
Illegal overtaking accidents, vehicle damage is fully responsible

For many veteran drivers

Overtaking is a common occurrence

A lot of drivers think

Isn't overtaking a one-foot throttle thing?

But the accident

It often happens at the moment of random overtaking

At about 8:00 a.m. on January 25, 2022, in The Left Banner of Bahrain, Chifeng City, when Lu Drove a Small Car of Meng DC***3 to the section of the road near the Village No. 5 of National Highway 305 in the jurisdiction, in front of a small car had already hit the left turn signal in advance to prepare for a left turn, it intended to forcibly overtake from the left side of the car, resulting in two cars colliding, and after the car driven by Lu Mou collided with the front car out of control, due to inertia directly hit the six-sided cement warning pile on the right side of the road, and finally caused damage to the two cars. No person was injured in road traffic accidents.

After the accident, the chifeng city public security traffic management detachment zuoqi public security bureau traffic management brigade accident handling police quickly rushed to the scene for investigation and disposal. After investigation, at that time, the small car in the same lane in front of him was preparing to change lanes to the left to enter the rural road, Lu Did not notice the turn signal of the front car, thinking that the car in front of him was driving in the left lane, he accelerated with a foot on the accelerator, resulting in a traffic accident.

Finally, due to the lack of safety awareness of Lu Mou, the dynamic situation of the vehicle on the road was not observed enough when driving, the safe distance from the car in front of him was not maintained, and the measures taken in the face of danger were not effective, which was the direct cause of the accident, and he assumed full responsibility for the accident.

The accident vehicle driving recorder accident moment ▲▲▲

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According to the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, "Article 43, Paragraph 1, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of a motor vehicle driving in the same lane, the rear car shall maintain a safe distance sufficient for emergency braking measures from the front car. In any of the following circumstances, it is not allowed to overtake: (1) The car in front of it is making a left turn, making a U-turn, or overtaking:"

Some drivers think

Overtaking is driving through the throttle with one foot

Not too difficult

But in fact, overtaking is very knowledgeable

Do you really overtake?

Overtaking should be reduced to speed up!

Overtaking should be reduced to speed up!!

Overtaking should be reduced to speed up!!!



Upshift: engine speed decreases, wheel torque becomes smaller;

Downshift: the engine speed increases and the wheel torque becomes greater.

A high instantaneous torque output is required when overtaking, so it is necessary to downshift to achieve the effect of instantaneous acceleration.


How do I downshift and speed up?

Automatic models should quickly step on the throttle to the end; manual models should first downshift, and then quickly step on the throttle to accelerate.

In addition to the gear problem, which side to overtake is also a concern for many car owners. Mainland China's Road Traffic Safety Law stipulates that the principle of overtaking on the left side must be observed when overtaking, and overtaking on the right side is an illegal act. But the following situations, we must know!

1. The following three kinds of "right-hand overtaking" are not illegal!

Many people's concept of overtaking is "overtaking the front car", but in fact, overtaking in the "Traffic Safety Regulations" refers to: the rear car driving in the same lane, overtaking the front car, and returning to the original lane, always driving in the same lane before and after the overtaking.

Illegal overtaking accidents, vehicle damage is fully responsible

As shown in the figure above, it is illegal to overtake on the right side of a car in the same lane and overtake the front car and return to the original lane. However, not all right-hand overtaking is illegal, and the "right-side overtaking" in the following situations is normal driving and is not illegal.

Illegal overtaking accidents, vehicle damage is fully responsible
Illegal overtaking accidents, vehicle damage is fully responsible
Illegal overtaking accidents, vehicle damage is fully responsible

Although it is not illegal to overtake on the right side in the above three cases, we do not advocate overtaking on the right side. The main driving seat in China is on the left, and it is driven on the right, if the right side overtakes, the blind area is larger, and it is easy to have accidents.

2, left overtaking, is not a hundred taboos!

Even the "left overtaking" stipulated by law has many taboos. The following "left overtaking" behavior is illegal, and once an accident occurs, it is fully responsible, and it will also face a penalty for deducting points.

Overtake when there is a possibility of meeting with the opposite car

Illegal overtaking accidents, vehicle damage is fully responsible

Overtake when the car in front of you makes a U-turn

Illegal overtaking accidents, vehicle damage is fully responsible


Overtake when the car in front of you turns left

Illegal overtaking accidents, vehicle damage is fully responsible


Overtake in special sections

Illegal overtaking accidents, vehicle damage is fully responsible

Overtaking at railway crossings, intersections, narrow bridges, steep slopes, tunnels, crosswalks, and sections with large traffic flows is illegal and illegal. If you exceed the police car, fire truck, ambulance, and engineering ambulance that performs the emergency task, you will also face a penalty of 3 points.

After reading the above content, do you think that overtaking is also a very exquisite science? So, how can overtaking ensure safety?

Basic overtaking action

When overtaking, hit the left turn signal in advance, and carefully observe the road conditions to determine that you can overtake, accelerate and line to the left lane, accelerate straight past the vehicle that needs to be exceeded, drive to a safe distance, then turn on the right turn signal, and return to the original lane.

Overtaking requires a forward-looking look

Since overtaking requires a lane, it is necessary to observe the condition of the lane to be borrowed before overtaking, and also observe the driving situation of the vehicle in front of the car to be overtaken. In addition, before overtaking, it is also necessary to observe whether the rear car has the intention to overtake.

Overtaking should not be continuously paralleled

Overtaking do not continuously parallel, if you need to merge multiple times, after the first parallel is completed, first keep going straight for a period of time, observe the surrounding road conditions, stay until the right time, and then change lanes for the second time.

Traffic police remind: lane change is risky, overtaking need to be cautious! Please the majority of drivers in the process of driving, must strictly abide by traffic laws and regulations, safe driving, civilized driving.

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▎Material source: Traffic Management Brigade of Bahrain Left Banner Public Security Bureau, Chifeng City

▎Communicator: Zhang Feng

▎Material finishing: Liu Jiatong

▎Review: Zhang Rui

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