
Sugar friends, do not want blood sugar to soar, these 6 types of food should try to avoid the mouth, so as not to get out of control of blood sugar

Diabetes is a very common chronic disease in life now, after diabetes, patients need to inject insulin regularly or take hypoglycemic drugs to control blood sugar concentrations in the body.

In addition to drug treatment, patients with diabetes should also strictly control their diet every day to avoid rising blood sugar due to the intake of certain foods.

So for diabetic patients, what foods should be avoided as much as possible? Let's take a look at this question with this article.

Sugar friends, do not want blood sugar to soar, these 6 types of food should try to avoid the mouth, so as not to get out of control of blood sugar

Diabetic patients should usually try to eat as little or as little as possible or do not eat the following foods, so as not to cause blood sugar to rise.

1. Peanuts, melon seeds

Peanuts and melon seeds belong to a kind of nuts, these two nuts have a relatively high calorie and fat content, according to relevant research, these two foods contain several times higher calories than the same weight of pork contains several times higher calories.

If you usually eat a lot, it will definitely have a certain impact on blood lipids and body weight, and indirectly affect the stability of blood sugar and blood pressure.

Sugar friends, do not want blood sugar to soar, these 6 types of food should try to avoid the mouth, so as not to get out of control of blood sugar

2. Sweets

Diabetic patients should also try to avoid eating sweets or high-sugar fruits, the human body for sucrose and glucose absorption speed is very fast;

After these sugars are absorbed by the human body, they will quickly affect the blood sugar in the body, causing blood sugar to rise, and the control of blood sugar is very unfavorable, if the patient has no scruples about use, it may aggravate the disease.

Sugar friends, do not want blood sugar to soar, these 6 types of food should try to avoid the mouth, so as not to get out of control of blood sugar

3. Alcohol

Alcohol will cause damage to the function of carbohydrate metabolism in the body, and to a certain extent, it will also affect the body's absorption of hypoglycemic drugs, which will affect the control of the disease.

Therefore, diabetic patients usually try not to drink alcohol, if you must drink, you can drink a small amount of beer with a relatively low alcohol concentration, but also pay attention to not drinking on an empty stomach.

Sugar friends, do not want blood sugar to soar, these 6 types of food should try to avoid the mouth, so as not to get out of control of blood sugar

4. Sugars

Diabetic patients should also pay attention to avoid eating foods containing a large number of simple sugars, such as sugars containing sucrose and glucose, which are easily absorbed and utilized by the human body, which will have a direct impact on blood sugar, which is very unfavorable for the treatment of the disease.

There are many foods in life that contain this type of sugar, such as rock sugar, brown sugar, white sugar, maltose, honey and so on.

Sugar friends, do not want blood sugar to soar, these 6 types of food should try to avoid the mouth, so as not to get out of control of blood sugar

5. High-fat foods

Foods with high fat and high fat cholesterol can easily lead to hyperlipidemia in patients with diabetes, which will induce a variety of more serious chronic complications, causing aggravation of the disease.

There are also many such foods in life, such as egg yolks, cream, fatty meat, animal oil, pine blossom eggs, animal offal, etc. Diabetics is best to eat less or not eat this kind of food.

Sugar friends, do not want blood sugar to soar, these 6 types of food should try to avoid the mouth, so as not to get out of control of blood sugar

6. Fried and heavy food

Fried foods contain a lot of fat, and diabetic patients usually try to reduce the intake of such foods.

In addition, the daily diet of diabetic patients should be as light as possible, not too heavy, and reduce the intake of pickled and processed foods.

Sugar friends, do not want blood sugar to soar, these 6 types of food should try to avoid the mouth, so as not to get out of control of blood sugar

It can be seen that although diabetes is a chronic disease, as long as patients follow the doctor's instructions to take hypoglycemic drugs or inject insulin, strictly control the daily diet, it is also a good way to control blood sugar, and stable condition can avoid serious complications.

Of course, for patients with diabetes, if their own conditions permit, they should also adhere to moderate exercise, exercise is not only conducive to the control of blood sugar, but also very helpful for the stability of blood pressure and blood lipids.

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