
The Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the students in Ukraine are miserable, and Russian-Ukrainian relations can be explained to children in this way

author:Ah Wei takes you to see safety education
Russia is located in the northern region of Eurasia, Russia has a total of 1707 square kilometers is the world's largest land area of the country, Ukraine is located in the eastern part of Europe and Russia, Ukraine was once part of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union is called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, a total of 15 republics, Ukraine is one of them, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine and Russia ended the history of alliance and became an independent country.
The Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the students in Ukraine are miserable, and Russian-Ukrainian relations can be explained to children in this way

With the development of economic education on the mainland, many families have entered well-off families, like those with relatively good economic conditions, they will also send students abroad for further study, and better serve the motherland after returning from school.

Recently, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has escalated, making many students studying in Ukraine miserable, full of the smell of war everywhere, and even hiding in the basement, but fortunately, the mainland embassy in Ukraine will strive to overcome difficulties, once the flight conditions can ensure the safety of mainland citizens, it will be the first time to pick up mainland citizens home. See here Xiaobian gave a small suggestion to international students in Ukraine.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the students in Ukraine are miserable, and Russian-Ukrainian relations can be explained to children in this way

International students in Ukraine try to do so

1. Try not to go out

2. Stay as far away as possible from those who have weapons

3. You can't take pictures casually

4. Don't casually participate in high-paid mercenary activities and the like

5. Pay more attention to the news of the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the students in Ukraine are miserable, and Russian-Ukrainian relations can be explained to children in this way

The reason for the tension between Russia and Ukraine can be explained to the child like this

In fact, the tension between Russia and Ukraine is also because Ukraine wants to join NATO, after all, weak and small countries must rely on strong countries to develop, but after Ukraine joined NATO, it is equivalent to Belarus being sandwiched between three countries, and at that time Belarus could not withstand the pressure to join it, which is equivalent to the fact that in addition to Russia, the western region is a NATO country, which is equivalent to putting one foot on the doorstep, and Russia will be greatly threatened and can only go to war.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the students in Ukraine are miserable, and Russian-Ukrainian relations can be explained to children in this way

Seeing the picture of the tense relations between Russia and Ukraine, we are very fortunate to live in a peaceful country, many people think that they have always felt that their fate is not good, there is no money and no power and ugly after this kind of thing, and now suddenly find that the original luck is used on reincarnation, the predecessors planted trees, the posterity is very grateful for the hard work of the older generation, the students should learn to repay the motherland's nurturing grace, this life does not regret entering China, the next life will also be a Chinese.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the students in Ukraine are miserable, and Russian-Ukrainian relations can be explained to children in this way

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