
Zhao Zhen: Cursive writing is the biggest subject of life Zhao Zhen: Cursive is the biggest subject of life

Zhao Zhen: Cursive writing is the biggest subject of life Zhao Zhen: Cursive is the biggest subject of life

Zhao Zhen, born in 1995 in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, is currently working at the Suqian Painting Academy. He is a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a member of the China Yuelian Society, a member of the Xingcao Committee of the Jiangsu Young Calligraphers Association, a special calligrapher of the Jiangsu Provincial Book Court, a special teacher of Dunhuang College of Northwest Normal University, a special teacher of the School of Calligraphy of Beijing University of Humanities, and a special teacher of Hebei Academy of Fine Arts. In 2017, he held a solo calligraphy exhibition, and his works and theories were scattered in professional journals such as "Calligraphy", "Calligraphy Newspaper", "Calligraphy Herald", "China Calligraphy Newspaper", "Calligraphy Magazine" and so on.

Zhao Zhen: Cursive writing is the biggest subject of life Zhao Zhen: Cursive is the biggest subject of life

Exhibits (Awards):

The 7th Chinese Calligraphy Lanting Award

The 12th National Exhibition of Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Works

The 5th National Exhibition of Youth Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Works

The 8th National Exhibition of Calligraphy Works of the Yanglian Federation

The 3rd National Album Calligraphy Exhibition

The 2nd National Exhibition of Calligraphy Works of College Students

The top 100 in the 2019 Chinese Calligraphy Annual Exhibition National Calligraphy Works Exhibition

Top 55 of the 2020 Book Saint Hometown China Linyi Linshu Conference

2020 Chinese Calligraphy Annual Exhibition National Calligraphy Works Exhibition

2021 Chinese Calligraphy Annual Exhibition National Cursive Works Exhibition

Zhao Zhen: Cursive writing is the biggest subject of life Zhao Zhen: Cursive is the biggest subject of life

Awards/Invites (Partial):

The 5th Jiangsu Wenhua Award Calligraphy Award (Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism)

Jiangsu Provincial Mass Literature and Art Government Award· The 14th Jiangsu Province "Five-Star Project Award" (Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism)

The 3rd Jiangsu Literature and Art Award, Jiangsu Calligraphy Award (Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Literature and Art)

Jiangsu Provincial Book Court Academic Nomination Exhibition for Young and Middle-Aged Calligraphers· Top 5 in overall evaluation (Jiangsu Provincial Book Court)

The 5th National "Four Hall Cup" Calligraphy Exhibition (Chinese Character Museum)

Zhao Zhen: Cursive writing is the biggest subject of life Zhao Zhen: Cursive is the biggest subject of life
Zhao Zhen: Cursive writing is the biggest subject of life Zhao Zhen: Cursive is the biggest subject of life

"I had a soft spot for cursive writing in high school, its lines, sometimes passionate, sometimes simple and quiet; its ink, either thick or faint, or dry. Although I didn't start studying at that time, I had quietly planted the ideal of cursive writing in my heart..." Zhao Zhen recalled.

In Zhao Zhen's understanding, a good cursive work should be wild and uninhibited without losing its legality and precision, and it should also contain elegance and spontaneity in its tranquility. In the world of cursive, different atmospheres create different styles and languages, or agitation, or calm, or intense, or rustic, or dashing... The high level of breath comes from the precision of pen and ink and the subtlety of cloth and white, and the high-level cursive works are by no means simple technical accumulation, but in the concept of cursive taking methods and the charm of writing. "This is also the difficulty of writing cursive, if a cursive work does not have the author's own personality expression and emotional expression, it is just a pile of techniques, there is no vitality to speak of." Zhao Zhen said.

Zhao Zhen said that cursive writing will be the biggest topic and ideal in his life. "Mr. Li Keyan once said, 'Fight with the greatest strength and fight out with the greatest courage.'" I think that learning the classics and technical tempering should also accompany a lifetime. ”

Speed news reporter Zhou Ni

Compiled by Li Saisai

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