
How to use medicine for children with sore throat?

Generally, children have sore throats, which are caused by many viral causes. In this case should be treated with cefixime granules of the virus. There is also bitter azithromycin and plate blue root, which can treat sore throat in children. Parents should also feed their children more boiling water while taking medicine to help their children treat sore throat as soon as possible.

How to use medicine for children with sore throat?

How to use medicine for pediatric sore throat, and what medicine is better for pediatric sore throat?

When your child has a sore throat, help your child relieve your condition and take medication in time. In addition, parents should pay attention to the specific amount of medication, and also give their children medicine according to the doctor's advice. Let's take a look at what medicines children take for a sore throat?

1. Cefixi granules, after children with viral respiratory diseases, cause throat discomfort, which is a dry and itchy condition in the throat. This condition is to give the child cephalosporin. Cephalosporins can be used to fight respiratory viruses, have anti-inflammatory, antiviral effects, and can kill viruses in the throat of patients. However, some patients, such as children who cannot take tablets or granules, are suitable for cefixime granules. Many of these granules are sweet, acceptable to children, and easy for parents to feed.

2, Archie granules, Archie this medicine is slightly bitter, but it has obvious effects on the treatment of cold sore throat. It can help children relieve fire, throat infections, sore throats as soon as possible, and alleviate the pain caused by respiratory infections to children. Using archie boxes, you can improve your child's throat discomfort as soon as possible. It is generally recommended to give the child a bag in the morning and for three consecutive days, which is a box of Archie's dose.

3. Banlan root and large green leaf, this granule can not only treat children's sore throat, but also help patients of all ages to prevent colds, just like patients feel that they have a slight runny nose, cough symptoms, properly take a pack of drinks can help patients recover health. To treat your child's sore throat, you only need to give half a pack to help your child treat a bacterial infection, which is also one of the antibiotics.

How to use medicine for children with sore throat?

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