
Qian Jin: "Worry" and "Happiness" in Care

Qian Jin: "Worry" and "Happiness" in Care

Text/Qian Jin

Our small family has a total of six people, our old two, our son two, and two young granddaughters, living together in a set of more than sixty square meters of units, is more than twenty years ago the old wife unit allocation, belongs to the kind of old community or the top six floors, the conditions are not good, the level of decoration in that era is so big compared to now, not only backward, but also particularly crowded, primitive and bulky furniture and full of debris filled all corners of the room, living conditions are also a "ok".

In fact, it is not that everyone has to squeeze in here, the son's family already has a relatively large high-rise housing, and has been decorated to officially move in, I also have another set of housing a few kilometers away, can be separated to live, enjoy more space. The main reason for living here is that my son has been working on the high-speed rail construction site thousands of kilometers away for many years, rarely going home during the year, two granddaughters studying in a small school near us here, the daughter-in-law also has to take care of the life of both of them at home, supervise them to study, every Monday to Friday, here we are, only until Friday night or Saturday morning, only drive them back to their own home, go to their family's small days, and my wife and I also take the opportunity to take two days off and enjoy the "world of two" It is rare to be quiet, and you can use these two days to go out and walk, go to the clothing city, go to the small commodity market, or visit the supermarket, purchase a bunch of food and daily necessities, prepare for the next week's life, and occasionally take a car to a scenic spot in the suburbs, which is also a luxury.

This is usual, I live with this old one middle school two small four women, the typical "yin sheng yang decline", although my "status" in the family is not high, wife, daughter-in-law, two granddaughters, this is lined up to me, but the overall is still a relatively harmonious family, daily life is plain and full, in addition to the "seven things to open the door", that is, the daily pick-up and drop off granddaughters to and from school. It was a matter of unhindered rain or shine, and it was an unshirkable duty, and this "glorious and arduous" task was naturally undertaken by me. So, on the days when the children went to school, every day at six o'clock in the morning, we two got up on time and started the busy day, the two of us had a clear division of labor, she was responsible for the family's breakfast, what about me? Responsible for the chores of the two granddaughters, checking the school bags, filling the kettle with boiling water at the right temperature... Wake up the eldest granddaughter at seven o'clock on time, live twenty minutes, wake up the second granddaughter (the two children have different school hours), wash, comb their hair, eat, a little nervous busy work, and when all this is completed in the prescribed time, then go downstairs and ride an electric car to send the eldest granddaughter to school, and then come back upstairs to pick up the little granddaughter to go to another school. Although the family is close to the school, but at the end of the day, at least seven or eight round-trip, sometimes the eldest granddaughter has to participate in several subject tuition at night, then I can have extra "overtime", no regrets that is a must.

In this era, the standard of living is greatly improved, children eat and wear very well, in the "4 + 2 + 2" structure of the family, children are carefully cared for and pampered, but also very "tired", a lot of daily homework, there are additional kinds of tuition, there are also specialties, singing, dancing, practicing, calligraphy, art... Let the child be very tired every day, and every night before eleven o'clock or even later, he cannot fall asleep, which is both painful and helpless. Because, in today's society, all fields are fiercely competitive, just like the "law of the forest", in this context, who dares to give up lightly? Who wants to lose at the starting line? So, only by learning to learn and then learn, at all costs, even if the standard of living and quality decline is also at all costs, these are trapped by "academics", burdened by scores, and the mind to become "other people's children" Children, is it happiness? I'm so tired for them.

Living with sons, daughters-in-law and granddaughters, getting along is basically harmonious and the relationship is relatively harmonious, but sometimes there are some small contradictions, but it is not a trivial matter such as chai rice oil and salt, and the focus is mainly on the issue of educating children. As grandparents, because of the "next generation of relatives", we especially love these two little granddaughters, eating and drinking Lasa life trivia needless to say, children's daily use of learning tools, daily necessities, as long as children need, open their mouths to come, do it at will, as well as new year's day birthday gifts, press the old money, insurance costs, etc., never stingy. But for the way to educate children, we old people and young people because of the difference in concepts and contradictions, such as daughters-in-law sometimes in the supervision and counseling of children to learn, the way to use more stringent, more demanding, and even a little excessive, at least I think so.

In fact, as a biological mother, she is quite loving to her two daughters, giving meticulous care in life, but there is no ambiguity in learning, often reprimanding children for this, or letting children play "fatigue war" and "wheel war", so that children are physically and mentally exhausted. When we saw this "carrot and stick" education model, out of the elders' love for the child's body, sometimes we could not help but "see the righteous and courageous", and said something to stop it, but the results were very small, and there was also a debate, and sometimes the words were more intense, although it was after the incident, it quickly returned to normal, and the next time it was still the case, no one could convince anyone, and no one could change anyone. Alas, this is also a part of life, normal or abnormal, this contradiction has always existed, and later for the sake of family harmony, I chose to give in, since then I have been in charge of picking up and dropping off children, of course, the matter of paying for the pocket should also be benevolent, who let us kiss two lovely granddaughters so much. It's just that I always think that the cultivation and education of children should weigh and coordinate the relationship between body and learning, and that a strong physique and excellent academic performance are important, if there is no former, then is the other still useful? "Someone else's child" is someone else's, my family's, as long as it is healthy and happy.

The calendar turns over page by page, the days are so much going on day by day, in the blink of an eye, the eldest granddaughter is about to enter the middle school, the second granddaughter is also going to officially go to primary school, will usher in a more difficult learning life, although the strength of the "old man and the old woman" is declining, we must also try our best to exert the residual heat, for the future of the next generation, the next generation to continue to work hard, help them.

It was already very late at night, the lights in the outhouse were finally extinguished, and the eldest granddaughter went to bed, and soon she would fall asleep, and in six or seven hours she would enter another cycle, and this precious time was precious to her. And I, after accompanying my granddaughter's "pen cultivation", turned to the opposite side, it was difficult to sleep, and I was still seriously thinking about deeper problems...

About the Author

Qian Jin: "Worry" and "Happiness" in Care

Qian Jin, born in Taiyuan in June 1958, joined the railway work in 1979, from January 1979 to January 1986, steam locomotive attendant of Linfen locomotive section, from February 1986 to February 2012, taiyuan north section power maintenance workshop workers, team leaders, workshop dispatchers, from March 2012 to June 2018, Taiyuan locomotive section letter and petition office petitioner, retired in June.

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