
When I was 7 years old, I went to sell bamboo baskets with my father, and when it rained heavily, I went to my aunt's house

author:home and dispute shop

On a rainy spring afternoon, the clouds were so thick that they seemed to squeeze out water. Seven-year-old Lei wears a blue poncho and holds a rusty umbrella tightly in his hand, and pushes a dilapidated tricycle full of bamboo baskets to the market with his father, Lei Laohan. Lei Laohan was wearing a patched raincoat, his face was engraved with the traces of time, his hands were clutching the handlebars of the tricycle, and the water droplets on his forehead were mixed with the rain, dripping down continuously.

The noise of the market is getting closer, but the rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the vision is beginning to blur. "Dad, is it my aunt's house in front of you?" Xiao Lei pulled the corner of Lei Laohan's clothes and asked in a low voice.

When I was 7 years old, I went to sell bamboo baskets with my father, and when it rained heavily, I went to my aunt's house

"yes." Lei Laohan looked around, and then whispered, "Let's go to your aunt's house to hide from the rain first." ”

They quickly walked towards the tepid residential area. Pushing open the familiar iron door, Lei Laohan took Xiao Lei to a wooden door on the third floor and knocked on the door.

"Who?" Inside, the voice of her aunt Li Hongmei came, hoarse and impatient.

"It's me, old man, who brought Xiao Lei to hide from the rain." Lei Laohan's voice revealed a hint of helplessness.

When I was 7 years old, I went to sell bamboo baskets with my father, and when it rained heavily, I went to my aunt's house

The door creaked open, and Li Hongmei was wearing a floral dress and delicate makeup on her face, obviously not so welcoming to this sudden visitor. She glanced at Lei Laohan and Xiao Lei coldly, and barely squeezed out a smile, "Ouch, it's raining too much today, come in and sit down." ”

"Thank you, auntie." Xiao Lei took off his wet poncho and carefully placed it on the shoe cabinet by the door.

Lei Laohan took off his raincoat in three or two steps and motioned for Xiao Lei to sit on the sofa in the living room. Li Hongmei handed them two cups of hot water, then went straight back to the TV and continued to watch her series.

Lei Laohan took a sip of water, glanced at the busy Li Hongmei, and whispered to Xiao Lei, who was picking up the cup to drink water: "Xiao Lei, life is like this rain, it is inevitable that things will not go well, but the important thing is that we have to figure out our own way." ”

When I was 7 years old, I went to sell bamboo baskets with my father, and when it rained heavily, I went to my aunt's house

Xiao Lei looked up at his father, with some doubts and incomprehension in his eyes. Li Hongmei suddenly interjected coldly: "Oh, Xiaolei, why did you come out of such a heavy rain?" Isn't this asking for hardship! ”

"Auntie, you have to live on a rainy day." Lei Laohan replied with a smile, trying his best to make the atmosphere less awkward.

"Life, life, there are some things that not everyone really understands." Li Hongmei sighed, and then as if she suddenly remembered something, she turned her head to Xiao Lei and said: "Xiao Lei, when the rain stops, you have to study hard, and don't be like your father in the future, pushing a tricycle every day." ”

Xiao Lei nodded, but he was thinking in his heart: "I have grown up, and we must make our lives better." He hid this little wish in his heart and waited for the rain to clear up. In the midst of the torrential rain, the children in the community were all kept at home, while in the living room of Li Hongmei's house, the TV was still on, but the sound was very small. Lei Laohan sat at one end of the sofa, Xiao Lei leaned on him, holding an old book in his hand and watching silently. Since Li Hongmei obviously did not welcome the father and son, the atmosphere in the room was particularly dull.

When I was 7 years old, I went to sell bamboo baskets with my father, and when it rained heavily, I went to my aunt's house

The phone rang suddenly, breaking the silence. Li Hongmei quickly walked to the phone, and glanced at Lei Laohan and Xiao Lei impatiently while listening.

"Yes, my brother brought his son again...... Yes, they have always been like this, and they don't want to think about how to improve their lives. Li Hongmei's tone was marked with contempt and disdain.

Little Ray put down the book, his ears pricked up. Lei Laohan noticed Xiao Lei's reaction and seemed to want to say something, but he was still silent.

"I'm telling you, I've had enough of days like this. The people in the city were busy rushing forward, how could they be satisfied with those broken bamboo baskets? Li Hongmei complained, as if she wanted to vent all her grievances on the phone.

When I was 7 years old, I went to sell bamboo baskets with my father, and when it rained heavily, I went to my aunt's house

After hanging up the phone, Li Hongmei returned to the TV, her back revealing a faint indifference.

Xiao Lei looked up at his father, with some confusion on his face: "Dad, why does my aunt say this about us?" ”

Lei Laohan put his exhausted hand on Xiao Lei's shoulder: "Xiao Lei, the world is like this, people live differently, and their ideas are different. But we can't give up just because someone else says it, you know? ”

"Well, I understand." Xiao Lei nodded slightly, and there was a warm current surging in his heart.

When I was 7 years old, I went to sell bamboo baskets with my father, and when it rained heavily, I went to my aunt's house

At this time, Lei Laohan's phone rang. He pulled out his old phone, and after listening to the call, there was a strange glint in his eyes.

"Lao Zhang...... Is there still a space at the craft show? Not bad, not bad, I'll prepare some samples as soon as possible. Lei Laohan's voice was full of excitement and surprise.

Hanging up the phone, he excitedly said to Xiao Lei: "Xiao Lei, do you remember that friend of your father when he was young?" Lao Zhang. He heard about our situation and said he wanted to do us a favor and let our bamboo baskets participate in a craft exhibition. What a great opportunity! ”

"That's great!" Xiao Lei's eyes flashed with excitement, "Can we sell more bamboo baskets?" ”

When I was 7 years old, I went to sell bamboo baskets with my father, and when it rained heavily, I went to my aunt's house

"Of course!" Lei Laohan smiled and patted Xiao Lei's head, "In this way, our lives may be improved." ”

At this moment, the rain finally lightened, Lei Laohan and Xiao Lei said goodbye to Li Hongmei and pushed the tricycle again, the mood was no longer full of heaviness, but with hope and expectation.

Xiao Lei's inner world has more thoughts about life because of this afternoon's experience, "Dad, I must let our bamboo baskets be sold farther in the future, so that more people know." ”

Lei Laohan looked at his son's firm eyes, and a warmth surged in his heart: "Yes, Xiaolei, we have to fight for strength and make our lives better!" Lei Laohan and Xiao Lei came to the bustling market, and although the bamboo baskets on the tricycle were slightly wet due to the rain, Lei Laohan still had hope and sold them to passers-by one one with hope. Just as he was explaining the bamboo basket to a customer, a familiar figure appeared in his sight.

When I was 7 years old, I went to sell bamboo baskets with my father, and when it rained heavily, I went to my aunt's house

Uncle Wang, an old friend, patted Lei Laohan on the shoulder: "Old Lei, after so many years, your bamboo basket is getting better and better!" ”

Lei Laohan turned around and saw Uncle Wang's wrinkled but still energetic face, and couldn't help but smile: "Uncle Wang, do you still remember me?" ”

"How can I forget you." Uncle Wang waved his hand, "Speaking of which, I'm now in a handicraft association, and you're doing such an authentic craft job, why don't you bring it to me for display?" ”

"This ...... All right? Lei Laohan was a little hesitant, but his eyes flashed with longing.

When I was 7 years old, I went to sell bamboo baskets with my father, and when it rained heavily, I went to my aunt's house

Uncle Wang patted him on the shoulder: "Old friend do me a favor, you can rest assured!" ”

Xiao Lei listened to their conversation and felt a glimmer of hope that he had never felt before. He imagined his father's bamboo basket displayed in front of more people, and the thought of helping his father involuntarily rose in his heart.

When they returned home, Lei Laohan began to carefully select and make new bamboo baskets for Uncle Wang. Xiao Lei looked at his father's focused expression, and suddenly said, "Dad, I also want to learn to make bamboo baskets." ”

"Huh?" Lei Laohan stopped what he was doing and looked at his son, "You are only 7 years old, why do you suddenly want to learn this?" ”

When I was 7 years old, I went to sell bamboo baskets with my father, and when it rained heavily, I went to my aunt's house

"I want to help you in the future." Xiao Lei said firmly.

Lei Laohan showed a pleased smile: "Okay, Dad will teach you." ”

In the difficult daily life, there are not many such bright spots, but Lei Laohan can always see hope in Xiao Lei's eyes. He not only taught Lei how to weave baskets, but also told him the mysteries of bamboo: the growth of bamboo, the choice of materials, the shape of the basket and the weaving techniques.

In the process of learning and making, Lei Laohan and Xiao Lei both felt the joy of hard work and the joy of harvest.

When I was 7 years old, I went to sell bamboo baskets with my father, and when it rained heavily, I went to my aunt's house

Now, it can be said that it is a turning point, their fate has begun to have new possibilities, and that enthusiastic old friend Uncle Wang has become the new mentor and assistant of Lei Laohan's life. Lei Laohan has a broader market prospect, and Xiao Lei also sees his hope for the future in the art of bamboo basket weaving. Time flies, turning the pages of youth, that once a little little Lei has grown into a mature and stable young man. In front of the Lei family's hut, there are now exquisite bamboo baskets, and a large banner has been pulled up outside, "Lei's Bamboo Art - Traditional Craft, Modern Design".

Xiao Lei wiped his sweat and just came out of the workshop. Their bamboo baskets are now not only famous in the village, but even the market has many repeat customers. The refinement and innovation of their craftsmanship make their bamboo baskets not only practical, but also of artistic value.

"Xiao Lei, this batch of newly designed bamboo baskets has been booked by customers again!" The neighbor's aunt came to report the good news happily with the order.

"Haha, thank you, auntie! You've done a great job! Xiao Lei took the order happily, and his heart was warm.

When I was 7 years old, I went to sell bamboo baskets with my father, and when it rained heavily, I went to my aunt's house

At this moment, Lei Laohan walked over, holding a cane, his face was full of wrinkles, but his eyes were still bright. He looked at the former hut and now turned into a small workshop, his eyes showed pride and emotion: "Xiao Lei, you have done a good job, you are really competitive." ”

"It's all taught to me by my father, and I can't do without your teaching." Xiao Lei knew in his heart that if it weren't for his father's persistence and teachings, he would not have today's achievements.

On this day, Li Hongmei also came to Xiao Lei's workshop. She looked around at the delicate bamboo baskets, and had to admit how short-sighted her views were.

"Xiao Lei, I really didn't expect you to do so well." Li Hongmei's voice revealed sincere approval.

When I was 7 years old, I went to sell bamboo baskets with my father, and when it rained heavily, I went to my aunt's house

Xiao Lei smiled: "Auntie, it was your words that woke me up back then, I want to thank you." ”

Li Hongmei was taken aback and said embarrassedly: "That...... That's what I'm talking about, don't take it seriously. ”

"In any case, it's a family, let the past pass." Xiao Lei waved his hand, looking much more open-minded.

As night fell, the moonlight shone on the roof of the hut, and Xiao Lei sat down on the wooden chair in front of the door, looking at the starry sky and pondering. The rain in the early years, and my aunt's indifferent words, seem like just yesterday. He asked himself softly: "If it weren't for that rain, if it weren't for that indifferent conversation, would I be so angry today?" ”

When I was 7 years old, I went to sell bamboo baskets with my father, and when it rained heavily, I went to my aunt's house

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