
Some parents in Zhejiang named their son "Ice Pier"?

Although the Winter Olympics are over, but the hot "ice pier" is still hot, recently, someone posted a baby's birth certificate on the short video platform, with the text saying "Since we can't grab the ice pier, then we will give birth to one ourselves."

The birth certificate shows that the newborn was born in Hangzhou, the mother's surname is Gao, the father's surname is Yang, and the baby's name is "Yang Bingdundun".

This video has triggered a hot discussion among netizens, although the ice pier is cute, but from the message, everyone's support for this name is not high -

"Another pit daddy."

"In the future, children will write their names and cry."

"It doesn't sound good, it's irresponsible parents."

Fortunately, the video publisher then explained: this birth certificate is PS, the baby has another name, and "Yang Bingdundun" is pure entertainment.

On the video platform, "newborn name ice pier" was even once on the hot search list.

In addition to Hangzhou, Shandong Dezhou and Guizhou Bijie also have similar "birth certificates", but after verification, they are not the real name of the baby, but the video shooter sent it after PS in order to "rub the heat" or "think it's fun".

Inquiring on the national duplicate name system, there are no more than 3 people named "ice piers" in the country, and the Hangzhou Public Security Household Registration Department also said that there is no person named "ice piers" in Hangzhou at present.

Although the name is fake, it can be seen from the enthusiasm of netizens that naming newborns is indeed a big deal for many parents.

Hangzhou public security will announce the names of newborns every year, for example, among the male treasures settled in 2021, the hottest three names are "Muchen", "Muchen" and "Yichen", and the female treasures are "Yinuo", "Amaranth" and "Yuxi". Among them, the name "Yinuo" has been listed many times, and among the female treasures born last year, 32 out of 10,000 are called "Yinuo".

Parents want to give their children an unconventional, unique meaning of the name, but many people find that they have worked hard and racked their brains to come up with a name, or "crashed" with others.

After the 90s, Xiao Qian just gave birth to her daughter a week ago, and when it comes to the matter of taking the name, she said bluntly: "The head is big." ”

She and her husband both want to give their daughter a catchy, impressive name, the initial idea is that it can be a little combined with the name of her parents, followed by a good cultural meaning, in addition, because the husband of the little money especially likes rainy days, so he wants to let his daughter's name carry the element of water.

"I have also turned over the dictionary, looked up the ancient poems, thought about several of them, and felt that I was not very satisfied." Until the discharge, the daughter's name has not yet been decided, and Xiao Qian thought of "Almighty Taobao". A search, there really is!

Xiao Qian chose a "×× Guoxue Famous Museum" and placed a single order of 298 yuan.

Soon, the store customer service added her WeChat and sent a lot of "standards" and "misunderstandings" about the name.

After two days of waiting, the other party sent a "beautiful name plan", which listed 8 alternative names. Customer service also specially explained: there is no fixed standard for whether the name is good or not, the important thing is to "meet the fate of the game" and "give the life master to empower and enhance the eight-character pattern and aura".

Xiao Qian said that he did not particularly believe in these yin and yang gossip, but just thought that since the other party was a "master of traditional Chinese studies", the roots of traditional culture should also be relatively deep, and the name taken was more "level".

However, the name provided by the other party is obviously some distance away from the expectations of small money.

"Jin Yi", "Chen Yue", "Shu Yao", "Yan Xin"... Xiao Qian said that although in the comments, the meaning of these words is good, but it always feels strange to read, fancy and whistled, and there is a smell of "vibrato internet celebrity". Moreover, none of their demands have been fulfilled.

Because I really can't choose a satisfactory name, the task of naming it falls back to the two small words.

After some "brainstorming", Xiao Qian and her husband tentatively decided the name "Xiao Yu". "筱" in the name of the person means to attract people to like, has a simple and cute meaning, meaning integrity, exquisite, smart and clever, plus the small money husband likes the "rain", this name, both of them like it, finally reached a consensus.

There is more than one small amount of money that is willing to spend money to name a child.

Xiao Fang, who is also a post-90s generation, gave birth to a son at the end of last year. She said that her and her husband's names are more casual, so when she was pregnant, she thought about it, and she must give the child a name that is different and can make a good impression.

"I think the name is still very important, my husband's name has a harmonic sound, and when he was in school, he was always teased by his classmates. After the child reads and works, his name is good, and his teachers and colleagues are also deeply impressed by him. Besides, this name is going to accompany him for the rest of his life, and we must have to think about it. ”

For the sake of his son's good name, XiaoFang spent 888 yuan and asked a "master" on the Internet to name the child. The "master" promises that if the name is not satisfied, it can be taken again, until it is satisfied.

"Probably to make me feel that this money is worth spending, there are a lot of comments behind each name, and at the beginning I really looked at it, but what kind of fate and gossip are involved in it, I can't understand it, and I don't want to look at it later."

The name "master" took, in Xiao Fang's view, decent, no surprises, "may be that my expectations are too high, but think about it from another angle, there are indeed more choices, better than what I took the trouble to take." ”

Some friends laughed that she was charged an "IQ tax", XiaoFang did not think so, she felt that children buy toys and go to training classes in the future, everywhere is a place to spend money, name is a gift for children's life, spend this money is still worth it.

Xiao Fang said that before having a child, he did not pay much attention to the matter of naming, or became a parent himself, only to find that there is such a big business book behind the name of the newborn: "Search for the name on the Internet, and what pops out is the kind of paid website link." ”

Search for newborn names on Taobao, there are as many as 1520 related merchants, prices range from 17.9 yuan to 9980 yuan, cheap is usually machine naming, and manual naming is obviously more "high-end", the price is usually more than 100 yuan. There are also thousands of yuan, but there are few buyers, which belongs to the "priceless market".

The best sales are in the middle price, and most of them are auspicious figures, such as 588 yuan and 698 yuan.

What are the "masters" who are named?

Judging from the introduction of merchants, most of the "masters" have more than ten years of experience in naming names, are familiar with traditional Chinese culture and traditional Chinese culture, and some are also familiar with the art of Zhou Yi Bagua Budao. More high-end, will emphasize the creativity and uniqueness of the naming teacher, can combine the traditional naming theory with modern elements, combined with the sound, shape, meaning of the text, one-on-one tailor-made.

Judging from public data, the store with the highest sales volume places an average of more than 2,000 orders per month.

How "inner volume" is the matter of naming? My colleagues and friends who have had children around me have almost always turned over two books before naming their children—Chu Ci and ShiJing. There is a saying about the name: boys read "Chu Ci", girls read "Book of Poetry".

However, there are also post-90s parents who feel that there is no need to spend money on names.

In May this year, Xiao Chen,95,000 was due to give birth, and she felt that the name was actually just a title, as long as it was smooth, easy to write, and did not produce ambiguity, and there was no need to attach too many things.

She said she had a short video blogger whose daughter's name was "Little Pump," which is said to be taken from the lyrics of a popular song called "Bungee, Shakaraka," which is harmonized with the first word, "Bungee."

Xiao Chen felt that this name was both unconventional and interesting, more memorable than those crepe names. The blogger later gave birth to twin daughters, and originally wanted to continue the lyrics, named "Shaka" and "Raqqa" respectively, but was opposed by his family, believing that it was "too casual", and finally changed it to "Defeng" and "Flower Rain".

The name is different from other items, and it is difficult to distinguish between good and bad. As for the way to name it, you can also take what you need.

Source: Orange Persimmon Interactive City Express

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