
"Read one more day of books, eat more meat" education awakens 1169 days!

Read more books for one day: let the child learn more knowledge; eat more meat: add more nutrition to the child. Education is the foundation of the country, education is strong, the youth is strong, the youth is strong, adhere to the virtue of the people, the pillar of the country, the stability of the rejuvenation.

"Read one more day of books, eat more meat" education awakens 1169 days!
"Read one more day of books, eat more meat" education awakens 1169 days!

For the sake of the child's splendid future, every parent is well-intentioned, and the final result is often unsatisfactory, mainly due to the incorrect way parents educate their children. First of all, parents should have a "normal heart" in educating their children, and they must abandon the "prodigy" complex. We found that most parents pay more attention to their children's scores, but neglect to build their children's healthy personalities. In fact, it is more important to train children to become adults than to become talents. An education expert once said: "Whether a person can become talented and successful, the intellectual factor often accounts for only 20%, but the personality factor accounts for 80%." The family is the first dyeing vat for the coloring of children's personalities, and the family is the first teacher of children's behavior shaping. Children learn to live by observing and imitating the words and deeds of their parents, and sometimes the inadvertent strokes of parents often have unexpected effects. Or a freehand splash of ink painting, or polluting the entire white paper, it can be seen that the words and deeds of parents are particularly important. Therefore, for the sake of their children's brilliance tomorrow, parents should pay attention to their own words and deeds, and carefully depict this brush and painting.

"Read one more day of books, eat more meat" education awakens 1169 days!
"Read one more day of books, eat more meat" education awakens 1169 days!

The photos posted in the article are collected and sorted out by me through various channels over the past fifteen years. Therefore, the era background of each photo is different. These photos are posted daily in the hope that children with similar situations will receive more attention from caring people. At the same time, I also hope that children with good family conditions will learn more about the situation of children with poor family conditions in life and learning, and know how to cherish their happy life! (Some of the images come from the Internet, if there are portrait, copyright or other issues, please contact me in time to correct them.) Edit: Uncle Bamboo Ball

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