
What's going on with the child blinking?

"The child suddenly keeps blinking, is there something in the eye?"

"Doctor, what's going on with the child's eyes?"

"How come there is such a big reaction, and it keeps blinking?"

Parents need to be vigilant if they see their children constantly blinking. A child's blinking may be caused by a physiologically bad habit, or it may be pathological due to an eye disease. It's not a trivial matter, be careful!

What's going on with the child blinking?

What might be the reason why a child keeps blinking?


Eye strain

Learning to read books in daily life, playing with computers for a long time, and looking at mobile phones can lead to eye fatigue and cause children to blink continuously.


Insufficient secretion of tear fluid

Problems occur with the lacrimal glands, and insufficient supply of tear fluid leads to dry eyes, so children rely on frequent blinking to keep their eyes moist.


Inflammation of the eye

Rubbing your child's eyes can cause bacteria to enter the eyes, causing inflammation of the eye infection, followed by frequent blinking, which may also be accompanied by problems such as redness, swelling and tears in the eyes.



Your child's constant blinking can also be caused by allergies. The eye surface has an allergic reaction to allergens such as pollen and dust, resulting in non-stop blinking, and symptoms such as tears will also be manifested at the same time.

What to do?

1. Let the child use his eyes reasonably, read the book for a certain time and remind the child to rest after using the electronic screen. Looking into the distance or taking your child to outdoor sports reduces close-up use, relieves eye fatigue, and improves frequent blinking.

What's going on with the child blinking?

2. Avoid rubbing your child's eyes, pay attention to hand cleaning, and prevent infection caused by bacteria on your hands.

3. Take the child to a professional eye hospital for examination to see if there are any problems such as organic diseases of the eye or inflammation of the eye, and the ophthalmologist will carry out professional treatment for the symptoms.

What's going on with the child blinking?

Children always keep blinking their eyes need to pay attention to, dry eye disease, bacterial infections and other diseases may cause children to blink, when parents find this situation, take the child to a professional eye hospital as soon as possible for examination and treatment, do not try to "repair" themselves, the child's health is a big thing, eye damage can not wait to start again. Let your child maintain good living habits and protect your child's eye health.

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