
With high blood pressure, adhere to these 6 principles, blood pressure will not be "troublesome", need to understand

Hypertension has become one of the three major killers that threaten human life and health, with the continuous deterioration of physical functions with age, coupled with unhealthy diet, irregular work and rest, and often in a state of anxiety and depression, it is easy to induce hypertension diseases.

Once suffering from high blood pressure, it is difficult to cure, and it is likely to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and patients with hypertension who want to live a long life should strictly abide by these 6 passes.

With high blood pressure, adhere to these 6 principles, blood pressure will not be "troublesome", need to understand

Can people with high blood pressure do exercise?

High blood pressure is a very squeamish condition, once the body is too tired or bad mood, it may lead to a continuous rise in blood pressure, so many people with high blood pressure rarely participate in sports.

As everyone knows, from a medical point of view, hypertensive patients not only need to do more exercise, but also for hypertensive patients who usually exercise regularly, they can also play a role in controlling blood pressure.

With high blood pressure, adhere to these 6 principles, blood pressure will not be "troublesome", need to understand

Because it can promote blood circulation during exercise, it can effectively reduce cholesterol in the body, which can stabilize blood pressure very well.

In addition, muscle and bone rigidity can be avoided, as well as increase appetite and promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, but patients with high blood pressure can not do strenuous exercise, can only participate in jogging, walking or machine exercise and other exercises, but also should prevent excessive exercise.

With high blood pressure, adhere to these 6 principles, blood pressure will not be "troublesome", need to understand

What can people with high blood pressure do to live longer?

1. Quit smoking and alcohol

Presumably, people with some health knowledge know that bad habits such as smoking and drinking can easily lead to an increase in blood pressure, the reason is that nicotine in smoke will not only cause great adverse stimulation to nerve tissue, but also lead to increased heart rate;

Under this premise, a large number of catecholamines will be released from the adrenal glands, which will lead to an increase in blood pressure, and the alcohol substances in the wine will also lead to diseases such as arteriosclerosis, which is also a key factor in the emergence of hypertensive diseases.

With high blood pressure, adhere to these 6 principles, blood pressure will not be "troublesome", need to understand

2. Reasonable diet

After suffering from high blood pressure disease, you should pay more attention to the conditioning diet, in addition to not eating high salt? In addition to high-fat, high-sugar foods, but also pay more attention to diet, as well as eat more fruits and vegetables.

And when stir-frying, vegetable oil should also be used instead of animal oil, only in this way can effectively avoid arteriosclerosis, and can also control blood pressure to a certain extent.

With high blood pressure, adhere to these 6 principles, blood pressure will not be "troublesome", need to understand

3. Adjust your mindset

For patients with hypertension, if they usually do not pay attention to controlling emotions and mentality, and often have emotional agitation, it is easy to lead to an increase in blood pressure.

Especially when the pressure of life and work is relatively large, we should also learn to release pressure reasonably, only in this way can we relax our spirit and psychology, which is very good for controlling and maintaining blood pressure stability.

With high blood pressure, adhere to these 6 principles, blood pressure will not be "troublesome", need to understand

4. Insist on taking medicine

If patients with hypertension want to achieve the desire to control blood pressure, then they must be inseparable from antihypertensive drugs, and they must strictly follow the doctor's instructions when taking drugs, and must not increase or reduce the amount by themselves;

And you can't stop the drug casually, otherwise it will lead to fluctuations in blood pressure, and serious ones will even induce some complications.

With high blood pressure, adhere to these 6 principles, blood pressure will not be "troublesome", need to understand

5. Time to go out

Many patients with high blood pressure will go out to exercise after tea and meals in order to enhance their physique, but because of hypertension, they will be affected by many factors;

Therefore, when going out to exercise, you must choose early morning or dusk, only in this way can you avoid the problem of heat stroke or collapse.

And the time to go out must not be too long, but also need to carry antihypertensive drugs, so as to be foolproof.

With high blood pressure, adhere to these 6 principles, blood pressure will not be "troublesome", need to understand

6. Loose clothing

After suffering from high blood pressure disease, it is best to wear more soft and loose clothes and pants, in addition to good breathability, it is also particularly conducive to blood circulation.

If you usually like to wear tights or tights, it may lead to poor blood circulation and affect blood pressure values.

With high blood pressure, adhere to these 6 principles, blood pressure will not be "troublesome", need to understand

The above introduces six ways to make patients with hypertension live a long life, although hypertension seems to be just an ordinary disease, but if you usually do not pay attention to the control of blood pressure, then it is easy to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, in this case, patients have the possibility of sudden death.

Therefore, if patients with hypertension want to realize the dream of longevity, they should actively do these six points under the premise that their blood pressure is controlled.

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