family, Prince Hirohito shoulders the responsibility of inheriting the throne. However, this heavy responsibility also put a lot of pressure on him. He must always be mindful of his words and deeds, and abide by the rules and etiquette of the royal family. This pressure overwhelmed Prince Hirohito, and his childhood became extremely heavy as a result. Concubine Kiko is well aware of her son's pressure, and she tries her best to provide support and help for her son, hoping that he can grow up healthy and take on his own responsibilities.

Concubine Ji, who laughed like a fox: Her husband was indifferent, and her 3 children didn't let her worry

5. Concubine Kiko's dilemma: the double pressure of family and royal family

As a member of the royal family, Princess Kiko must always maintain the image and dignity of the royal family. However, in her family life, she faced many challenges and dilemmas. Her husband was cold and unforgiving, and her three children also made her feel uncomfortable. This double pressure made Concubine Ji feel exhausted. She can only endure in silence and try to maintain the harmony and stability of the family, hoping to find a balance between the royal family and the family.

Concubine Ji, who laughed like a fox: Her husband was indifferent, and her 3 children didn't let her worry

6. Conclusion: May Concubine Ki find happiness and peace

Princess Kiko is an elegant and resilient woman who has left a deep mark on the stage of the royal family with her wisdom and perseverance. However, in her family life, she faced many challenges and dilemmas. I hope she can find her own happiness and peace as soon as possible and live a life that truly belongs to her. At the same time, it is also expected that the Japanese imperial family will pay more attention to the harmony and stability of family life, and provide a better growth environment and development space for the royal family.

Concubine Ji, who laughed like a fox: Her husband was indifferent, and her 3 children didn't let her worry

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Concubine Ji, who laughed like a fox: Her husband was indifferent, and her 3 children didn't let her worry

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