
【Attention】Greeting the new semester, remember ten "no"

【Attention】Greeting the new semester, remember ten "no"

In the basic education stage, children should develop in an all-round way, grow up happily, and have a colorful childhood. The new semester is coming, summarize the ten "no", and share it with you.

【Attention】Greeting the new semester, remember ten "no"

No rush

Accompanying children to grow up is like a process of walking with snails. The so-called non-urgent means that neither is in a hurry to let the child learn in advance, nor is it in a hurry to "win at the starting line", do not have to worry about the gap of a few points, and tell the child to take it slowly.

No more than that

Don't compare your own children with "other people's children". Some parents always expect their children to become "geniuses", and their expectations are particularly high, learning should be compared with A, art should be compared with B, sports should be compared with C... Always compared with the best single "other people's children", it undoubtedly hits the self-confidence of their own babies. We may wish to change the perspective, first accept the child's "ordinary", do not always compare with others, but always see the child's progress, accompany the child step by step, and gradually grow.

Not messy

Everyone has their own strengths, you're on the river, he's on the bridge, and each other is a landscape. Therefore, always have your own rhythm, your own thoughts, your own life. The two most important abilities in this life are deep thinking and tough execution, which simply means being able to be busy in various situations and firmly follow their own path.

Not empty

Don't force your child to do things in the name of "love". Instead of talking about "love" with children in an empty way, it is better to teach them more specific, reasonable, efficient and scientific operation methods, which is more conducive to achieving good results.

Not impatient

"Don't write homework, motherly kindness and filial piety; when you write homework, chickens fly and dogs jump." Such a scene must be no stranger to everyone. In many families, children's homework problems have become a "heart disease" for the whole family. To avoid falling into the vicious circle of parental impatience and child anxiety, what we need to do is to give some specific and actionable suggestions, and then give the child an expectant look. Supervising and appreciating the child, giving appropriate encouragement, and maintaining a "faint persistence" is enough, because life is like this.

Not arrogant

Victory is not arrogance. Tell your child: "After all, the world is to face it yourself, mom and dad can't stay with you for long, the better you are, the more room for choice." The fact that you get so many results shows that you are gifted and reiki, but without the planning and training of your parents, it is impossible to achieve these goals. If you are willing to become a better version of yourself, Mom and Dad are your best coaches, let's work together! ”

Not far away

Do not abandon, two-way education, grow together. Find the joy of learning with your children, accept your shortcomings, and enjoy the process of growing up, and we may become better and better. Tell your child, "No matter what, Mom and Dad are all around you, it's no big deal." If you are excellent, you are a child of Mom and Dad; you are ordinary, you are still a child of Mom and Dad. ”

Not high

Instead of having unrealistically high goals for the child, it is better to always stare at the next "small goal" and let the child tiptoe to reach it, so that step by step, the child will become more and more confident.

Not loose

Let the child understand a truth: all "cattle people" are masters of time use. Under the premise of ensuring sleep time, ensuring sufficient outdoor activity time, and ensuring the adjustment of eye fatigue, we should reasonably arrange learning and tasks, especially pay attention to the use of fragmented time. Behind all the persistence of the child is the persistence of the parents.

Not urgently

Sometimes, no matter how much parents force their children, it is useless, at this time, they can tactically "put it aside" and subtly affect the child. The truth is always slowly understood, and the parents' approach may not be correct. We need to teach our children to take responsibility for their choices and results.

Source: Health Newspaper

Editor: Wang Xiaohang

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