
Only when I am old do I know: it is not necessarily a good thing that the child is too good, and if I can, I would rather have a mediocre child


Almost all the parents in the world are looking forward to Jackie Chan, looking forward to the daughter into a phoenix, from the birth of the child to the adult, the parents are always busy, just want to create a good learning and living environment for the child, strive for more opportunities to become talented, some parents even do not hesitate to spend a lot of money to send their children to study abroad, always think that in the foreign countries for a few years, come back to be popular to find a job, will also know how to be grateful, cherish life filial piety to parents. But what about the facts? Today, let's listen to Aunt Zhao's confession.

Only when I am old do I know: it is not necessarily a good thing that the child is too good, and if I can, I would rather have a mediocre child

My name is Zhao Chunhua, 58 years old, retired as a primary school teacher, my husband is two years older than me, and left us a few years ago because of an accident. My daughter is 33 years old, she has been very good academically since she was a child, went directly to the United States after graduating from college, and established a family there.

Since my daughter married abroad, I always felt lonely and lonely, and my heart was empty. In order to get rid of the loneliness in my heart, I decided to live with a man who was eight years older than me.

The man was introduced to him and had a son divorced. After spending some time with him, I think that others are not bad, and I will take care of people, but his family's economic conditions are not good, and I am worried that he is coming for my money, so I did not get a marriage license with him.

Only when I am old do I know: it is not necessarily a good thing that the child is too good, and if I can, I would rather have a mediocre child

Ever since he knew that my daughter was abroad and often gave me money, at least tens of thousands of times each time, he was extremely excited. He always encouraged me to reach out to my daughter for money, and he said that his son wanted to buy a big house, but he didn't have enough money, so he wanted my daughter to help him a little.

He also said that my daughter's money was too much to use anyway, and it was just enough to fund his son to buy a house, which was a good deed. I think he's too brazen. No matter how much money my daughter has, she has earned her own hard work, not falling from the sky, so why should I help him?

I rejected his wishful thinking, and every time my daughter gave me money in the future, I would no longer tell him, saving him from always worrying about it and hollowing out the idea of getting the money into his own pocket.

Only when I am old do I know: it is not necessarily a good thing that the child is too good, and if I can, I would rather have a mediocre child

When he saw that I did not agree to let my daughter fund his son to buy a house, he suddenly turned his face, and he scolded and grinned that I was too stingy and did not treat him as a family, otherwise I would not have seen him in difficulty and was unwilling to help.

In the past, he always took the initiative to buy vegetables to cook at home, and never asked me for money to buy vegetables. Now he not only procrastinates, but also worries about money with me, even if he buys a handful of green vegetables, he also wants me to count the money to him.

I was angry that he was doing this, and although my financial conditions were much better than his, I didn't want him to stare at my property every day like a soft eater.

I wish my man would hold up a piece of the sky for me instead of letting him cool off in my shade. So I didn't want to spend a penny for him, and every time he came to me to share the living expenses, we would have a big fight.

Only when I am old do I know: it is not necessarily a good thing that the child is too good, and if I can, I would rather have a mediocre child

I scolded him for not being a man and unwilling to pay half a point for me; he accused me of Being Grande, who knew that he was rich, but he regarded money as more important than his life, and the iron rooster was a dime a dozen.

Such a day of quarreling every day, I naturally can't live on. My purpose in looking for a man was to find someone who could talk to me, not to calculate my money all day and argue with me if I didn't fulfill his wishes.

Although I did not want to break up with him and return to a lonely life, in order to protect my property, I resolutely left him and moved back to my home.

Shortly after separating from him, I fell seriously ill and underwent surgery. Through this operation, I deeply realized the helplessness of being hospitalized without my relatives around me.

Only when I am old do I know: it is not necessarily a good thing that the child is too good, and if I can, I would rather have a mediocre child

Although I can pay for a caregiver, the caregiver can only take care of my mobility and cannot cook various nutritious meals for me. Every time I see other patients, surrounded by children, drinking the health soup cooked by their children, I am particularly envious.

My daughter is far away, it is impossible to travel thousands of miles back to china to take care of me, only through the video to send a few greetings. Although she brought me a lot of money, for me who was sick, what I most hoped to get was the company of my daughter.

When a person is disease-free and disaster-free, he may not feel anything, at most a little lonely, only when he is sick, his psychology will become very sensitive and fragile, and at this time, he is particularly eager for the companionship and care of his relatives.

When I lay in the hospital bed and endured the pain, I especially regretted the decision to agree to let my daughter go abroad to develop, thinking that for the rest of my life, I would have to face all the difficulties alone, even if I was sick, there was no one around to bring soup and water, and I felt particularly lost and sad in my heart.

Only when I am old do I know: it is not necessarily a good thing that the child is too good, and if I can, I would rather have a mediocre child

As I get older, my body will only gradually age, and all kinds of ailments will continue to hit. Look at others, although their children are not excellent, there is not much success, but it is precisely because of the mediocrity of their children that they can have a lot of time to accompany the elderly, especially when the elderly are unwell, they can accompany and take care of them.

Although my daughter is very successful, can earn a lot of money, and settles abroad, no amount of money can buy the companionship of family and the happiness of having someone to take care of in her illness.

If time can be turned back, I would rather my daughter be an ordinary child, as long as she can always be by my side, even if she is not productive, even if she does not make much money, but as long as she can accompany me and let me see her all the time, I will feel very satisfied.

I have repeatedly persuaded my daughter to return to China, saying that I am old and need her care very much. However, the daughter did not want to come back, she said that she had settled abroad and her career was very stable.

She told me to take care of myself, and if I was short of money to spend, she would call me money immediately. I don't think my daughter understands my mind at all, and I don't need much money at all, and that money is just cold numbers that can't replace the warm feelings of affection.

Only when I am old do I know: it is not necessarily a good thing that the child is too good, and if I can, I would rather have a mediocre child

I dare not imagine how I should spend the rest of my life, and I am even more afraid that my old age will be like a childless old man, dying in obscurity at home, and no one will notice.

I think a lot about my daughter being a mediocre child, so that she won't run abroad to develop, and once she goes, she won't look back, leaving my orphan wife and son alone at home, and no one cares.

写‬在‬最后:生活中像‬赵‬阿姨‬的‬人‬太多了‬,事‬实‬证‬明‬,儿‬女‬太‬优秀未必是好事,赵‬阿姨花‬重金送‬出‬去‬的女‬儿‬,结果根本不‬想‬回‬国‬了‬,老‬娘‬想‬见‬女儿一‬面‬都‬成问题了‬,更‬别‬说生‬病‬后‬在‬身‬边‬照顾左右了‬。 对于今‬天‬的故事,你‬有‬什么看法,欢迎留‬言!

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