
Luxury cars began to fight affordably, and the Audi A6L dropped by 65,000 and began to roll up Mercedes-Benz

Luxury cars began to fight affordably, and the Audi A6L dropped by 65,000 and began to roll up Mercedes-Benz

As one of the earliest representatives of the "official car" in China, audi A6L quickly seized the market with mature and stable design, spacious and comfortable driving space. However, with the change of the times and the change of market demand, mercedes-Benz E-class, BMW 5 series gradually began to threaten the Audi A6L, and has now formed a three-legged stand. However, for "businessmen", the Audi A6L still seems to be their first choice, which even the Mercedes-Benz E-Class with the same business attributes is not as good as the Audi A6L. So why are these users keen on the Audi A6L? Next, we will talk about this topic in combination with car purchase discounts and car purchases.

The total sales volume of a single store is 119 units, and the Audi A6L accounts for 13%

According to the data, the Audi A6L sold more than 10,000 units in January this year and more than 150,000 units in 2021. Its main competitor, the Mercedes-Benz E-Class, sold more than 13,000 units in January and will cumulatively sell about 130,000 units in 2021. Overall, Audi A6L sales are still higher than Mercedes-Benz E-Class, but in 2022, Mercedes-Benz E-Class single-month sales exceeded Audi A6L, and the competition between the two vehicles was extremely fierce.

Luxury cars began to fight affordably, and the Audi A6L dropped by 65,000 and began to roll up Mercedes-Benz

By investigating the sales data of Audi's 4S stores in Beijing, we learned that a 4S store sold a total of 119 cars last month, of which 15 Audi A6Ls sold, accounting for about 13% of the total sales of the store, accounting for a relatively high proportion. The main reason may be the lack of vehicles before, which affects sales, but with the gradual increase of production capacity, it is believed that it will improve.

Luxury cars began to fight affordably, and the Audi A6L dropped by 65,000 and began to roll up Mercedes-Benz

In the Audi A6L series, the best-selling is the "2022 45 TFSI quattro select elegant model", the reason why users like this model is very simple, first of all, it is full of power, this car as a 2.0T high-power version of the model, 34 horsepower more than low power, and there is a four-wheel drive system, more in line with the identity of medium and large cars. In addition, the configuration of "2022 45 TFSI quattro quattro selection and elegance" is more reasonable, and the conventional configuration, seat functions, and technology configuration are basically complete, which is more cost-effective than this price.

The maximum discount is 65,000, and the installment is a pity

Luxury cars began to fight affordably, and the Audi A6L dropped by 65,000 and began to roll up Mercedes-Benz

At the end of last year, affected by the chip crisis and insufficient production capacity, the Preferential Margin of Audi A6L has always been maintained at about 40,000 yuan. After the Spring Festival in 2022, all aspects have begun to improve, the highest discount reached 65,000 yuan, but there is still no interest-free in installments, as follows:

First, buy a car in full

The whole system offers 61,000 yuan, taking the "2022 45 TFSI quattro selection elegant type" as an example, the hard cost includes insurance costs (about 12,000 yuan), licensing fees (about 1,000 yuan), purchase tax (about 34,513 yuan), and the final landing price is about 455313 yuan.

Second, buy cars in installments

The discount on installment car purchase is more, reaching 65,000 yuan. In addition, the manufacturer did not provide an interest-free policy in installments, and the interest rate of the 3-year and 5-year loans was reduced to 3% per annum. That is to say, the down payment is 30%, the monthly payment of 36 installments is about 7800 yuan, and the interest is about 25439 yuan, for details, see the following table:

Luxury cars began to fight affordably, and the Audi A6L dropped by 65,000 and began to roll up Mercedes-Benz

In terms of car sources, the current Audi A6L hot sales model has some existing cars, other models also have a small number of existing cars, the color is mainly black, overall, the current car is not much, but it is much better than before, at least at this stage of buying a car without waiting for the trouble of picking up the car.

More businesslike than the Mercedes E-Class? No, just because the Audi A6L offer is big

Luxury cars began to fight affordably, and the Audi A6L dropped by 65,000 and began to roll up Mercedes-Benz

According to our understanding, the customer group that chooses Audi A6L is not mainly middle-aged as imagined, on the contrary, the proportion of young people is very high.

And both companies/individual users have it. But from the demand point of view, for business or accounted for the majority, few people will take the Audi A6L as a private car to use, after all, from the family point of view, the "next door" BMW 5 Series is undoubtedly more suitable.

Luxury cars began to fight affordably, and the Audi A6L dropped by 65,000 and began to roll up Mercedes-Benz

Friends who choose Audi A6L recognize the appearance and space of this car, and believe that in terms of stability and aura, only Mercedes-Benz E-Class can be compared. In addition, if as a business car, audi a6L comprehensive strength performance is better, of course, here is not to say that it is better than mercedes-benz E-class in terms of luxury, brand, but audi A6L in the case of being able to cope with business very well, the preferential margin has a greater advantage, cost-effective, so it is more cost-effective. From another point of view, business people buy Audi A6L is actually to choose a tool that can be competent for business, there will not be too many symbols or reasons, the purpose of "making money" is very clear, so at this stage, the Audi A6L with greater discounts is still the first choice for most business people.

Finally, we summarize the car information of the two cars:

Luxury cars began to fight affordably, and the Audi A6L dropped by 65,000 and began to roll up Mercedes-Benz

Audi A6L maintenance cycle of 10000 km or 12 months, small maintenance price of 1447 yuan, large maintenance of about 2817 yuan, three years of driving 60000km maintenance costs of about 18736 yuan, an average of about 6245 yuan per year, in the medium and large cars is the average.

Luxury cars began to fight affordably, and the Audi A6L dropped by 65,000 and began to roll up Mercedes-Benz

The maintenance period of the Mercedes-Benz E-class is 10,000 kilometers or 12 months, the price of small maintenance is 1182 yuan, and the maintenance cost of 60,000 km for three years is about 17,000 yuan, an average of about 5,667 yuan per year. The total cost of three years of maintenance is slightly lower than that of the Audi A6L, but the impact is not large.

In addition to the problem of using the car, the residual value rate of the vehicle is also of great concern to everyone:

Luxury cars began to fight affordably, and the Audi A6L dropped by 65,000 and began to roll up Mercedes-Benz

This 2014 Audi A6L, more than 6 years, traveled 84,000 kilometers, and now sells 218,000, compared with the guidance price of about 400,000 yuan at that time, it is almost discounted, but it is still at a normal level in medium and large cars.

Luxury cars began to fight affordably, and the Audi A6L dropped by 65,000 and began to roll up Mercedes-Benz

This Mercedes-Benz E-class, which was licensed in September 2014, opened 83,000 kilometers, and now sells for 212,000 yuan, which is also compared with the guidance price of more than 400,000 yuan at that time, the retention rate is not high, and the Audi A6L with the same year is basically at the same level.


Compared with some home users, business people will be simpler when choosing a medium and large sedan, and the Mercedes-Benz E-Class and Audi A6L can choose one or the other. If you look at it from the perspective of product strength, some people think that the Mercedes-Benz E-class interior is more luxurious, the brand influence is large, and the drive out has more face, but from a business point of view, in fact, there is no difference between the two cars in essence, and they are tools for business reception. So who to buy finally fell on the price, in this regard, the current Audi A6L preferential range has increased, the advantage is obvious, the best time to sell in the first half of the year may have arrived in advance.

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