
For children, this is the biggest disaster! (Required Reading)

Ignoring it is most likely to destroy a child

An elementary school teacher said that destroying a child doesn't even need to open his mouth:

It was enough to say hello three times, and the child could no longer lift his head.

Compared with adults, children are more sensitive and vulnerable, and have a higher need for attention

Timely communication and effective companionship are better than tens of millions of parenting experiences.

For children, this is the biggest disaster! (Required Reading)

Belittled, fed to your child the most poisonous medicine

Psychologist Fairbairn said:

When a child is treated badly by his parents, he or she tends to think that he is bad in order to maintain the intention that his parents are good.

Parents who hit their children will only make them feel that they are not worthy to be better and unworthy of being loved.

Children do not distinguish between facts and jokes, they believe what their parents say about themselves and turn them into their own ideas.

Anger, destroy the child's invisible murder weapon.

"Ninety percent of the parents scolding their children is anger, that is, their own frustration, their own sense of powerlessness, their own powerlessness, and their anger on the child opposite."

Everyone has a problem to face, and transferring the problem to the child will not only not solve the problem, but also cause more trouble.

Long-term "anger" will not only lose the authority of parents, but also may make children become "problem children", and the consequences are endless.

Only by discovering the key to the problem and completing one's own practice can one truly educate one's children.

For children, this is the biggest disaster! (Required Reading)

Parenting is a practice, raising children, cultivating oneself.

Parents are the mirror of the child, and 90% of the child's problems are our problems.

Gentleness and respect are the right way to educate children.

It is also the only way for us to cultivate ourselves.

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