
Still acting? Niu Aifang shaved her beard to register for the baby, but the child has changed, netizens: changed actors

Nowadays, Niu Aifang and Xiao Chunhua are still making a lot of noise on the Internet, some time ago, two people cared about the good news on the Internet, and the second child was officially born, triggering heated discussions among netizens.

After the matter was exposed, the two people received many blessings from netizens and were already on the verge of whitewashing. In just one week, it has risen to 200,000 fans, and the comment area has changed from the previous spit to a completely positive review.

Still acting? Niu Aifang shaved her beard to register for the baby, but the child has changed, netizens: changed actors

The two men hit the iron while it was hot and continued to post videos about their children on the Internet, but they did not expect to overturn the car. Netizens have always suspected that Xiao Chunhua is not pregnant at all, and the birth is not Xiao Chunhua at all, but her cousin, and Xiao Chunhua is just making a big fuss about it.

Later, the two people released a video in which Xiao Chunhua's child also rarely showed a full face. Judging from the video, the child's face is sallow and looks a little unnatural. And the limbs were stiff, and when Niu Aifang held the child, the child's head even hung in the air.

Still acting? Niu Aifang shaved her beard to register for the baby, but the child has changed, netizens: changed actors

Some netizens said bluntly that children do not look like real children, but like plastic toys. After triggering public opinion, Niu Aifang and his wife deleted the video of their children, which somewhat means that there is no silver three hundred and two here.

Recently, Niu Aifang and his wife also posted a video on the Internet, in the video, Niu Aifang in order not to let her beard stab the child, specially shaved the beard, shaved the beard of Niu Aifang, looks somewhat funny.

Still acting? Niu Aifang shaved her beard to register for the baby, but the child has changed, netizens: changed actors

After that, Niu Aifang drove an electric car to the city to register the child, and when she went to the household registration, some netizens found the cat grease. Obviously, the beard that had been shaved off grew again when he arrived in the city to open a household registration.

Still acting? Niu Aifang shaved her beard to register for the baby, but the child has changed, netizens: changed actors

It is impossible for a person's beard to grow so fast, then there is only one possibility, and the order of shooting is reversed. Niu Aifang first went to the city to give the child a household registration, and then shaved her beard.

This means that Niu Aifang's sharing is not her own life at all, but just the script she played. Small bugs like this abound in Niu Aifang's previous videos, but the two never explained them.

In addition to this, there is some cattiness in the child. This time, Xiao Chunhua also held the child and appeared on camera, this time the child was no longer the same as the last time, motionless, but lying in Xiao Chunhua's arms, twisting his body.

Still acting? Niu Aifang shaved her beard to register for the baby, but the child has changed, netizens: changed actors

Many netizens said that the child's appearance this time is not the same as the last time. Last time the child looked a little more milky, this time the child looked more mature, not like the same child at all.

Still acting? Niu Aifang shaved her beard to register for the baby, but the child has changed, netizens: changed actors

Therefore, some netizens said bluntly that I am afraid that if my cousin no longer lends the child to Niu Aifang, Niu Aifang has no choice but to choose to change a child. Netizen: This is a change of actor.

Still acting? Niu Aifang shaved her beard to register for the baby, but the child has changed, netizens: changed actors

Personally, I think that there are too many unsolved mysteries in Niu Aifang and his wife today, but the two of them have never explained, and they can't explain them. It is because they are hiding, so no matter what they do, they will be suspected by netizens, and even reprimanded.

If two people do not admit their mistakes and do not explain everything clearly, then this matter cannot pass. In the future, no matter what video the two people send, some people will criticize them.

Still acting? Niu Aifang shaved her beard to register for the baby, but the child has changed, netizens: changed actors

They do something wrong, but they don't want to admit it, and not only that, but they also want the events to disappear into history with the fermentation of time. But netizens are not so confused, it turns out that the Internet is not without memory, two people do not admit mistakes, this matter will never end.

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