
Remediation of public parking spaces They are in action

author:LOHAS Danyang

On May 14, the Danyang City Management Administrative Law Enforcement Brigade received a report from Danyang Wing Network that a merchant along Baiyun Street occupied a parking space without permission. In this regard, the surrounding residents, including him, have great opinions: "Who gives the power to the business if the parking place puts a sign to occupy the site without permission."

With the contradiction between the rapid growth of private car ownership and the limited increase in parking spaces, some businesses use various means to "occupy" the parking spaces in front of their stores, which not only makes public parking spaces lose their public service functions, but also makes the parking spaces that are already in short supply more tight.

Remediation of public parking spaces They are in action

◎ Citizens' voices

Businesses occupying public parking spaces should not

Most of the citizens surveyed expressed dissatisfaction with the occupation of public parking spaces by businesses. Mr. Zhou, who lives near Baiyun Street, told reporters that some businesses use parking signs to circle the public parking spaces in front of their stores into "exclusive parking spaces", so that citizens who come to this area to consume often have nowhere to park. "His shop has been occupying parking spaces for a long time, and it still occupies several of them. There is no sign that this is private, and the parking space is empty, so why not let someone else park? Mr. Zhou said.

◎ Chengguan responded

Businesses do not have the right to occupy the parking space in front of the store

The Danyang City Management Administrative Law Enforcement Brigade said that on May 8, law enforcement officers had paid attention to the behavior of the store's parking space occupying the road, and had made publicity and education for the store on the same day and gave a verbal warning. On May 14, law enforcement officers once again received a report from Danyang Yi netizens, and law enforcement officers immediately rushed to the scene to temporarily seize the items occupying the road and punish them in accordance with the law.

Remediation of public parking spaces They are in action
Remediation of public parking spaces They are in action
Remediation of public parking spaces They are in action

"Occupying parking spaces without permission is a selfish behavior, which not only occupies public resources and affects the travel of others, but also has certain safety risks." The relevant person in charge of the Danyang City Management Administrative Law Enforcement Brigade said that the law enforcement brigade will strengthen daily patrols and publicity to enhance the public awareness of merchants.

Source: Danyang Weichengguan

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