
Should parents tell their children the amount of their savings? In later life, wise parents do so

Should parents tell their children the amount of their savings? In later life, wise parents do so

Raising children and preventing old age is our traditional concept, and many parents, when they are young, give their children all the love and material help. However, with the passage of time, children begin to grow up slowly, and parents are gradually getting older.

When children are young, they need the care of their parents, so they do their best to give love, time, and money, just so that their children have a healthy body and a good future.

Now that the children have grown up and started to work and live independently, many parents have slowly withdrawn from their children's circles and begun to plan their later life.

Now many parents, more or less, will leave some pension money for themselves, in case they are in need of the elderly. However, some parents feel that they give the money to their children, and when they are old and need to use it, their children cannot ignore themselves.

So, in their old age, do people have to tell their children about their savings? Wise parents tend to do this.

01 Leaving a way back for yourself is to be responsible for yourself and for the good of your children

Should parents tell their children the amount of their savings? In later life, wise parents do so

Meimei recently married, when married, her parents married Meimei for 200,000 yuan, but it did not take long, Meimei returned to her parents' house for dinner, and suddenly found that her parents spent 100,000 yuan to change a new car.

She was very confused, so she asked: "Parents, your usual income is a fixed salary every month, I have married 200,000 yuan, how can I still have money to change cars?" Meimei's mother smiled and said, "How many family foundations we have, we won't tell you now, and we'll tell you later when we can't move!" ”

Meimei understood her mother's meaning at this time, and also smiled and said, "I understand."

In fact, Meimei's parents invested in wealth management products and planned for their old age life early.

Every old man hopes that he can have a healthy and happy old age, but the world is uncertain, if one day, the disease is plagued, need to spend money to treat the hospital, at least they have the confidence in their hands, can take out money to treat their own diseases and pensions, not to drag down their children, this is responsible for themselves, but also for the sake of their children, do not add burden to children.

02 Let children learn to face life independently

Should parents tell their children the amount of their savings? In later life, wise parents do so

Many of the old people in society do not go out to work themselves, do nothing at home all day, and completely rely on their parents to support themselves.

Most of this situation is caused by parents spoiling their children too much, from small to large, they are reluctant to let their children experience a little wind and sun, lest they suffer. As a result, children still do not have the ability to face life independently when they grow up.

In the TV series "The World's People", the black skin is an out-and-out image of the "old man", and the black skin in the play is a person who integrates various shortcomings. Not only are people selfish, but they also have a well-behaved and violent personality, are idle, often do some bad things that steal chickens and dogs, and their lives are all supported by their parents.

As a parent, loving children is instinctive, but we must learn to let go appropriately, from the beginning of the child to learn to walk, we must know how to let go, he can bravely take the first step in life.

When they grow up, parents must also learn to let go, let them experience the storms and rains that roar through the society, only when they experience it themselves, they will understand the difficulty of life and know how to deal with various setbacks and difficulties.

Therefore, when children have the ability to make money, they will not always think of relying on their parents' meager savings, and they will also rely on the money earned by their own labor to honor their parents, which is the right parental love.

03 Put up a guarantee for risks or accidents in the home

Should parents tell their children the amount of their savings? In later life, wise parents do so

In recent years, because of the impact of the epidemic, everyone is panicked, many stores can not open their doors, can only be forced to close their doors, likewise, too many people have lost their jobs, there is no opportunity to make money.

The world is actively fighting the epidemic, and this sudden world accident has made everyone start to reshape their lives.

We form a family, and it is fate that makes us husbands and wives, parents and children.

Everyone hopes that their little family can be happy and happy, but no one can stop the disaster from coming. Illnesses, debts, accidents, etc., all need money to fill.

Many parents will save a part of the money, so that they can put up a guarantee in time when they encounter sudden risks and accidents. Therefore, it is very necessary to have money in hand to deal with accidents.


Should parents tell their children the amount of their savings? In later life, wise parents do so

Long Yingtai's "Eye Sending" wrote: "The so-called parents and children are only meant to be separated from him in this life and this life. ”

In this world, whether it is love or friendship, they are all close to each other and together, but our closest parents are constantly separated and watched.

No matter how much our parents have saved, and whether they choose to tell you that as children, we should honor our parents wholeheartedly, which is not only our responsibility, but also our obligation.

Because they raised us and gave us the most selfless and greatest love in the world.

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