
In the era of artificial intelligence, how to upgrade children's thinking?

What will the world of the future look like?

The average person may have only one vague concept:

There is about a lot of high technology, full of intelligence.

Elementary school students' science fiction enlightenment should have a temperature,

When the imagination is racing, spread love and sunshine.

Children will usher in an era of artificial intelligence dominated by creativity and imagination, and the emergence of high-tech products. What can parents help their children prepare at this time?

In the era of artificial intelligence, how to upgrade children's thinking?

Recommended reading is the recently published by Yilin Publishing House", "Planet Golch", which is a set of imaginative, gripping plot, but also full of humor science fiction enlightenment, I hope that children who read this book can re-understand aliens and the universe, and build their own cosmology.

In the era of artificial intelligence, how to upgrade children's thinking?

Children's science fiction writer Yang Peng commented on the book: "The plot concept of "Planet Golch" is very unique. The depiction of aliens in the book satisfies the child's imagination. The high-tech equipment and advanced technology mastered by the aliens are impressive and will surely stimulate children's interest in learning science. ”

In the era of artificial intelligence, how to upgrade children's thinking?

Write about Earthlings from the perspective of a small alien

"Planet Golch" is a set of science fiction novels about small aliens traveling and adventures on Earth. There are three volumes. The novel writes about earthlings from the perspective of the little alien Gustav Golch, allowing children to reflect on their own concepts and behaviors. Alien advanced civilizations and developed technology also stimulate children's imagination and arouse their interest in learning science.

In the era of artificial intelligence, how to upgrade children's thinking?

It's new and fun, and it makes your child can't stop reading

The Planet of Golch series is a set of introductory science fiction novels for elementary school students, which can satisfy their curiosity, stimulate their imagination, and make them have their initial yearning and love for science fiction.

Children's imaginations are strongest in elementary school, so the novel and interesting settings in the book have a huge appeal to them.

In the era of artificial intelligence, how to upgrade children's thinking?

Children's reading promoter and writer Yue Ran said: "'Planet Of Golch' has a different path, writing about earthlings from the perspective of the little alien Gustav Golch (in their view, we earthlings are also strange), so that readers will be refreshed." ”

For example, the language order of the planet Golch is the opposite of the language of the earth, and it needs to be read from the back to the front, and many foreign parents reflect that reading the Golchi language backwards makes the child addicted. In addition, the depiction of opening the alien's brain cover to enter information is also full of childlike fun and fantasy.

In the era of artificial intelligence, how to upgrade children's thinking?

Full of sense of science and technology, cultivate children's ability to innovate in science and technology

Science fiction can't just be fantasy. On the basis of imagination, the author adds a lot of technologies that can be realized in the near future with the development of science and technology, and passes on the idea of "technology changes life" to children.

For example, Gus Jr. let the new robot repair the damaged car as before, and so on. Making good use of technology can greatly facilitate our lives. By rooting this idea in children's hearts from an early age, we may be able to train future scientists.

In the era of artificial intelligence, how to upgrade children's thinking?

Inspire children to think independently and reflect on the "backward" behavior of human beings

When He first arrived on Earth, The Younger encountered a series of difficulties, but he used technology again and again to turn dangers into disasters, and the kind Earthlings repeatedly reached out to him. Little Gus gradually changed his view of the earth and found that this "backward" planet also had unique cuteness. Earthlings love good food and like to do things that don't make sense to aliens.

In the process of getting along with the earthlings, Little Gus found that these "meaningless things" were the enjoyment of life. But these actions sometimes cause all kinds of troubles, and gustav needs to show the calm and rationality of the Golchi people. When he encounters problems, he can always use an objective attitude to study and solve them.

In the era of artificial intelligence, how to upgrade children's thinking?

In addition, Little Gus's view of the earthlings is also worth everyone's consideration, and children can try to reflect on human beings themselves from the perspective of bystanders. In the story, the aliens find some things that earthlings are accustomed to be strange, such as taking money very seriously, staring at the screen of a mobile phone for hours, and so on. Such questioning and thinking can play some educational role and help children develop the habit of independent thinking.

In the era of artificial intelligence, how to upgrade children's thinking?

Humor is a catalyst for children's reading

In addition to the story can expand children's thinking, this set of books is humorous and funny, which can make children easily read. The witty narration of the little aliens complements the brightly colored, childlike illustrations. The author draws the appearance of the Golchi people that cannot be described by language- a little resemblance to the earthlings, but not so much, and wears a variety of high-tech equipment, which immediately arouses the curiosity of children.

In the era of artificial intelligence, how to upgrade children's thinking?

As a set of children's books, vivid and interesting illustrations are essential. All the illustrations in this set of books are drawn by the author Ehat Dieter, these illustrations adhere to the humorous and witty language style of Ehat Dieter, the pictures are also extremely interesting, bold imagination, bright colors, and relaxed pictures attract the attention of young readers, which is really not to be missed.

In the era of artificial intelligence, how to upgrade children's thinking?

Renowned German children's book author and illustrator winner of the Austrian Literary Prize, Ehalt Dieter

Ehat Dieter has published more than a hundred children's books, and he is a household name not only in Germany, but also worldwide, winning numerous awards such as the Austrian Youth Book Award.

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Wu Bo

Photo/ Guangzhou Daily, Xinhuacheng reporter: Wu Bo

Video/Guangzhou Daily Xinhuacheng Reporter: Wu Bo

Correspondent: Luo Yingjie

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Dai Yujing

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