
Mother and heaven and earth, where man comes from


The ease of mother and child

Mankind has come from the beginning, gone through vicissitudes and calamities, and has gone through a thousand turns, there is suffering, there is happiness, there is the extinction of all the people, and there is fire and wolf smoke. A thousand years of time is like a moment, and the ten thousand years of time is nothing more than the babbling of water. And no matter how human beings evolve, if they do not completely solve the original trauma, human beings must be human beings.

This primordial trauma is the separation of mother and baby. As we all know, the fetus is conceived in the mother's body, and the umbilical cord shares nutrition with the mother, and coexists symbiotically. If pregnant women do not pay attention during pregnancy, such as still smoking and alcohol, life erosion, or jumping excessively, there will be a high probability of fetal deformity, and even death. At this time, the time of the fetus in the mother's body is an important concept in psychoanalytic theory: the unity of mother and child.

Mother and heaven and earth, where man comes from

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One wins, one loses. Between the pregnant woman and the fetus, the heart is imprinted and the heart is in solidarity. Pregnant women are protective and restrained to the fetus. The fetus is in the mother's body, passively absorbing nourishment and has no right to choose. What the mother ingests, the fetus shares. The development of the fetus is not determined by the fetus, but by the mother. The mother is unable to directly manipulate the fetus and even accepts the pain caused by the movement of the fetus. The key to the unity of mother and child lies in this umbilical cord that shares resources. For the fetus, the mother is the body that is external to its own body, and the fetus cannot know the form and appearance of the mother who is external to its own body, nor can it understand the meaning of the mother's existence to itself. The fetus, however, is instinctively driven to absorb nutrients that belong to the mother.

The unity of mother and child is a concept of harmonious symbiosis. The mother shares her gains with the fetus with boundless devotion. The fetus, on the other hand, can thrive without moving. However, this situation was soon destroyed. The process is childbirth. It is impossible for a fetus to stay in the mother's belly all the time. Nor is it possible for a mother to share the resources she depends on unconditionally. There is an upper limit in the spatial sense of the mother's body, so childbirth is inevitable.

Broken fantasies

When a fetus falls to the ground, when the umbilical cord is cut in two, then it becomes a baby. At this point, the mechanism of continuous creation and development is basically suspended, and the baby will no longer grow new organs. The remaining core growth plan is to complete the growth and development of the organs that have been created. There is no longer a bond that can be supplied unconditionally, absorbed without reservation, and can be obtained for free, and the baby needs to face all the unknowns in front of him independently.

This process involves separation, as well as a strong sense of loneliness. What was once one, what is now a different body. Even if the mother loves the feeling of conceiving in her arms, she cannot leave the fetus in the body and let it grow. If the fetus has a complete sense of subjectivity, even if it covets the comfort of unearned gain, it cannot continue to stay in the mother's body. This primordial separation is inevitable. If the subjects are to gain independence, they must be separated.

Mother and heaven and earth, where man comes from

Today, we know that during the october pregnancy process, the growth of the fetus is the process of the fertilized egg creating organs according to the DNA blueprint to gradually form a human individual. Primitive humans have no technology to rely on, and can only rely on imagination to explain phenomena.

Although primitive humans did not have a complete system of symbols, they still had a subject. This subject is hidden in the cognition of primitive humans. Primitive human beings did not understand the definition of subject, but it was enough to fulfill the mission of subject. The mission is that the subject exists independently of the other. This is enough to make primitive human individuals understand that they are individuals in the group, even without words, they can understand "I am me, you are you, he is him." "I'm hungry, I'm full, I'm sleepy" These basic feelings of self-perception are also able to appear. Humanity then understood "I am me."


But if "I am me," how did this whole, or tribe, come about? This is one of the classic three questions in the history of philosophy, "Where did I come from?" And this question involves the origin of mankind, and to this day, there are still creationism and evolutionary swords. Even modern people can not clear the problem, thrown to the backward means of production, low productivity of primitive human beings to think, then will only bring deeper chaos.

Human nature cannot tolerate chaos. That is why order is born out of chaos. Science can also be slowly summed up from countless seemingly chaotic laws. Primitive human beings began to gradually form some kind of inner order, began to form their own habits above instinct. Thunder pierced the sky, ignited the grass and trees, and brought fire to mankind, who accidentally tasted cooked food. After that, the fire is made and it is bound to the diet. Thus, this external habit forms the order between the collectives and then internalizes them into the minds of each individual in the collective. As this situation of regularizing the chaos in the scattered things continues to occur, so does the individualized collective order. The original collective gradually shed the category of merely a collection of individuals, but more conservatively became the order itself.

Mother and heaven and earth, where man comes from

The entire human race is seen as having a representative presence. This being is the creator of the origin of all order. Primitive human beings, because of the limitations of their cognition, named this existence the transcendent force, which also refers to the power that is far superior to that of human beings, the order above the order. This existence is heaven and earth. In the imaginary world of primitive mankind, heaven and earth selflessly offered meat, fish, melons and fruits to satisfy, and selflessly sacrificed caves to live in, just as great as mothers.

But the earth is more docile than the heavens, and does not resent and punish for human activity. (Earthquakes are much less frequent than other weather disasters) So the earth is more like a mother who gives birth to everything. Thunderstorms and hurricanes, snow and rain, these weather disasters often rob primitive human life in outbreaks, so the sky is more symbolic of strength. As an idea, a transcendent force, heaven and earth have both "gestation" and "deprivation", and they are naturally regarded as an origin.

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