
A secret that all parents want to know: the basis for the judgment of the intelligence of the fetus during pregnancy

Pregnant expectant mothers because of the arrival of the child and changes in identity, physiology and psychology will undergo some subtle changes, some may not be able to adapt to the mother-to-be, some may be the mother-to-be adapted at once, these may be some normal pregnancy reactions during pregnancy, some may be the baby to the mother-to-be code, it depends on whether the mother-to-be can interpret.

Let's take a closer look at the baby's signals today

A secret that all parents want to know: the basis for the judgment of the intelligence of the fetus during pregnancy

First, regular fetal movements

Fetal movement, is a basis for expectant mothers to judge the growth and development of the baby, but also a bridge between expectant mothers and fetuses, because of this, some mothers may be because of the child's fetal movement, the whole person is moved by no, tears, we outsiders look, this looks too exaggerated, but the specific feelings, only the parties can understand.

What does fetal movement herald in addition to indicating that the child is healthy and strong?

Generally speaking, the situation of fetal movement is related to the growth cycle of the fetus, there will be more obvious fetal movement between 7 months and 8 months, before this period of time, the frequency of fetal movement is low, if the expectant mother finds that there is fetal movement in this time period, and there is an irregular situation, then it is necessary to go to the hospital as soon as possible to check the situation, find the reason for it and adjust accordingly.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus has basically been formed, the fetal movement at this time is basically the baby in the stomach cheerfully noisy, a moment with the foot kick belly, a moment with a small hand to poke the belly, indeed, the baby in the stomach is doing this, but does not mean that the baby will always be like this, after all, the baby will also be tired, also need to rest, especially at night, the expectant mother in the sleep at the same time the baby will also enter sleep, this time the baby is definitely quiet, there will be no fetal movement.

So sometimes the baby does not have too frequent fetal movements and does not need to worry, because the baby may rest or sleep

A secret that all parents want to know: the basis for the judgment of the intelligence of the fetus during pregnancy

Second, know how to take care of your mother

Some babies, starting at the moment of pregnancy, the expectant mother can know the baby's IQ, some parents may not know much about this situation, saying that the baby's brain development is not complete at this time, how do you know whether the baby's IQ is high or low?

Say some of the experience of expectant mothers, we all know that pregnancy is something that every mother has to experience, but everyone's feelings are different, some people's early pregnancy is more serious morning sickness, and even back pain, edema of the hands and feet, but some people in the first trimester, the second trimester and the third trimester of pregnancy, in addition to the stomach is getting bigger day by day, the other basic no problem, the action is still flexible, the appetite is also very good, even if there is a pregnancy reaction, that is, it lasts for a few days, and then it returns to normal, and the mother did not suffer during the entire pregnancy.

It can be seen that although the baby is not yet mature, at the moment of coming to the mother's belly, it is known to converge, take care of the mother's body and feelings, reduce the mother's pregnancy response, so that the mother can be happy and happy every day.

A secret that all parents want to know: the basis for the judgment of the intelligence of the fetus during pregnancy

Third, let the expectant mother be emotionally stable

The mood of the expectant mother is not good, most of which is caused by the secretion disorder during pregnancy and the state of the baby's growth period, the mood during pregnancy is suddenly high, and suddenly low is a common thing, such as because of a word from others, such as because the husband's words are angry to want to divorce and want to hit the wall.

These situations are believed to have been experienced by people who have conceived a baby, but in addition to the endocrine effect, the baby's growth will also have an impact, if the baby's development has a problem, then the expectant mother must be restless and upset.

If the baby is developing normally, the baby will use his own way to tell the mother that he is developing well, such as the mother can eat well, drink well, sleep well, such a baby has a high IQ, and knows how to take care of each other with the mother when pregnant.

Want to know your baby's development, come and check it out~

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