
The daughter said that she was isolated by her friends, and the father gave the warmest answer I had ever seen

Author | Mother potatoes

Source | Daughter Pie (ID: nverpai)

It's back-to-school season again.

When parents watch their children enter the school, there is always some "can't put it down" in their hearts.

"Can children adapt to school life?"

"After a vacation, can the heart still be taken back?"

"Will you make bad friends?" What should I do if I am bullied? ”

If you have such concerns and concerns, be sure to check out the 8 cartoons that this father gave to his daughter.

The reason is incisive, worthy of every parent's forwarding collection!



The daughter said that she was isolated by her friends, and the father gave the warmest answer I had ever seen



The daughter said that she was isolated by her friends, and the father gave the warmest answer I had ever seen


Normal mind

The daughter said that she was isolated by her friends, and the father gave the warmest answer I had ever seen



The daughter said that she was isolated by her friends, and the father gave the warmest answer I had ever seen



The daughter said that she was isolated by her friends, and the father gave the warmest answer I had ever seen



The daughter said that she was isolated by her friends, and the father gave the warmest answer I had ever seen



The daughter said that she was isolated by her friends, and the father gave the warmest answer I had ever seen



The daughter said that she was isolated by her friends, and the father gave the warmest answer I had ever seen

The school is a big examination room, and the test is not only subject knowledge, but also character, contrarian quotient, etc. are all examination options.

School is also a small river, knowing good and evil, knowing right and wrong, and knowing self-preservation, are all "rules" that children must abide by.

We must grasp every educational opportunity and grasp the scale and scale of dialogue.

Tell your children the wisdom of dealing with the world, and turn your own experience into your child's life wealth.

Only in this way can they cherish everything, bravely move forward, and live an ideal life.

This article is from the daughter pie (ID: nverpai), about the dry goods of raising daughters, here are all; about the bittersweet of raising daughters, here are all understood; may they be pure in life, knowledgeable in life, and decent in life.

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