
Crescent Sister-in-law Story: Many people earn more than 10,000 yuan a month, and some people are invited to give lectures to university teachers

Public Network Poster News Reporter Chen Yangyang YiShou Song Jinan report

Let go of the three-child birth, continuous aging... In recent years, China's "one old and one small" data has attracted more and more attention.

In Shandong, there is such a group of women, who can earn more than 10,000 yuan a month in the "family", and they are also the closest group of people to the pressure of young people to "have the old and the young". They are the sisters-in-law who travel through the cities.

According to data from the National Health commission, at this stage, the number of infants and young children under 3 years old in the mainland exceeds 40 million, but the supply of care services is insufficient, and the population aged 60 and above will also move towards 300 million, and the current employment of the domestic industry is far from meeting the market demand. Under this data, another generation of young people has ushered in new pressures and challenges.

In people's eyes, this group of women who were originally inconspicuous alleviates the increasing pressure of the city with babies and the pressure of old-age care.

Monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan, publishing books, giving lessons to university teachers... From simple "watching children" to scientific parenting, the new era has given new meaning to the traditional role of "nanny". A group of top sisters-in-law, represented by Jinan's sister-in-law Shi Zhaoping, have not only ushered in high salaries, but also ushered in a new role in life.

Crescent Sister-in-law Story: Many people earn more than 10,000 yuan a month, and some people are invited to give lectures to university teachers

Shi Zhaoping is taking care of the baby Yi Song photo

Sisters-in-law with a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan

"Hold the baby, come, let's hold it gently." Shi Zhaoping turned her head and smiled softly.

Tall, baby-faced, forehead Qi bangs, this year's 49-year-old sister-in-law Zhao Ping's voice is gentle and amiable. She was holding her 18-day-old baby in her arms and was demonstrating it to the new mom next to her.

This sister-in-law who has worked for 18 years always has a smile on her face. She is quick to speak, sharp in her hands and feet, and cheerful and cheerful.

Shi Zhaoping's work rhythm is like this, every morning at 8 o'clock to Bao's father and mother's home, it begins to get busy. In the morning, she first takes care of baoma to eat breakfast, and then takes care of the baby and baoma according to the process, including bathing the newborn baby, doing touches, etc., while the young baoma Ms. Liang and her husband often follow alongside to learn.

Shi Zhaoping told reporters that the work of professional sister-in-law is not only to simply take care of children and mothers, but also to take over the baby's early education work from the first day of entering the home. As one of the first "educators" seen during the baby's birth, the sister-in-law has a heavy responsibility.

Crescent Sister-in-law Story: Many people earn more than 10,000 yuan a month, and some people are invited to give lectures to university teachers

Shi Zhaoping is teaching Bao Mama to hold the baby Yi Song

After a busy morning, the highlight came - Bao Ma's lunch. A good sister-in-law not only cooks, but also becomes a "nutritionist".

"There are 15-30 kinds of baoma confinement meals, and I will make them for you one by one with tricks." Shi Zhaoping smiled and said that making confinement meals is a very professional thing, not a big fish and big meat. She revealed that a popular professional sister-in-law will have dozens or even hundreds of kinds of confinement meal practices.

Shi Zhaoping's busy morning is also the epitome of the work of a top sister-in-law in Jinan. In fact, as a top sister-in-law, her business ability has surpassed the vast majority of people in the Jinan sister-in-law circle.

After 18 years in the industry, she is now not only the chief technician of sunshine big sister in Jinan's home economics circle, but also the mother and baby life care worker, who has taken care of two or three hundred families, and has also won the champion of the National Home Economics Professional Competition and the first prize of the Shandong Family Service Vocational Skills Style Competition.

As a housekeeping training instructor, she has trained more than 5,000 trainees, and in the Jinan home economics circle, there are nearly 100 sought-after gold medal sisters-in-law who are also brought out by her.

As the most sought-after sister-in-law in Jinan, how much is the salary?

"Working 8 hours a day, plus spare time to train and teach trainees, it should be no problem to earn more than 10,000 yuan a month." Shi Zhaoping said that in Jinan, she is far more than the only sister-in-law who earns as much as she does.

Like Shi Zhaoping, who earns more than 10,000 yuan a month, there is Guo Yongqin, who is 53 years old this year.

Guo Yongqin is a full-time resident sister-in-law with a monthly salary of about 11,000 yuan. According to reports, she rose to the "chief gold medal sister-in-law", so the salary will soon rise by one or two thousand. As an ordinary rural woman with a low level of education, Guo Yongqin did not expect that after continuous study, she could already earn more than 10,000 yuan a month. Under her influence, her daughter Xu Wei also joined the industry after graduating from college. "There are many people around us who earn more than 10,000 yuan a month, and they are also my goals and role models." Xu Wei said.

Xu Wei sighed and said that unlike many people's impressions, in fact, it is not an easy task to get a high salary in the domestic industry, but to go through layers of training and improve yourself step by step.

"It's true that this profession has high salaries, but most of them are still concentrated in about four or five thousand to ten thousand yuan." Gao Yuzhi, deputy general manager of Sunshine Big Sister, introduced that the monthly salary of more than 10,000 is often related to factors such as strong skills, sufficient experience, and long working hours.

"Take our maternal and child life care services, for example, there are a total of 8 levels, only at a higher level, it is possible to get a monthly salary of more than 10,000." Gao Yuzhi said that popular nannies like Shi Zhaoping and Guo Yongqin, who have a "monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan", have at least more than a thousand people in Jinan. And most of these more than a thousand people are full-time residents, and due to long working hours and comprehensive skills, their salaries are twice that of ordinary monthly wives.

In addition to the sister-in-law, there are many new jobs derived from the traditional "domestic service" line in the future, such as tidying up and storage, high-end housekeepers, etc., and these occupations are likely to have a monthly salary of more than 10,000. Gao Yuzhi sighed that in the future, in the domestic industry, with the improvement of people's demand standards and the improvement of service providers' ability and professionalism, more and more people will get such a salary as Shi Zhaoping, and even more people will exceed her current income.

"Big War" of Stealing the Moon

The top sister-in-law is always a scarce resource in the market.

Looking across the country, the story of grabbing the moon sister-in-law has been staged. A sister-in-law like Shi Zhaoping is the target of everyone's "grab".

Bao Mama Ms. Liang and her husband Wang Bing experienced such a "big war" of grabbing the moon and sister-in-law, acting half a year in advance, before they grabbed the time to summon Ping.

"We grabbed the monthly sister-in-law half a year in advance, and the hot monthly sister-in-law is difficult to grab." Ms. Bao Ma Liang said that both husband and wife have postgraduate degrees, she is a scientific researcher in a famous hospital in the province, and Mr. Wang works in a state-owned enterprise. Young couples attach great importance to scientific parenting, but have no experience in caring for children.

Ms. Liang said that at that time, the baby's due date was around the Spring Festival, and she had not been able to grab a good sister-in-law. Fortunately, the old man in the family helped to inquire about a circle, and heard that when zhaoping spring festival happened to be free, he quickly booked it.

Crescent Sister-in-law Story: Many people earn more than 10,000 yuan a month, and some people are invited to give lectures to university teachers

Shi Zhaoping is making a nutritious meal in the kitchen

As this mother said, the market is not without a sister-in-law to book, to grab the hot sister-in-law. She said that in order to book Shi Zhaoping, she raised her budget for finding a sister-in-law, because the price of a sister-in-law like Shi Zhaoping was higher.

Guo Yongqin is also the object that many people hope to grab. In the words of her family, she barely had a gap.

"Often before the contract of this family is completed, someone will introduce the second and third companies." Guo Yongqin's daughter Xu Wei said. What impressed her most was that once Guo Yongqin went to a family to be a sister-in-law, and after the contract ended, the Bao Ma family repeatedly retained her, hoping that she could stay and take care of the whole family. In order to retain Guo Yongqin, the Bao Ma family proposed to still pay a high salary according to the monthly sister-in-law, and in this way, she became the "domestic servant" of the family for three generations.

"We have a lot of high-paid colleagues around us, and these high-paid hot sisters-in-law are often professionally skilled, and some of them have won the national home economics competition." In addition, the popular sister-in-law is often easy-going and cheerful, and it is very happy to get along. Guo Yongqin said.

"In a thousand families, there are a thousand ways to get along." Shi Zhaoping said, of course, to do this line, the heart should be big, to have more ability to understand others, to be able to tolerate more grievances, to have the ability to treat the other party as their own family. Over the years, she has served three hundred families, most of whom have good employers and all of whom have become very good friends.

The new role of the sisters-in-law

From an unemployed stay-at-home mother to now earning more than 10,000 yuan a month, Shi Zhaoping has been gone for 18 years.

In the past 18 years, Shi Zhaoping's role has been changing.

Shi Zhaoping recalled that 20 years ago, she was a housewife who "stayed at home for three years", and after her children went to kindergarten, she wanted to go out of the family to work. Because I like children and have experience in taking care of children, I want to try to be a sister-in-law.

"I was a civil servant, and he didn't agree with it at first." Shi Zhaoping recalled that at that time, yuejie was not as an equal and respected profession as it is now, and she especially understood her husband's embarrassment, because even she herself was a little difficult to mention her profession to relatives and friends.

But over the past 18 years, her husband has become more and more understanding of her and has gradually become proud of her work. "My salary is more than 10,000, which is higher than his." Shi Zhaoping sighed and said that over the years, the husband and wife have worked together to buy a new house at home and provide for their children to successfully attend college.

Engaged in this industry for 18 years, Shi Zhaoping has witnessed the industry becoming more and more valued. She said that in recent years, leaders at all levels have visited them, and the media often pay attention to the industry, and even at some important events, they have also been seen.

Today, the sister-in-law has not only become the first "teacher" of the child's birth like her parents, but also the "teacher" of the young parents.

Crescent Sister-in-law Story: Many people earn more than 10,000 yuan a month, and some people are invited to give lectures to university teachers

Shi Zhaoping gave training classes to domestic workers

Over the years, she has also adapted to her new role. She has obtained vocational qualifications such as senior nursery teacher, senior domestic servant, senior health care masseuse, etc., and has changed from an ordinary confinement sister-in-law to a senior parenting training instructor. As a woman, she also won honorary titles such as Shandong Provincial Technical Expert, Jinan March 8 Red Banner Bearer Pacesetter, and was rated as the chief technician of Jinan City, enjoying government subsidies.

"I also give lectures to university teachers, which I didn't think about when I was younger." Shi Zhaoping said that because she has rich practical experience in home economics, she was also invited to give professional skills classes to university teachers. In addition, her standardized actions of caring for infants and young children were also included in the form of illustrations in the home economics training textbook published by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. Based on her practical experience, the "Neonatal Practical Nursing Law" has also been distributed nationwide.

Compared with Shi Zhaoping, Guo Yongqin's story is much more ordinary.

Guo Yongqin's hometown is in a county town around Jinan. As a young woman, she lived off odd jobs in her hometown, sometimes doing some construction work and sometimes helping out in a sewing factory, with an unstable job and income. More than 20 years ago, she heard a neighbor say that it was good to be a nanny in Jinan, and she wanted to try it. But the idea was opposed by his family.

After more than 10 years, her daughter graduated from college and settled in Jinan, and Guo Yongqin came to Jinan to bring her daughter a child. After the child went to kindergarten, Guo Yongqin, who was idle, did not return to his hometown, but quietly signed up for training and became a domestic worker.

"I'm personally satisfied, I like this job, I don't have to go out to the wind and rain and the hot sun, and I don't have to worry about the unstable salary." Guo Yongqin said that she seems to have an endless energy, full of thirst for knowledge, whenever Sunshine Sister has any skills training, parenting lectures, she is always excited to rush to register the first batch.

"Now that I am 53 years old, I am back on campus and have become a student majoring in early childhood care and other majors in Jinan Sunshine Vocational Secondary School, and I am very happy." Guo Yongqin said that nowadays, she is not only pursuing high wages, but also hopes that she can learn more scientific parenting and elderly care knowledge, so that children and the elderly who receive services are more comfortable and happier.

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