
Li Zicheng was indulging in the reverie of the "Qin Emperor Han Wu", when suddenly a series of "squeaky" air crisp sounds came from behind Li Er, so he said angrily and amusedly:

author:Red Wall Says History

Li Zicheng was indulging in the reverie of the "Qin Emperor Han Wu", and suddenly a series of "squeaky" air crisp sounds came from behind Li Er, so he said angrily and amusingly: "Baby, I said ErWazi, why can't you close your ass eyes?" Li Er didn't know whether the Grand Marshal was talking to himself or to himself, so he didn't know whether to answer well or not, he just wanted to think about it well, but he really didn't think about it, he let go of two farts in a row.

"Please forgive the marshal, the little one has a bad stomach these days."

As he spoke, he quickly knelt on the ground in front of the case, but in his mind he was thinking: Don't you just let go of two farts, make a big fuss, when you yourself summoned the ministers of culture and military affairs in the main hall a few days ago to discuss the major affairs of the military state, didn't you also fart in public? Besides, your fart sound is much louder than mine, so you yourself have said "happy" and "happy" twice in a row!"

"Hey, I said erwazi, do you really don't know or fake don't know, fart is not smooth?" You know, you have to be smooth to fart!" At this time, Li Zicheng made a move of his hand and continued: "Okay, well, get up, fart is good, fart is good, not fart is not good." Besides, farting is human nature, you fart, Marshal Ben farts, then Chongzhen old man will also fart!" He paused and said, "Do you see Marshal Ben's words correct?"

"Back to the words of the Grand Marshal, the small..." Li Er was about to say the words, but Li Zicheng suddenly forked his words.

"Don't say that fart thing, what does it mean." I said, Second Child, do you think Marshal Ben can get this world?"

When Li Eryi heard it, he immediately felt sincerely afraid, thinking, this is not a good answer, it is not good, but there is a disaster of killing, but then think, anyway, pick up a good saying, there will always be no mistake.

Therefore, he subconsciously cleared his throat, and then said: "Back to the words of the Grand Marshal, the little one reads less poetry and books, and the world society knows very little, but the small one thinks that the Great Marshal has immeasurable merit and loves the people like a son, not to mention, the Great Marshal was born with a wide circle of heaven and earth, full of imperial qi, and was born to be an emperor?" Besides, I heard that Zhu Yuanzhang was not a cowherd baby and a debuting monk before, and didn't he later become the emperor who founded the Ming Dynasty?"

When Li Zicheng heard the words of this confidant, he immediately looked happy, so he actually laughed and said, "Haha, haha, why don't you read poetry books less, you can listen to your mouth full of people, maybe, you baby is still a face-to-face Mr. Li!"

At this time, Li Zicheng suddenly remembered something, and his face turned into anger all over his face, only to hear him say with a serious look: "Erwazi, aren't you mocking Marshal Ben?" Originally, when he thought that Zhu Yuanzhang was originally a cattle herder and a monk, he suddenly thought of his background of herding sheep and pawns for others.

Li Er suddenly fell to his knees like chaff all over his body.

"The Great Marshal forgives sins, the Great Marshal forgives sins, the small sins deserve death, the small sins...!"

Just at this moment, the door of the study was pushed open, and the green monkey walked in with a big swing unconsciously, and he didn't seem to see Li Er kneeling in front of the case, but he just hurriedly said to Li Zicheng: "Marshal, Zhang Nai, the governor of the escort army, said that there was an important matter to report." ”

After speaking, the green monkey retreated to the side of the case. Soon after he and Sun Xijun and his master Li Liangchen were surrendered by Li Zicheng, Sun Xijun and Li Liangchen became Li Zicheng's bodyguards, and he was even more small and clever, and he became his bodyguard.

Li Zicheng had already resumed his usual serious demeanor, so he sat up straight and said to the green monkey, "Don't you want to pass it on?" At this time, he suddenly realized something and said to Li Er, "I said Erwazi, what are you still doing on your knees?"

After a while, Zhang Nai strode into the study.

"Grand Marshal Qi, General Li Guo, and General Li Guo have reported that the Yansui area has been cleared, and that the two projects of Sanfengzi and Ma'anshan have been completed, so please ask the marshal to go north on the same day so that he can march to Yulin as soon as possible." As soon as he finished speaking, he handed over the report sent back by Li Guofei.

Li Zicheng listened to Zhang Nai's words, and then turned over the report handed over, and was suddenly overjoyed, and even stood up suddenly, holding his chest up while saying:

"Very good, very good, the nephew lives up to the expectations of the people, and the commander will surely reward him." Then, he said to Qing Monkey Er and Li Er:

"Quickly summon Niu, Song, Li, and Gu Sijun and the second generals Yu Bin and Luo Hu to the main hall of the palace to discuss matters."

Li Zicheng was indulging in the reverie of the "Qin Emperor Han Wu", when suddenly a series of "squeaky" air crisp sounds came from behind Li Er, so he said angrily and amusedly:
Li Zicheng was indulging in the reverie of the "Qin Emperor Han Wu", when suddenly a series of "squeaky" air crisp sounds came from behind Li Er, so he said angrily and amusedly:
Li Zicheng was indulging in the reverie of the "Qin Emperor Han Wu", when suddenly a series of "squeaky" air crisp sounds came from behind Li Er, so he said angrily and amusedly:

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