
There is a newborn baby at home, crying in January, Making trouble in March and not sleeping, baby development tips to remember

After becoming a mother, I learned how difficult it is to raise a child. Their arrival not only brought us a lot of joy and happiness, but also a lot of troubles.

You know, babies develop very fast, almost every day, but with development, they will also bring a lot of problems. As the baby development mantra says, "Cry in January, make trouble in March without sleeping", each month has a different developmental focus and attention problems.

There is a newborn baby at home, crying in January, Making trouble in March and not sleeping, baby development tips to remember

As a new parent, how can you properly care for your baby and easily bring your baby? Keep in mind the tips to bring the baby, and friends who have newborn babies at home can collect and learn.

01, January crying

Newborn babies can't talk, can't move, and all needs can only be expressed through crying. They cry when they are hungry, they cry when they wake up, they cry when they are sleepy, they cry when they are cold, they cry when they urinate... Unless their needs are met and they are able to feed and sleep happily, they will cry.

In this case, many inexperienced parents will be very worried, is the baby unwell, do not need to go to the hospital to check it out? In fact, the baby has already done a physical examination before being discharged from the hospital, as long as the care is proper, there will generally be no major problems. At this stage, the most important problem for parents is to clarify the baby's development priorities and care priorities.

There is a newborn baby at home, crying in January, Making trouble in March and not sleeping, baby development tips to remember

Taking care of the baby is nothing more than "eating, drinking and sleeping", in the newborn period, the baby's sleep demand is very high, and it takes 16-20 hours of sleep every day, and it is either eating or sleeping every day. Parents need to provide them with a good environment to eat, drink, and grow up happily.

1] Sleep: provide a good sleeping environment, if it is summer, the weather is too hot, but the appropriate air conditioning, maintain a comfortable temperature; if it is winter, you have to pay attention to keep warm, try to increase the indoor temperature, rather than covering the baby with a thick and heavy quilt, pressing him can not breathe.

Some babies have obvious jumping reflexes, which seriously affect sleep, you can roll up the quilt and wrap the nest, put the baby in the nest to sleep; or wrap the baby swaddling, the mother sleeps with the mother... These methods can simulate the narrow space in the uterus and make the baby feel safe.

2] Feeding: The newborn baby has a small stomach capacity, and can only eat a little milk at a time, which will be exhausted in about 1-2 hours, and the mother needs to feed again. Timing needs to be grasped, whether it is breastfeeding or formula feeding, feeding on demand.

Note that after milk, not only burp, but also pay attention to the baby's sleeping position, and try to lie on your side for a while at the beginning, so as not to spit on your own milk.

There is a newborn baby at home, crying in January, Making trouble in March and not sleeping, baby development tips to remember

3] Other: Newborn babies urinate and urinate very frequently, and it will be uncomfortable to pull urine, which requires parents to clean up in time. Especially for stools, even if you only pull a little, you have to change the diapers / diapers are not wet (some babies urinate frequently, every time they urinate will cry, it is recommended to use diapers to not wet).

02, February noisy

It is reasonable to say that by the second month, the baby has basically adapted to the outside life, why is he crying? Mainly related to a physiological phenomenon!

Just entered the 2nd month, there are many parents found that their babies are getting more and more difficult to bring, they often cry at night, the duration is not to say, but also very difficult to soothe - lying no, feeding no, holding no, going out to hang out is not OK, parents do not know what the baby wants to do, how to stop crying!

This phenomenon is the unique physiological phenomenon of the baby mentioned above - "intestinal colic", which is mainly caused by imperfect gastrointestinal development.

There is a newborn baby at home, crying in January, Making trouble in March and not sleeping, baby development tips to remember

Intestinal colic occurs at an irregular time, and most often occurs in babies aged 3 weeks to 3 months (especially in 2 months).

When it happens, babies are often in pain: crying loudly, bloating their abdomen, curling their legs upwards, clenching their fists, blushing, whitish around their mouths... It lasts so long that breastfeeding cannot be soothed.

However, this situation is temporary, generally lasting 1-2 weeks will end, parents need to be carefully reassured, patiently accompanied, through some small tricks to help the baby to alleviate the discomfort - reduce air entry, post-milk hiccup exhaust, abdominal massage, aircraft hugs, exhaust exercises and so on.

03, do not sleep in March

At 3 months, babies begin to establish a circadian biological clock pattern, that is, they are clearly divided day and night, usually during the day 3 naps (1 time in the morning, afternoon and evening, 2-3 hours each), and 1 time in the evening, a total of 14-15 hours a day.

Unlike before, babies seem to be less and less sleepy!

Obviously, when it was time to go to bed, he had been immersed in playing with his parents, without the slightest intention of sleeping. This is because as the brain continues to develop, the excitability of the cerebral cortex increases, the baby becomes more active, the curiosity is further improved, and even the sound of boring conversation can attract their attention and stay away from/interrupt sleep.

There is a newborn baby at home, crying in January, Making trouble in March and not sleeping, baby development tips to remember

What's more, they expect the company of their parents and the pleasant stimulation that their parents bring them, rather than sleeping in a dark room.

I think my baby was like this, often staying up until the early hours of the morning to sleep, I really don't know where the energy comes from, a family of four is about to let him boil up.

At this stage, it is recommended that parents clarify the signal of the baby's sleepiness and put it to sleep in time. If it is time to go to bed, the child still wants to play with you, there is no intention of sleeping, you can let them be alone for a while, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes... Freed from the stimulation of their parents, they can soon calm down, feel tired, and begin to get sleepy...

It is worth noting that parents must clearly understand the baby's sleepiness signal and coax to sleep in time, otherwise they are easily overtired, and then there is difficulty in coaxing, irritability and crying.

PS: a few signals of baby sleepiness, parents collect well!

▲ First-level signal: the baby's eyes begin to be sluggish, always staring at a place in a daze; the baby's facial expression is wooden, the response is getting slower and slower; the baby's limbs and language are gradually quiet, and there is no interest in the surrounding things.

There is a newborn baby at home, crying in January, Making trouble in March and not sleeping, baby development tips to remember

▲ Secondary signal: the baby begins to yawn and rub his eyes; the baby begins to be restless.

▲ Three-level signal: the baby began to cry, and even sprinkled and stiffened

If you want your baby to fall asleep as soon as possible, not crying and making trouble, it is best to start from the first signal, hurry up and fall asleep, and help the baby develop good sleep habits. When the "three-level signal" comes again, the difficulty will be much higher.

Do you know all about it?

There are many more tips about the development of babies, such as "sleeping in January, crying in March and saving belly", or "listening to two and looking up three times"... Each is related to the development of the baby and needs the attention and understanding of parents!

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