
Oil prices are rising again: in order to save 30 yuan with a tank of fuel, is it really necessary to buy an electric car?

Recently, due to various factors, the continuous rise in oil prices has become the most concerned topic for many car owners.

At 24:00 on March 17, a new round of refined oil price adjustment window was also officially opened: No. 92 gasoline was raised by 0.59 yuan per liter, No. 95 gasoline was raised by 0.62 yuan per liter, and No. 0 diesel was raised by 0.62 yuan per liter.

This indicates that domestic oil prices have once again entered the 8 yuan era.

In Hainan, the price of No. 92 gasoline reached 9.16 yuan / liter.

Oil prices are rising again: in order to save 30 yuan with a tank of fuel, is it really necessary to buy an electric car?

Such soaring oil prices have made many car owners unable to afford to refuel.

Last night, in the long line of refueling at the gas station, there was no shortage of million-class luxury cars such as Mercedes-Benz S-Class, BMW 7 Series, and Audi A8L.

It can be seen that for the sensitivity of oil prices, the rich people are also the same.

So, there is such a paragraph on the Internet: one foot on the accelerator, a meat sandwich bun is gone; Fill up a tank of oil and a gram of gold is gone. Fill up one tank of oil to buy a bicycle, add four tanks of oil to buy an electric car.

Although it is a joke, it is also a true portrayal.

What's worse is that in the current situation, whether oil prices will rise or fall in the future is still unknown.

Car review noted that many new energy vehicle manufacturers have begun to take the opportunity to hype up, listing the various benefits of buying electric vehicles. One of the most important core points is to save money.

Oil prices are rising again: in order to save 30 yuan with a tank of fuel, is it really necessary to buy an electric car?

In fact, it is not unreasonable to say so.

In daily use, the cost per kilometer alone, then electric vehicles are definitely much more cost-effective than traditional fuel vehicles.

As a result, many car owners feel that the price of oil is too expensive now, and there are plans to buy pure electric vehicles.

In fact, it's not just oil prices that are rising. The limit at the end of each year is also a good time for new energy vehicle dealers to publicize.

At this time, of course, there are many consumers who are still driving fuel vehicles and want to buy pure electric vehicles.

However, the difference is that usually the limit number at the end of the year is about one month, and after this month, most areas are still limited to two numbers a day, which has little impact on travel.

And the rise in oil prices, none of us can determine what trend Weilai is, but the car can not not drive.

Oil prices are rising again: in order to save 30 yuan with a tank of fuel, is it really necessary to buy an electric car?

So the question is, is it necessary to buy a pure electric car at this time?

Let's do the math.

According to the 50-liter fuel tank volume of the general family car, if you use No. 92 gasoline, fill a tank of 29.5 yuan more than before.

No. 95 gasoline, also according to the volume of 50 liters of fuel tank to fill a tank costs 31 yuan more.

In this way, for most car owners, after the oil price rises, it may cost more than 100 yuan in oil price expenditure every month, which is still within the affordable range.

In the view of the car fast review, if it is not a particularly large mileage per month, there is no plan to change the car in the near future, there is no need to save 30 yuan for a tank of fuel, to buy a pure electric car.

On the contrary, if you really want to buy a pure electric car, then you must consider whether there are charging conditions, the high depreciation rate of electric vehicles, and mileage anxiety.

In addition, in addition to pure electric models, you can also choose some gasoline-electric hybrid and plug-in hybrid models.

Oil prices are rising again: in order to save 30 yuan with a tank of fuel, is it really necessary to buy an electric car?

Finally, in view of the recent impact of factors such as the rise in raw materials, the price of many new energy vehicle companies has always been on the rise. If you are sure to buy, it is recommended to start as soon as possible, so as not to spend thousands or tens of thousands more in one night.

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