
hush! The first trimester of pregnancy is a "secret that can't be said"

Pregnancy and childbirth are life events, and great joys

But many people have also heard such a saying:

"Don't say it to anyone in the first trimester of pregnancy!"

What is this metaphysics?

Is there a certain truth in the end?

hush! The first trimester of pregnancy is a "secret that can't be said"

Modern medicine: embryo instability in the first 3 months

In the early stages of pregnancy, the chance of embryos being naturally eliminated is greater, and cases of spontaneous abortion are not uncommon. To put it bluntly, in the first 3 months of pregnancy, the embryos in the stomach are not yet individuals, and there are many uncertainties interfering. Many people carefully guard this secret for 12 weeks, until the time is ripe and the embryos develop normally, and then the official announcement is announced.

hush! The first trimester of pregnancy is a "secret that can't be said"

Is it really easy to miscarry in the first three months?

Survival of the fittest is not just a rule of nature, even human embryos still need to face such a test. If the embryo itself is not of good quality, or has other problems, such as chromosomal abnormalities, stop developing, under the screening of natural laws, it will also be eliminated.

hush! The first trimester of pregnancy is a "secret that can't be said"

Maternal factors

The mother's own conditions are insufficient (such as uterine malformations, luteal insufficiency, cervical insufficiency or systemic diseases, etc.), and there is no way for the embryo to implant well and develop smoothly.

Immune factors

Under normal circumstances, the embryo and the mother have a non-exclusive immunological association, so that the embryo can live safely in the uterus. However, if the immunity of the two sides is "conflicted", or even a big fight, a strong maternal immune mechanism may "ruthlessly kill" the embryo. Immune factors include: maternal cell immunomodulatory disorders, fetal-specific antigens, paternal histocompatibility antigens, blood group antigens, etc.

environmental factors

Do not underestimate environmental factors, bad external factors can directly go to indirect harm to the embryo or fetus. If in ordinary life, long-term excessive exposure to harmful chemicals, such as arsenic, lead, benzene, formaldehyde, chloroprene, ethylene oxide, etc., or physical factors, such as radiation, noise and high temperature, may cause miscarriage.

hush! The first trimester of pregnancy is a "secret that can't be said"

What should I do if I find out I am pregnant?

◆ Early pregnancy test is arranged

Is it pregnant with a quasi-child! Early pregnancy tests can help us check for possible instabilities in the embryo, and then prevent and be prepared. Marriage test ≠ pregnancy test, find out that you are pregnant or suspect that you are pregnant, you must pay attention to the early pregnancy test.

◆ Tell the obstetric examiner truthfully

If there is a bad pregnancy history, or abnormal bleeding, abdominal pain and other symptoms, pregnant mothers can not be big heart, it is recommended to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. When facing the obstetric examiner, do not deliberately conceal the relevant situation, and avoid misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis and delayed treatment.

◆ Reasonable supplementation of folic acid

Folic acid supplementation can effectively prevent fetal malformations, and foods rich in folic acid are: spinach, lettuce, asparagus, beans, apples, citrus and so on.

◆ Pay attention to the same room during pregnancy

The first trimester (the first three months) is the high incidence of miscarriage, and in the third trimester (the last 3 months), if there is a slightly stronger sexual excitement, it will trigger contractions, resulting in premature birth. Therefore, expectant parents still have to "hang out". In the second trimester (4-7 months), the fetal development is relatively stable and can be properly sexually active.

hush! The first trimester of pregnancy is a "secret that can't be said"

So the first trimester of pregnancy is not unspeakable

Instead, pregnant mothers need to be careful and cautious

It is responsible for yourself and your little life

hush! The first trimester of pregnancy is a "secret that can't be said"

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