
Why is a 2-month-old always making a fuss? It's not that the baby is not well-behaved, the reason is heart-wrenching

Mothers who have had parenting experience have a deep understanding of the baby's situation of "sleeping in January and making trouble in February". Some mothers may also think that the baby is too naughty and disobedient. Many mothers may be annoyed and will reprimand their babies. As everyone knows, moms may have misunderstood, and there is a reason why the baby is noisy. If Bao Mom knew these reasons, she might still be distressed.

Why is a 2-month-old always making a fuss? It's not that the baby is not well-behaved, the reason is heart-wrenching

Most of the time the baby cries, either because he is hungry or pulls. If the baby pulls the stool, then just need to clean the baby in time, the baby will become quiet; if the baby is hungry, then feed the baby in time, then the baby will sleep quietly after eating.

But when your baby is two or three months old, that could all change. Sometimes the mother will find that the baby is not pulling the stool, and feeding the baby still can't stop the crying baby. Especially at night, the baby cries frequently, how to comfort can not do, can not let the baby quiet down, which will make the mothers worried.

Why is a 2-month-old always making a fuss? It's not that the baby is not well-behaved, the reason is heart-wrenching

At that time, I also had such an unforgettable experience, because of ignorance, after staying up for more than half a month, I took my child to the hospital for examination to know the reason. The doctor told us that this was caused by the baby's colic problem. After some treatment by the doctor, the baby was massaged, and the baby's crying situation was slowly reduced.

Thinking back to the baby always crying before, I thought that the baby was not well-behaved, always liked to toss people, but also when the baby was annoyed by the baby's crying, he would also blame the baby, thinking of this, he couldn't help but blame himself, and the baby also began to feel painful.

I believe that many parents may be the same as me, have the same experience, for the baby's "February trouble" problem, and is not associated with neonatal colic.

Why is a 2-month-old always making a fuss? It's not that the baby is not well-behaved, the reason is heart-wrenching

What is neonatal colic?

Neonatal colic, which usually occurs in babies within three months of age. Due to the unsound development of the baby's gastrointestinal tract and weak physical resistance, excessive feeding when feeding the baby, or after feeding, the baby is not given a timely hiccup and exhaust, which leads to the baby's gastrointestinal discomfort, flatulence, thus causing the baby's gastrointestinal problems. Especially at night, babies may often cry frequently because of colic problems.

I want to accurately determine whether my baby has neonatal colic problems. You can judge from the following characteristics.

Why is a 2-month-old always making a fuss? It's not that the baby is not well-behaved, the reason is heart-wrenching

Neonatal intestinal colic generally has such a law: the baby's stomach is always swollen, if the baby cries at least three hours a day, more than three days a week, and most of the time occurs at night, then this time is likely to be the newborn colic problem. Baby intestinal colic generally occurs when the baby is 2 to 3 months old, and when the baby is 4 to 6 months old, the problem of intestinal colic is slowly alleviated and improved.

If the baby has intestinal colic problems, the baby will cry desperately, no matter how the parents coax, even the most effective feeding, milk sleep may not help, can not soothe the crying baby. Only after the baby farts or defecates will the baby's pain be relieved. If your baby has these symptoms, it means that your baby may be experiencing colic.

Why is a 2-month-old always making a fuss? It's not that the baby is not well-behaved, the reason is heart-wrenching

How should neonatal colic be relieved?

Watching the baby always crying, parents are both distressed and troubled, in order to prevent and alleviate the occurrence of neonatal colic, parents are best to start from the following aspects.

Why is a 2-month-old always making a fuss? It's not that the baby is not well-behaved, the reason is heart-wrenching

Pay attention to the feeding position when feeding

Incorrect feeding posture may lead to a large amount of air inhaled by the baby when feeding, which will exacerbate the baby's intestinal colic problem. After feeding your baby, be sure to burp your baby in time to vent.

When a newborn baby is fed, it is best to eat fewer and more meals. Because the baby's stomach capacity is very small, the digestion ability is not strong, if the baby is fed too full and too much, it will increase the baby's gastrointestinal burden, not only easy to cause the baby to spit up milk, but also easy to affect the baby's gastrointestinal digestion, flatulence, thereby inducing the baby's intestinal colic problem.

Why is a 2-month-old always making a fuss? It's not that the baby is not well-behaved, the reason is heart-wrenching

Give your baby an abdominal massage

Pay more attention to the baby's abdominal massage on weekdays, which is helpful for the baby to exhaust, promote the baby's gastrointestinal digestion, and alleviate the baby's colic problem.

On weekdays, you can also often do exhaust exercises for the baby to help the baby exercise and exhaust, which is also helpful for the baby to promote digestion, help the baby improve his body and strengthen his physical fitness, thereby alleviating intestinal colic.

Why is a 2-month-old always making a fuss? It's not that the baby is not well-behaved, the reason is heart-wrenching

In addition, if the baby has intestinal colic problems, then giving the baby a warm bath every day can also help the baby relax and alleviate the symptoms of the baby's intestinal colic discomfort. If possible, often let the baby soak in the water to swim, more help to promote the baby's gastrointestinal digestion, alleviate the newborn's intestinal colic problem.

If the baby's colic problem is more serious, it is better to take the baby to the doctor as soon as possible. So as not to delay the baby's condition and affect the baby's healthy development.

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