
School started, a letter from the Shanwei Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention to parents

School started, a letter from the Shanwei Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention to parents

Dear Parents,

The opening season has arrived, during the Spring Festival, the activities of teachers and students are wider, there are more contacts, the crowd gathering is high after returning to school, and the close contact is frequent, once individual teachers and students have infectious diseases, it is easy to cause transmission and epidemic, making the opening season easy to become a "sick season". In order to prevent infectious diseases on campus and protect children's health, the Shanwei Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention reminds you to do the following:


School started, a letter from the Shanwei Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention to parents
School started, a letter from the Shanwei Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention to parents
School started, a letter from the Shanwei Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention to parents


Pay attention to the official release, personal health code status and mobile phone SMS reminders, if family members have been to areas at risk of the new crown pneumonia epidemic or have intersected or overlapped with the activity trajectory of the reported new crown pneumonia cases, they must report to the school and the community in a timely manner and cooperate with the local epidemic prevention and control measures.


Prepare your child with adequate PPE, such as masks, tissues, hand sanitizer, etc.


Recently, the temperature has changed greatly, so add or subtract clothes for your child at the right time to avoid colds.


Eat three meals a day regularly, and supplement nutrition appropriately. Teach your child not to share cutlery, cups, and food with others.


Adjust the child's work and rest time, do a good job of window ventilation in the living room, it is recommended to ventilate at least 3 times a day, at least 30 minutes each time.


When returning to school by public transport, urge your child to wear a mask throughout the process and try to avoid direct contact with public objects.


Take the initiative to take eligible children to be vaccinated against the new crown virus, and carry out "missing and re-vaccination" vaccines in routine immunization programmes.

In addition, parents should take the initiative to understand the knowledge of the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, popularize personal protection skills to their children, lead by example, help and drive children to develop good hygiene and health habits, and do their own protection!

Finally, the Shanwei Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention wishes the children good health and academic progress!

Shanwei Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention

February 19, 2022

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