
Fathers with patterns will often say the following 4 sentences to their children, and it is easier for babies to succeed when they enter society

Hello everyone, I'm a tomato mom!

"Motherhood, fatherhood" we all have great hopes for our children, hoping that they can study hard and stand at a higher height in the future. But the child wants to stand at a higher height of life, but it is not so easy, which has a lot to do with his future pattern, and the pattern can stand higher and more likely to succeed.


Parents can recall our daily lives, whether it is the father who influences the child or the mother who affects the child.

Fathers with patterns will often say the following 4 sentences to their children, and it is easier for babies to succeed when they enter society

First of all, although the mother does more things, many times the person who makes the decision is the father. It is the mother who takes care of the child more, but in the end, it is the father who has a greater impact on the child. Therefore, the pattern of the father largely determines what kind of height the child can occupy in the future.

I remember when I graduated from college, my mother always hoped that I could go back to my hometown. In a small county, find a stable job, and then you can live a happy life with your parents. However, my father always said to me, "You have to follow your own heart, don't think too much about your mother's thoughts, your own feelings are more important." ”

Later, I decided to stay in Shenzhen to work hard, although it was very difficult, but I still liked this rhythm of life. If I had chosen to find a job with a monthly salary of three thousand in my hometown and spend every day for decades, it would not be the life I wanted. I'm willing to explore, willing to try, and hopefully every day of life is good. Dad often said to us, "As long as you want to do what you want to do, within the scope of the law, do as much as you like, do what is meaningful to everyone, you are happy." ”

Fathers with patterns will often say the following 4 sentences to their children, and it is easier for babies to succeed when they enter society

Do things that are pleasing to yourself and helping others, and be a useful person to society and others. I've always lived with my dad's philosophy, and it's been deeply rooted in my heart.

Dad and mom play different roles in the family, mom is more like a friend of the child, and dad is more like a child's idol. Therefore, when the child is a teenager, he is standing on the shoulder of his father to see the world, the father stands on the top of the mountain, the child sees the sea of clouds churning, the father stands at the foot of the mountain, the child sees the discarded garbage, the height of the father's station determines the future of the child, and the pattern of the father also determines how wide the child's future road is.

Fathers with patterns will often say the following 4 sentences to their children, and it is easier for babies to succeed when they enter society

Children's education has never been a fight for the mother alone, and excellent children must grow up in the atmosphere of parents accompanying children and educating children together. The bravery, strength, and tolerance that fathers bring to their children are what mothers cannot give you.


Fathers with patterns often use the following words to educate their children, standardize their children's behavior, and broaden their children's horizons.

Patterned dads will often say to their children, "You can, try it." ”

Children learn knowledge and skills must have a process of trying, some children choose to escape when they encounter problems, and some children will rely on their parents to help. If the child develops the habit of not daring to try, withdraws on the road to learning, and easily gives up in the hard work of the career, it will be difficult to achieve.

Fathers with patterns will often say the following 4 sentences to their children, and it is easier for babies to succeed when they enter society

Therefore, fathers with patterns, they are not afraid of their children's failures, nor are they afraid of their children's setbacks, always encourage him: "You can, try." ”

Walking, eating, wearing clothes, riding a bicycle, children can learn a lot of skills by trying themselves, and the spirit of not being afraid of difficulties in life can also be transmitted to the child's learning state, and the child's academic performance will be better. Dare to challenge their own spirit in the work of hard work, children will definitely have a piece of their own sky.

Fathers with patterns will often say to their children, "You have to bear the consequences for the mistakes you make." ”

My mother was the most distressed child, I remember when I was a child, I fell down, because it hurt so much I would cry desperately, and my mother would blame the ground for not being flat. However, Dad always said very objectively: "No wonder the ground, because you don't walk carefully." If you are not careful, it will fall on you, and it may hurt even more. ”

Fathers with patterns will often say the following 4 sentences to their children, and it is easier for babies to succeed when they enter society

If you do something wrong yourself, you have to bear the consequences yourself. In a family, the father is often the person the child is most afraid of, and he is also the one who sets standards for the child to do things.

A patterned dad doesn't spoil his child, and when a child makes a mistake, he will let him take responsibility for himself. Children are responsible for themselves, they will polish their eyes to see clearly and then act, and their requirements for themselves will be more stringent and not easy to make mistakes.

Fathers with patterns will often say to their children, "We can discuss it and see if it works." ”

In the minds of children, dads are more majestic than moms, like moms, afraid of dad is also the status quo of our generation of children when they were young. However, the patterned dad is never arbitrary. They are good at communicating with their children, and when they have a problem, they will say to him, "We can discuss it and see if it works." ”

Fathers with patterns will often say the following 4 sentences to their children, and it is easier for babies to succeed when they enter society

Father's equal and democratic communication method can promote the formation of a close parent-child relationship, which is very important for the child's mental health growth and the child's character cultivation. Children who grow up in such a family atmosphere are cheerful, confident, good at communicating and expressing, and their emotional intelligence will be relatively high.

Fathers with patterns will often say to their children: "Don't be afraid of something, Dad can help you." ”

Father is the child's sense of security, if the father's love is lacking, it will make the child's heart become empty and fragile. Fathers with patterns always say to their children: "Don't be afraid of something, Dad can help you." "With a home behind them, with the support of their parents and mothers, children can bravely struggle, pursue, and work hard."

Fathers with patterns will often say the following 4 sentences to their children, and it is easier for babies to succeed when they enter society

Dad is the mountain of the great shore in the child's mind, the sunny, flower-blooming garden, is the source of all the children's beautiful imagination, I hope that the fathers will never let the father love be absent.

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