
Age does not affect men to have babies? note! The older you get, the more problems your fetus has

In life, there are always some men who are confident in honey juice, proud of their "ability to sow" without age restrictions, and think that only women have a "ceiling" of childbearing age.

They always feel that they can complete the task of having children no matter what age they are.

But does age really not affect a man's desire to have a baby?

Age does not affect men to have babies? note! The older you get, the more problems your fetus has

Image source: Stand Cool Helo

In fact, male fertility is also affected by age.

A 10-year study by the National Center for Health Statistics analyzed the association between fetal health status and paternal age in 40.52 million people and found that the optimal age for men to have children was 25 to 34 years [2].

With age, men are prone to problems such as decreased sperm concentration, oligospermia, weak sperm, and even azoospermia and infertility [2-3].

Age does not affect men to have babies? note! The older you get, the more problems your fetus has

A bad seed is bound to affect the gestation outcome.

The older a man is, the higher the likelihood that the fetus will develop preterm birth, epilepsy, and low birth weight [2-3].

See the table below for details [2-3]:

Age does not affect men to have babies? note! The older you get, the more problems your fetus has

After birth, children may also develop some diseases, such as autism, schizophrenia, and dislocation of large blood vessels [3].

Special reminder: Removing the factor of age, male smoking and drinking alcohol can also affect the development and growth of the fetus [4].

Although a man's reproductive age will have a certain impact on the offspring, don't give up trying to conceive, the following three points will help you -

Lifestyle habits: If you want to "upgrade" your identity, expectant fathers who are trying to get pregnant must quit smoking and alcohol in advance [4]!

Exercise properly: Don't think crooked! This is not "some" sport. If you want to maintain the high quality of your sperm, then stick to healthy exercise (running, cycling, swimming, etc.)[1-2]!

Folic acid supplementation: Yes, if you want to have a baby, men who are trying to conceive should also eat folic acid like women [5].

Age does not affect men to have babies? note! The older you get, the more problems your fetus has

There is also, what if you don't have a wife and don't want to miss the optimal age for childbearing?

Age does not affect men to have babies? note! The older you get, the more problems your fetus has

Then freeze your sperm at the best fertility age (not in the refrigerator) and set aside! After the conditions are available (in fact, it is better to have children in time), and then use assisted reproductive technology to give birth to a healthy baby [3].

Review expert: Xie Hui | Deputy Chief Physician of The Department of Urology, Fuzhou First Hospital


[1] Tarek Motan, Edmonton, AB,David Smithson, et al. Egg Freezing for Age-Related Fertility Decline.Obstet Gynaecol Can, 2017.

[2] Khandwala, Y. S, Baker, V. L, Shaw, G. M, et al. Association of paternal age with perinatal outcomes between 2007 and 2016 in the United States: population based cohort study. BMJ, 2018,363, k4372.

ZHANG Han,FAN Liqing. Research progress on genetic changes in elderly men[J]. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 2017, 26(011):1114-1117.

Cao Jia. Effects of environmental harmful factors on males and their mechanisms[J]. Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2018,52(7), 681-684.

[5] Aarabi M, San Gabriel MC, Chan D, et al. High-dose folic acid supplementation alters the human sperm methylome and is influenced by the MTHFR C677T polymorphism. Hum Mol Genet. 2015;24(22):6301-6313.

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