
It's all breastfeeding, but how do you get your baby to eat and eat well?

Milk is a baby's main or even only source of nutrient intake, and the composition of milk determines your baby's growth and development.

The nutritional status of nursing mothers directly affects the health of children, so the whole society should pay attention to the nutrition of nursing mothers and promote the health of mothers and babies

It's all breastfeeding, but how do you get your baby to eat and eat well?

The importance of breastfeeding

There is now a growing focus on breastfeeding.

But it's also breastfeeding, because the nutrients your mothers consume are different, and your baby absorbs different nutrients, and eventually the child's growth and development are different.

For example, the same is a breastfed baby, but some babies are hungry after eating for a while, some babies love to cry and make trouble, some babies have been relatively poor resistance and easy to get sick, while some babies are often healthy and smart, well-behaved and good to bring.

So as every great mother who wants to make her baby breastfeed even if she sacrifices herself, how can you make your baby eat both full and well?

It's all breastfeeding, but how do you get your baby to eat and eat well?

Relationship between various nutrients and segmented nutrition in milk

The nutritional status and health status of the mother herself are directly related to the secretion capacity of milk and the nutrition of milk.

Therefore, the most important thing that new mothers need to consider is to eat the right three meals to ensure the nutrition of breast milk and ensure that their bodies will not be overdrawn.

In order to meet the needs of healthy growth and development of the baby, the nutrients contained in the milk are also different at different stages after childbirth.

It's all breastfeeding, but how do you get your baby to eat and eat well?

Colostrum: Milk for seven days after childbirth

The concentration of sodium, potassium and chlorine in colostrum is higher than that of mature milk, and the proportion of protein, vitamins, minerals and antibodies is also higher than that of mature milk, which is a good protective barrier for newborn babies.

Colostrum also has a laxative effect, which can promote fetal stool elimination and reduce neonatal jaundice. The fat content in colostrum is also low, which is very beneficial for newborn babies whose gastrointestinal development has not yet developed.

Transitional milk: milk for 7-14 days after childbirth

Breast milk between colostrum and mature milk is transitional milk, which is a short period, but at this stage breast milk has the highest fat content and gradually reduces protein and minerals.

Mature milk: milk for 14 days after childbirth

The composition of mature milk is gradually stabilized, especially the protein is maintained at a fairly constant level, and although the protein content in mature milk is less than that of colostrum, it is superior to other milk due to the appropriate proportion of various protein components, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements, and contain enzymes and immune substances that help digestion.

Late milk: milk for 10 months after childbirth

Over time, your baby's growth can no longer be entirely dependent on breast milk. The amount of milk in late milk will decrease, and the nutrients in breast milk will also decrease, which is a natural regulatory system, and the nutrition of milk changes with the baby.

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