
A war between two women, a man directly invisible?

A war between two women, a man directly invisible?

*Title Source: Question 2 of this issue

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Question 1

Keywords: mate selection

Female: 84 years, 160, master's degree, financial industry, annual income of 200,000-300,000, well-behaved female personality, introverted personality, good family, unmarried, medium-to-high looks.

Male A: 88 years, 173, undergraduate, financial industry, annual income of 100,000-200,000, unmarried, good looks, close to full score, family income in general.

Male B: 89 years, 182, undergraduate, the annual income of the financial industry is about 300,000-400,000, the divorced children belong to the predecessor, the appearance is medium, and the family is average.

Male a know two or three years, when in a piece of enthusiasm later hot and cold, and then there are contradictions do not contact each other, he also did not intend to marry to know male b,

Male B knows each other for two months, often calls for an hour or two, and is outgoing.

Now male a occasional initiative to contact, want to ask the next sister and which is more likely, thank you.


When I first saw that you were unmarried in 84 years and looked in the middle of the middle, I already felt that your criteria for judging were not very reliable. Because such a beautiful girl, very few will be left at this age. Then, you actually gave the two boys you were in contact with a high class and a high medium, which was simply jaw-dropping.

Don't you mean to say that there are two top male gods, buried in the financial industry, and both have a compassionate love affair with an ordinary girl? This is the object of communication, and it is clearly a male bodhisattva.

In this case, as you said, it's best to post a photo and take a look. According to my experience, your judgment criteria do not include the entertainment industry, and you have to give a 30% discount in the judging system of the baby fan circle, that is, your real appearance is lower than medium, male A is medium upper, and male B is medium. This should be more in line with your actual situation.

These two boys are better looking than you, and both are younger than you, and neither of them is very likely to choose you for a long time, and it is very likely that they are choosing you short. Male A has known you for two or three years, in addition to the enthusiasm when they were first together, other times are hot and cold, and then there are contradictions and simply do not contact each other, and there is no intention to marry. In fact, your emotional situation is actually not the object of development, but he is reluctant to say it thoroughly.

Male B has just met for two months, "often call for an hour or two", it seems to be more enthusiastic about you, but you can think about it carefully and understand that this is just a sugar-coated shell in the early stage of short selection. When Male A first joined you, didn't he also give you an inflated emotional concentration? If you believe that this false prosperity is with him, you will soon find that male B also begins to be hot and cold, and finally ends up with a similar ending to male A.

In summary, if you are eager for a stable and reliable long choice, it is recommended that you look for those partners who are really matching you and have sincerity for you. Otherwise, no matter how you change people, you will just fall into the same pit again and again.

Question 2

(Source of the title of this issue)

Keywords: husband and married woman

Shine wisdom of the baby sister and assistant fairy good. 2 years of powder, perfect don't take all to see. Weak qualifications, previous questions have been answered. I wish you health and happiness. Now there is a question, draw to no are grateful.

I am 163, 96 pounds, divorced with a baby, two books, before the company's middle management, now resign to recuperate.

Male 172, 130 pounds, alone, junior college, private enterprise manager, annual salary of 20W, financial power to hand over, good for me and the baby.

C female height 160, 120 + pounds, sales

When I first fell in love, I had a heavy sex and often quarreled. Once in the Cold War he asked a married C woman to watch a movie to complain. The two sides have frequent contact, and C commented in his vote circle: You miss me, right? He replied: You think too much. I'm busy at work without being aware. One day a year later, he found the ticket purchase record and angrily asked him to find out who was watching the movie.

C Caller the next day: How come your girlfriend is so unconfident, I'm not saying let you choose between me and her who...

Husband replied: I'm sorry, I was wrong about this, let's delete each other.

But did not point out that the other party's wording is not appropriate I have a heart knot, the other day with my husband another number plus C to ask for money to watch the movie. She replied to me: He and I never said that we were going to be together, and if anything really happened to us, it wouldn't matter to you.

At the same time, call my husband: your wife is quite disgusting, she is sick... Husband when I face back to her: you are sick, disgusting is you, after pulling black.

Now she spreads rumors everywhere about me about dinner and movies that he is at fault and has been settled. But in the face of people with low MVs and so provocative, what should they do in the future to strike her again and stop being a demon? (Figure 1 me, Figure 2 Me and my husband, Figure 345 C female)

Her behavior is very immoral, but we condemn her here and she doesn't see it either, so she's not the point. She is just a manifestation of your husband's polymorphism, even if we drive C-daughter away, there may be DEFG behind.

At least from my point of view, this C woman originally had no contact with your husband, but when you took the initiative to provoke her and asked her to pay for the movie ticket, she was instead aroused.

I believe that you don't care about these dozens of dollars, you just want to embarrass her, but she is such a woman who is ambiguous with other men in marriage, and the moral bottom line itself is very low. So she says to you, "He and I never said we were going to be together, and if we really had anything to do, it wouldn't matter to you." "This is very provocative and irritating, but let's talk about things, if you don't ask her for movie ticket money in the first place, will there be any follow-up?

She should not be the protagonist in your life, if you care too much about her, but will give her more opportunities to disturb your life, I suggest you still do not provoke such a person with a low moral bottom line. She may only have been ambiguous with your husband now, and there is no substantive relationship, but if you continue to provoke her, in case she really preys on your husband and deliberately disgusts you, what to do. At that point, can you be sure to get out of the way?

You are divorced with a baby and meet an unmarried husband, plus this boy is not in good shape, and your MV is not enough to offset your divorce shortcomings, so your relationship does not match. There are a lot of hidden dangers in this relationship that you may not have discovered yet. So don't be so belligerent, you should pay more attention to whether your husband has hidden your shortcomings or defects, and focus on how to reduce your husband's polygamy, how to avoid the cold war of high PU again, and prevent your husband from lowering the PU again.

Finally, I can give you a small suggestion for mentioning MV. In your two photos, wearing a hat and not wearing a hat, the appearance is at least 1 point, it is recommended that you can do a hair transplant, or leave bangs, wear a hat, and cover your forehead.

Question 3

Keywords: economic disparities

Hello clever baby sisters, little assistants, and little fairies.

I 89 years, 165CM, 48KG, alone, annual income of 100,000, a house and a car without loans, no savings, parents retired workers.

He 87 years, 178CM, 85KG, non-exclusive, annual income of 80,000, additional income of 0-300,000 uncertain. Two houses and one car mortgage at home. The family is engaged in the construction equipment business and has assets estimated at tens of millions.

I feel that he belongs to the cloth stone, home, smart, has opinions, will give gifts at festivals, apologize for small quarrels, and he did not hand in his salary after marriage, but will give me some money every once in a while to let me use my family and pocket money. I was happy to take care of his living and took on almost all the housework. He occasionally says that I have acne and let me take good care of it, and I currently have quiet anti-aging medical beauty.

Recently, the in-laws' family has purchased two suites in a row, with a total value of about 3 million, all written in his name. At the same time, because he was afraid that his younger brothers and sisters would complain, he told his younger siblings that the second set of 1.5 million yuan was the full amount of my family.

In recent days, I have not dared to go back to my in-laws' house, and my sister-in-law said that I was a rich second generation, and I was afraid of exposing my stuffing because my family did not pay for it.

I told my parents the truth, and my mother said that she could make up 150,000 yuan for me, and I refused, because I knew that they were weak in heart, and it was estimated that it was her pension book.

At present, my in-laws and husbands have not expressed dissatisfaction with this, but I am worried, I cherish this marriage, I want to ask the doll, what should I do to weaken the economic differences between the two families

Thank you again for your company and look forward to winning.

A war between two women, a man directly invisible?
A war between two women, a man directly invisible?

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