
Women don't care about you on the surface, but in fact, they care about you, and they will have these 4 childish actions!

Regarding love, I have heard such words: "It is said that women in love have the lowest IQ, even in the face of deception, they still foolishly refuse to get out." But after seeing more of the "silly woman" in love, I also understand that love is not actually an IQ test question: a woman is not stupid, but because she is reluctant to do so, she chooses to accompany him to pretend to be stupid... ”

Women have always been emotional, and when they fall in love with someone, they unconsciously want to treat each other as everything. Maybe men appreciate women's understanding and independence, but they don't like women's clingy childishness. You know, when a woman doesn't love you, how strong and how strong you are, how independent and independent you have to be. Women don't care about you on the surface, but in fact, they care about you, and they will have these 4 childish actions!

Women don't care about you on the surface, but in fact, they care about you, and they will have these 4 childish actions!

1. Often make unreasonable trouble

Unreasonable teasing is a special case for women. Generally speaking, women have a strong dependence on you, and she will often show a special childlike side in front of you, and she likes to make unreasonable trouble in front of you.

It's not that she doesn't understand things, but she likes the feeling that you spoil her and coax her. She likes to feel that you care about her taste, likes to see you coax her cute look, and when she has a sense of dependence on you, she is actually inseparable from you.

Women don't care about you on the surface, but in fact, they care about you, and they will have these 4 childish actions!

2, always say that they don't love you

The woman in this love is always duplicitous, she always says that she does not love you at all, saying that she will leave you is the same life, but in fact, her heart will put your baby to death.

When she says she doesn't love you, she's actually expressing her love for you. Saying that she is okay, not wronged, and letting you busy with your own business is actually asking you for time, she wants you to accompany her, and wants you to understand her subtext. Always say that they don't love you, not because they love you too much.

Women don't care about you on the surface, but in fact, they care about you, and they will have these 4 childish actions!

3, deliberately "angry with you"

At this time, it is usually that you have too frequent contact with other women, she is not sure of your feelings for her, so she will deliberately anger you, want to know if you still like her, want to see you jealous, so she will deliberately anger you, that is because she is afraid of losing you!

Women are actually very good at coaxing, as long as you are careful, they will not easily get angry or leave you, women's minds are very fragile, need your careful care, women are very beautiful, but also more need to be protected.

Women don't care about you on the surface, but in fact, they care about you, and they will have these 4 childish actions!

4, call to say that the press is wrong

After all, a woman is shy, and when she thinks of you, she may not say it directly, but use other ways to express her inner feelings to you.

Sometimes, she will call you, but when you answer it, she says she made a mistake and talks to you for a long time. In fact, she said that she didn't care about you, but in her heart she already thought that you were crazy, so she had to use this way to find you.

Women don't care about you on the surface, but in fact, they care about you, and they will have these 4 childish actions!

The woman who has these 4 childish moves in front of you not only loves you very much, but also trusts you very much. If you love her, give her more love and make her feel happier. I believe that after she receives your efforts, she will also give you back.

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